Garrido y Tortosa, Fernando

Garrido y Tortosa, Fernando


Born 1821, in Cartagena; died 1883, in Cordova. Spanish Utopian socialist, republican, and political figure.

Garrido y Tortosa was persecuted by the authorities and spent much of his life in emigration. As a deputy to the Cortes during the Spanish Revolution of 1868-74 he took a vigorous stand in 1871 against the proposed ban on the Spanish section of the First International. He consïdered consumer and credit cooperatives the embryo of a just economic system of the future, advocated the peaceful evolution of society through reform, and favored a federal republic in Spain. Garrido y Tortosa wrote studies on the history of 19th-century Spain.


L’Espagne contemporaine, ses progrès moraux et matériels au XIXe siècle. Brussels-Leipzig, 1862.
Historia de las clases trabajadores.… Madrid, 1870.