

单词 post

post1/pohst/ noun

a piece of timber, metal, etc fixed firmly in an upright position, esp as a stay or support

a pole marking the starting or finishing point of a race, esp a horse race

first past the post

see first3

[Old English, ultimately from Latin postis doorpost, beam]

post2verb trans

(often + up) to fasten (e.g. a notice) to a wall, board, etc in a public place

to publish, announce, or advertise (something) by or as if by use of a placard, poster, etc

to record or achieve (e.g. a score)

post3noun chiefly Brit

chiefly Brit

the letters, parcels, etc handled by a postal system; mail

a single collection or delivery of post

a postal system

information or a message posted on an Internet site

in former times, any of a series of stopping-places along a fixed route where messengers on horseback passed letters, parcels, etc to a fresh rider, or any of the messengers involved in such relays

[early French poste relay station, courier, via Old Italian posta from Latin posita, fem past part. of ponere to place]

post4verb trans

to send (something) by post

to enter (an item) in a ledger

to make entries in (e.g. a ledger)

to make (a message or piece of information) public on the Internet

verb intrans

in former times, to travel with post-horses

archaic to ride or travel with haste; to hurry

keep somebody posted

to provide somebody with news of the latest developments


with great speed; express


the place at which somebody, e.g. a sentry, is stationed

the place at which a body of troops is stationed; a camp

an office or position to which a person is appointed; a job

a duty or task to which a person is assigned

a trading post or settlement

Brit either of two military bugle calls giving notice of the time for retiring at night

[early French poste via Old Italian posto from Latin positum, neuter past part. of ponere to place]

post7verb trans

to station (e.g. a sentry or body of troops) somewhere

Guards were posted at the doors

chiefly Brit to send (somebody) to work in a different unit or location

She was posted to the Tokyo office







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