Acronym | Definition |
FRW➣Fondation Rurale de Wallonie (Belgium) |
FRW➣Fire Warning |
FRW➣Friction Welding |
FRW➣Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen (Netherlands) |
FRW➣Freedom Requires Wings |
FRW➣Francia Rework (Italy) |
FRW➣Freihofer's Run for Women |
FRW➣Financial Report Writer |
FRW➣Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Metric (an exact solution of Einstein's field theory of relativity) |
FRW➣Faster Run/Walk (Diablo game) |
FRW➣Friedman Robertson Walker (metric in general relativity) |
FRW➣Future Ready Workspace |
FRW➣Friends of the Rouge Watershed (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) |
FRW➣Federated Republican Women |
FRW➣Florida Romance Writers |
FRW➣Fitzroy River Water (Australia) |
FRW➣Free Replacement Warranty |
FRW➣Fine and Rare Wines, Ltd. |
FRW➣Free Repair Warranty |
FRW➣Fences and Retaining Walls |
FRW➣Flucht- und Rettungswege |
FRW➣Foreign Resident Withholding (Australia) |
FRW➣Florence Red Wolves |
FRW➣Federal Register Watch |
FRW➣Faith River Worship (band) |
FRW➣Freewheel Removal Wrench |
FRW➣Fundusz Regionu Walbrzyskiego (Poland) |
FRW➣Focused Radiation Welding |