

 [go´nah-dukt] the duct of a gonad" >gonad; a fallopian tube" >fallopian tube or seminal duct.

sem·i·nal duct

any one of the ducts conveying semen from the epididymis to the urethra, ductus deferens, or ejaculatory duct. Synonym(s): gonaduct (1)


(1) Seminal duct; ductus excretorius vesicula seminalis [NA6].
(2) Fallopian tube; tuba uterina [NA6].

sem·i·nal duct

(sem'i-năl dŭkt) Any of the ducts conveying semen from the epididymis to the urethra, ductus deferens, or ejaculatory duct.
Synonym(s): gonaduct (1) .

u·ter·ine tube

(yū'tĕr-in tūb) [TA] One of the tubes leading on either side from the upper or outer extremity of the ovary, which is largely enveloped by its expanded infundibulum, to the fundus of the uterus; it consists of infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus, and uterine parts.
Synonym(s): salpinx (1) [TA] , fallopian tube, gonaduct (2) , oviduct.