

单词 scratch

scratch1/skrach/ verb trans

to mark, scrape, or cut the surface of (something) with or on a sharp or jagged object

to make a superficial wound on (somebody or something)

Scratch a lover, and find a foe — Dorothy Parker

to scrape or rub (a body part), esp to relieve itching

to scrape or dig (the ground, etc) with the claws or nails

to write or draw (something) by scoring a surface

He scratched his initials on the desk

to scribble (a note, etc) quickly

to manage to do (something), esp with great difficulty

He scratched a living selling his stories

to cancel or erase (something) with or as if with a line

Please scratch that last remark from the minutes

We'll have to scratch the fixture if any more players drop out

to withdraw or withdraw (an entry) from a competition

to cancel (e.g. a project)

said of a disc jockey: to move (a vinyl record) manually backwards and forwards on a rotating turntable to create rhythmic effects, esp in modern dance music

of a bird or animal: to use the beak or claws, esp to dig around for food

verb intrans

to scrape or rub part of the body, esp to relieve itching

to mark, scrape, or cut a surface with something sharp

She scratched at the blob of paint

said of a bird or animal: to use the beak or claws, esp to dig around for food

to make a grating sound

The cat was scratching at the door

(+ for) to look around for something

He was scratching around for people to invite

to cancel or withdraw from a contest or engagement

scratch the surface

to deal with something inadequately or superficially

These measures don't even scratch the surface of the problem

scratcher noun
[prob a blend of English dialect scrat and cratch, both meaning ‘to scratch’]


a mark or injury produced by scratching

informal a slight wound

an act or sound of scratching

a scrawl or scribble

the starting line in a race for competitors not receiving a handicap

a contestant or team whose name is withdrawn from an event, etc

in billiards, snooker, etc, a lucky shot

= scratching

from scratch

from the very beginning

up to scratch

reaching a satisfactory or adequate standard or level


arranged or put together haphazardly or hastily

a scratch team

made or done by chance and not as intended

a scratch shot

without handicap or allowance

a scratch golfer





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