Acronym | Definition |
GECC➣General Education Core Curriculum |
GECC➣General Electric Credit Corporation |
GECC➣Group Enabled Cluster Compiler |
GECC➣Gas and Electricity Consumer Council |
GECC➣Group Ethics and Compliance Committee (Smith & Nephew) |
GECC➣Glen Ellyn Children's Chorus (Glen Ellyn, Illinois) |
GECC➣Geelong Ethnic Communities Council |
GECC➣General Education Coordinating Committee |
GECC➣German Energy Center & College (China) |
GECC➣Greater Elizabeth Chamber of Commerce |
GECC➣Glenville Environmental Conservation Commission |
GECC➣General Engineering and Contracting Company |
GECC➣General Education Communication Courses |
GECC➣Gowanos Expressway Community Coaltion |