a rigid container, typically rectangular, having sides, a bottom, and usu a lid
the contents of a box
(the box) chiefly Brit, informal television
a small compartment, e.g. for a group of spectators in a theatre, for transporting a horse, or for housing a public telephone, etc
= penalty box (2)
a square or oblong division or storage compartment
= post office box
a boxlike protective case, e.g. for a bearing in machinery
a shield to protect the genitals, worn esp by batsmen and wicket-keepers in cricket
a square or rectangle containing, or to be filled in with, information, e.g. on a proforma, or on a computer screen
a grid marked out on the road, e.g. at a junction, for guiding traffic
= penalty area
(the box) in baseball, the area occupied by the batter
(also Christmas box) a small gift of money to a tradesman, postman, etc, at Christmas
Brit, informal high on drugs or intoxicated with alcohol
informal to think creatively and imaginatively
Brit, informal to have all that is needed or wanted