Acronym | Definition |
GMA➣Graphics Media Accelerator |
GMA➣Good Morning America (ABC morning program) |
GMA➣Grocery Manufacturers Association |
GMA➣Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (Philippine president) |
GMA➣Gospel Music Association |
GMA➣Grocery Manufacturers of America |
GMA➣Growth Management Act |
GMA➣Golden Myanmar Airlines (est. 2012) |
GMA➣Georgia Municipal Association |
GMA➣Good Morning Antipolo (Philippines) |
GMA➣Grid Monitoring Architecture |
GMA➣Generate Machine Address |
GMA➣Gas Metal Arc |
GMA➣Gulf of Maine Aquarium |
GMA➣General Morphological Analysis |
GMA➣Gwynedd Mercy Academy (Pennsylvania) |
GMA➣Gesellschaft für Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik |
GMA➣General Mental Ability |
GMA➣Ghana Medical Association |
GMA➣Greater Manila Area (Philippines) |
GMA➣Guerrilla Marketing Association |
GMA➣Glioblastoma Multiforme |
GMA➣General Mariano Alvarez (Philippines) |
GMA➣General Merchandise and Apparel (retail) |
GMA➣Greater Metropolitan Area |
GMA➣Global Microentrepreneurship Awards |
GMA➣Global Medical Affairs |
GMA➣General Michel Aoun (Lebanese political figure) |
GMA➣Grandmasters Association (chess; now defunct) |
GMA➣Global Maritime Awareness (US DoD) |
GMA➣Grundlagen Methodischen Arbeitens |
GMA➣Graphic Management Associates, Inc. (Pennsylvania) |
GMA➣General Motors Automotive |
GMA➣Genetically Modified Animal |
GMA➣Global Media Arts (Philippines) |
GMA➣Gas Management Assembly |
GMA➣General Maintenance Agreement(s) |
GMA➣Gross Margin Analysis |
GMA➣Grid Magnetic Angle |
GMA➣Gulf of Mexico Alliance |
GMA➣Garment Manufacturers Association (South Africa) |
GMA➣Government Managers Association (Canada) |
GMA➣Girls Missionary Auxiliary |
GMA➣GRACIE Magazine Association |
GMA➣Gross Margin Accounting |
GMA➣Guided Missile Ammunition |
GMA➣Gay Men of America |
GMA➣Grand Master Archer |
GMA➣Guyer Management Assistance, Inc (Littleton, CO) |
GMA➣Global Maritime Alliance (Northern Ireland, UK) |