释义 |
gono-(word root) reproduction (sexual)Examples of words with the root gono-: gonophoregono- or gon-pref. Sexual; reproductive: gonophore. [Greek, from gonos, seed, procreation; see genə- in Indo-European roots.]gono- or before a vowel gon-combining form (Biology) sexual or reproductive: gonorrhoea. [New Latin, from Greek gonos seed]gono- a combining form meaning “reproductive organ,” “act of reproduction”: gonophore. [< Greek, comb. form of gónos, gonḗ seed, generation; akin to Latin genus, Skt janas] gono-enUK
gono-, gon- [L. fr. Gr. gonos, genitals, procreation, offspring] Prefixes meaning generation, genitals, offspring, semen.gon- or gono- prefix denoting seed. |