

单词 mean

mean1/meen/ adj

not generous; stingy

characterized by petty malice; spiteful or nasty

a mean trick

particularly bad-tempered, unpleasant, or disagreeable

poor and shabby

the meaner quarters of the city

lacking distinction or eminence; merely ordinary

the meanest flower that blows — Wordsworth

no mean feat

dated of low social position; humble

of mean birth

informal excellent or impressive

meanly adj
meanness noun
[Old English gemǣne]

mean2verb trans (past tense and past part. meant /ment/)

to have (something) in mind as a purpose; to intend

I mean to go

She meant no offence

to serve or intend to convey, produce, or indicate (something)

Red means danger

This means war

to intend (something) for a particular use or purpose

These pills are meant to relieve the pain

It isn't meant to relieve pain

(usu + to) to have significance or importance

Her family means a lot to her

The remark meant nothing to me

I mean

used to correct or clarify something just said

Have you got change? For the meter, I mean

mean well

to have good intentions

[Old English mǣnan]


a middle point between extremes

a value that lies within a range of values and is estimated according to a prescribed law; esp an arithmetic mean



occupying a position about midway between extremes; average

the mean temperature

occupying a middle position; intermediate in space, order, time, kind, or degree

[Middle English mene from early French meien from Latin medianus median]




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