

单词 lop


/lɒp /
verb (lops, lopping, lopped) [with object]
1Cut off (a branch, limb, or twig) from the main body of a tree: they lopped off more branches to save the tree...
  • The inescapable conclusion after reading the book is that we are not just dealing with a few unhealthy branches which can be lopped off restoring the tree to health.
  • Many of the native branches have been lopped off.
  • Big branches and branches only on the side of overhanging wires are lopped off, leaving the tree unbalanced.
1.1Remove branches from (a tree): they had lopped some trees without permission...
  • Several months ago I had to ask the current owner to remove a limb from my rockery and he informed me that Council allow him to lop this tree.
  • SEVERAL 60-year-old trees were lopped at the Park last week, prompting an angry reaction from residents.
  • The problem is not without solution, for if trees are lopped methodically, they can still give a large quantity of fodder, and yet not become weak and scraggy.


cut, chop, hack, saw, hew, slice, pare;
prune, sever, clip, trim, snip, dock, crop, remove, detach, excise
1.2 informal Remove (something regarded as unnecessary or burdensome): the new rail link lops an hour off journey times...
  • This gives me even more incentive to do the swimathon as the training will help lop off a few pounds.
  • Investors no longer persuaded that unprofitable units of a media empire make up for their bottom-line shortcomings by contributing content, will demand the company lop them off.
  • The move was welcomed by industry leaders, while homeowners could see £12 lopped from monthly payments on an average £80,000 mortgage.


remove, cut, slash, axe, take, trim, prune, dock, truncate, eliminate
noun [mass noun]
(also lop and top) Branches and twigs lopped off trees: in many forests they took the lop and top, and in some cases the stump, of trees...
  • The discarded lop and top is a potential source of wood fuel.
  • Since fuelwood is derived largely from small trees, coppice and lop and top, either new uses have to be found for surplus wood from these sources or else it is left standing or lying wasted in the forest.
  • Removal of felling debris (lop and top) for use as a biofuel generally entails a gradual acidification and impoverishment of the soil.


Late Middle English (as a noun): of unknown origin.



/lɒp /
verb (lops, lopping, lopped) [no object] North American or archaic
1Hang loosely or limply; droop: a stomach that lopped over his belt...
  • Sexual attractiveness and overall physical condition aside, do women really think less of a man when they notice he's letting himself lop over his belt?
1.1 [with adverbial of direction] Move in a loping or slouching way: he lopped towards the plane...
  • He lopped towards the passage barely making a sound.
  • The massive white tiger that had been laying on the ground nearby, asleep, was awake now, and lopped towards them, growling softly.
  • The three lopped towards home, not speaking and adoring the imagined danger of summer rain.


Late 16th century: probably symbolic of limpness; compare with lob.





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