adjective OPAL WOPAL S
Idioms - There is one particular patient I'd like you to see.
- Is there a particular type of book he enjoys?
- Each village has its own particular charm.
- In this particular case, the owners were not local but Indian.
- specialized advice tailored to your particular circumstances
Extra Examples- She didn't appreciate his particular brand of humour.
- The motives influencing a particular individual may change from time to time.
- The policy seems to discriminate against particular groups of people.
- We must pay particular attention to this point.
- These documents are of particular interest.
- I went into town for no particular reason.
- The high inflation rates were of particular concern.
Extra Examples- He examined the corpse, paying particular attention to the hands.
- The chemicals pose a particular threat to water quality.
- There were two developments of particular importance.
- Here, in no particular order, is a selection of readers' comments.
- very definite about what you like and careful about what you choose synonym fussy
- She's very particular about her clothes.
Word Originlate Middle English: from Old French particuler, from Latin particularis ‘concerning a small part’, from particula ‘small part’.
in particular
- He loves science fiction in particular.
Language Bank emphasisemphasisHighlighting an important point- This case emphasizes/highlights the importance of honest communication between managers and employees.
- Effective communication skills are essential/crucial/vital.
- It should be noted that this study considers only verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is not dealt with here.
- It is important to remember that/An important point to remember is that non-verbal communication plays a key role in getting your message across.
- Communication is not only about the words you use but also your body language and, especially/above all, the effectiveness with which you listen.
- I would like to draw attention to the role of listening in effective communication.
- Choose your words carefully: in particular, avoid confusing and ambiguous language.
- Finally, and perhaps most importantly, you must learn to listen as well as to speak.
- Peter was lying on the sofa doing nothing in particular.
- Is there anything in particular you'd like for dinner?
- She directed the question at no one in particular.
particular to somebody/something
- belonging to one individual person, place or thing and not others
- cheeses that are particular to this area (= that are made there and nowhere else)