Gennadii Krasilnikov
Krasil’nikov, Gennadii Dmitrievich
Born July 7, 1928, in the village of Alnashi, Udmurt ASSR; died Apr. 11, 1975. Soviet Udmurt writer. Member of the CPSU since 1972.
Krasil’nikov graduated from the M. Gorky Institute of Literature in 1957. He was the author of the collections of stories An Ordinary Day (1953), Stories (1955), A Good Name (1961), and The Beginning of the Year (1967). He also wrote the novella Will Remain With You (1960; Russian translation, 1961) and the novel The Beginning of the Year (1965). His novella The Old House (1956; Russian translation, 1959) and his novel Barren Flower (1962) share a common protagonist and together comprise the novel Oleksan Kabyshev (Russian edition, 1964). Krasil’nikov’s works are devoted to contemporary life and to the spiritual growth of man. In 1963, KrasiPnikov became the chairman of the Writers’ Union of the Udmurt ASSR. He was awarded two orders and a number of medals.
Bogomolova, Z. A. O tvorchestve Gennadiia Krasil’nikova. Izhevsk,1962.
Pisateli Udmurtii: Biobibliografich. spravochnik, Izhevsk, 1963.