

单词 one


/wʌn /
cardinal number
1The lowest cardinal number; half of two; 1: there’s only room for one person two could live as cheaply as one one hundred miles a one-bedroom flat (Roman numeral: i, I) We need families to open their hearts and to accept a child into the warmth of their family life for one month a year....
  • We had to wait in line for one hour, and it was another hour before we got our food.
  • The garden is enclosed with shrubs and has parking room for one car at the rear.
1.1A single person or thing: they would straggle home in ones and twos...
  • Organising on the job was difficult as it involved chasing up members in ones and twos and having to go back to the job if a member was off sick.
  • You may bid by ones until you reach 60; bids above 60 must be multiples of 5 (65, 70, 75 etc.).
  • Many of us tend to buy products in just ones or twos.


a single, a solitary, a sole, a lone
1.2Just one as opposed to any more or to none at all; single (used for emphasis): her one concern is to save her daughter...
  • More of the speakers admit openly that drug smuggling was their one chance at something better.
  • But now she is heading back to Oz and we met up for one last lunch to say our goodbyes.
  • But in the end he lacked the sagacity or the low cunning to do the one thing necessary.
1.3Denoting a particular item of a pair or number of items: electronics is one of his hobbies a glass tube closed at one end...
  • It is also not possible for one spouse to sell the marital home from underneath the other.
  • One city in Alaska has 17 different air carriers.
  • The money was spent on posters for one of the wards and pain-relieving equipment.
1.4Denoting a particular but unspecified occasion or period: one afternoon in late October...
  • It may even be possible that there were at one time plans for a spire, probably of timber.
  • I woke up early one morning, feeling quite sick.
  • He looked pale and yawned several times, at one point cradling his head in his hands.


some, any, a certain
1.5Used before a name to denote a person who is not known to the reader or hearer; a certain: he worked as a clerk for one Mr Ming...
  • The first car to be registered in York belonged to one Mr Edwin Gray of Gray's Court, York.
  • The drama follows the efforts of one Mrs Bennet to marry off her three daughters without any regard for the matter of true love in any such alliances.
  • The hotel has a new man at the helm in the kitchens, one John Hogg from Scotland.
1.6 informal, chiefly North American A noteworthy example of (used for emphasis): the actor was one smart-mouthed troublemaker he was one hell of a snappy dresser...
  • As it is, well, they're one hell of a cult band.
  • She's one amazing gal.
  • It's gonna be one big party!
1.7One year old.I want to talk to my little girl who is going to be one today.
1.8One o’clock: I’ll be there at one...
  • I started the work at half ten on Sunday night and finished at one on Monday morning.
  • By one in the morning everything was quiet again and we went back to bed.
  • At half past one on a weekday the restaurant was less than half full.
1.9A size of garment or other merchandise denoted by one.Candy dragged me into a shop, where she began sifting through a pile of skirts to find her size (a size one)....
  • She wasn't the tall skinny size one or the average size five that so many other girls on T.V. are.
1.10A domino or dice with one spot.It was a curious remark to make for one who dreamed of emulating Alexander the Great.
2The same; identical: all types of training meet one common standard...
  • Suddenly these bacteria started swimming all in one direction across the microscope slide and he wondered what they were responding to.
  • I don't think I've ever seen so many golf buggies parked together in one place in my life!
  • Next year all goods will be taxed at the one rate of 15 percent.
3 informal A joke or story: the one about the Englishman, the Irishman, and the Yank...
  • And did you hear about the one about the drunk bear, walked into a bar?
  • Ah, Jesus, that's a good one. Is it joking you are?
4 informal An alcoholic drink: a cool one after a day on the water...
  • ‘Hey Terry, you only just got here and you've already had one too many’ he said, placing our drinks on a bench.
  • I'm off to the bar for a quick one.
  • I'll be in the bar at 12.30 if anyone fancies one.
5West Indian Alone: the time when you one tackled a field of cane and finished before the others had even started...
  • You think only Bella one can go to America.
  • Anansi wanted the pig to eat an' he wanted to eat him one.
A use recorded in Old English, becoming obsolete in standard use in the mid 16th century
1Referring to a person or thing previously mentioned or easily identified: her mood changed from one of moroseness to one of joy her best apron, the white one do you want one?...
  • I still have a jersey from 1995 but it's not that white anymore and it was time to get a new one.
  • The men all had Irish accents and one was referred to Jon Jon.
  • She knew she had the face of a teenager, and always hated being referred to as one.
2A person of a specified kind: you’re the one who ruined her life my friends and loved ones...
  • One feels for police who have to inform families that one of their loved ones has just been killed.
  • He's not one for making a fuss.
  • She's the one who broke all my equipment.
2.1A person who is remarkable in some way: you never saw such a one for figures...
  • Your photo of Susan Brookes of whom very few have heard, proclaimed her to be such a one.
  • Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.
  • Oh you are a one - you've got me talking about my body already, and we hardly know each other!
3 [third person singular] Used to refer to the speaker, or any person, as representing people in general: one must admire him for his willingness one gets the impression that he is ahead...
  • It is in the context of such fears that choosing the sex of one's children must seem tempting.
  • What is one to make, for example, of the way he is said to have behaved?
  • Was this before, or after an encounter with Mr Knight, one is compelled to ask?


In modern English the use of one as a pronoun to mean ‘anyone’ or ‘me and people in general’, as in one must try one’s best, is generally restricted to formal contexts, outside which it is likely to be regarded as rather pompous or old-fashioned. In informal and spoken contexts the normal alternative is you, as in you have to do what you can, don’t you?.


at one

for one

get it in one

have one over the eight

one after another (or the other)

one and all

one and only

one by one

one day

one for one

one of a kind

one or another (or the other)

one or two

one thing and another

the one


Old English ān, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch een and German ein, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin unus. The initial w sound developed before the 15th century and was occasionally represented in the spelling; it was not accepted into standard English until the late 17th century.

  • Like the other main number words, one goes back to Old English. It shares an ancient root with Latin unus, and so is linked with such words as unique (early 17th century), unity (Middle English), and unison (Late Middle English). The one that got away is a term for something desirable that has eluded capture. The phrase comes from the angler's traditional way of trying to impress by boasting ‘You should have seen the one that got away’. A one-horse town is a small town with hardly any facilities, particularly in the USA. Such towns are associated with the Wild West, and the term is first recorded in a US magazine of 1855. The previous year, though, there is a record of a specific place of that name: ‘The principal mining localities are…Whiskey Creek, One Horse Town, One Mule Town, Clear Creek [etc.].’ Also American is the one-trick pony, a person with only one talent or area of expertise. This goes back to the days of travelling circuses in the early 20th century. It would be a poor circus whose pony had only one trick. Once and future refers to someone or something that is eternal, enduring, or constant. It probably comes from T. H. White's The Once and Future King (1958), a series of novels about King Arthur. In White's story the enchanter Merlyn says to Arthur: ‘Do you know what is going to be written on your tombstone? Hic jacet Arthurus Rex quondam Rexque futurus. Do you remember your Latin? It means, the once and future king.’ A bad experience can make you wary of the same thing happening again, a feeling which might be summed up concisely with the words once bitten, twice shy. The expression has been around since the late 19th century, although in the USA you might say instead once burned, twice shy.






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