单词 |
@topic_literature-and-writing |
释义 |
- abridgeverb
c2 - abridgedadjective
c2 - abridgementnoun
c2 - acrosticnoun
c2 - adaptverb
b2 - addendumnoun
c2 - advice columnistnoun
c1 - afterwordnoun
c2 - agony auntnoun
c2 - allegoricaladjective
c2 - allegorynoun
c2 - alliterationnoun
c2 - anapaestnoun
c2 - anecdotenoun
b2 - antagonistnoun
c2 - anti-heronoun
c2 - appendixnoun
c1 - arcnoun
c2 - artistic/poetic licenceidiom
c2 - authornoun
a2 - authorverb
b2 - autobiographicaladjective
c1 - autobiographynoun
b2 - backstorynoun
c1 - baddynoun
c2 - bardnoun
c2 - beginningnoun
a1 - believableadjective
b2 - bestsellernoun
b2 - bindingnoun
c2 - biographernoun
c1 - biographynoun
c1 - blank versenoun
c2 - bloggernoun
b1 - blurbnoun
c2 - booknoun
a1 - caesuranoun
c2 - canonicaladjective
c2 - cantonoun
c2 - captionnoun
b2 - chapternoun
b1 - characternoun
a2 - characterizationnoun
c1 - chick litnoun
c2 - chronicleverb
c2 - classicnoun
b2 - co-authorverb
c1 - co-authornoun
c1 - co-authorshipnoun
c2 - codexnoun
c2 - collaboratornoun
c2 - columnnoun
a2 - columnistnoun
c1 - comicadjective
b2 - comic stripnoun
c1 - commentatornoun
c1 - commissionverb
b2 - composeverb
c1 - conceitnoun
c2 - conciseadjective
c1 - conclusionnoun
b1 - cornyadjective
c2 - correspondentnoun
c1 - coupletnoun
c2 - covernoun
b1 - criticnoun
b2 - cyberpunknoun
c2 - dactylnoun
c2 - depictverb
c1 - descriptionnoun
a1 - dialoguenoun
a1 - diaristnoun
c2 - dictateverb
c1 - dime novelnoun
c2 - direct speechnoun
b1 - doggerelnoun
c2 - draftverb
b2 - dramatistnoun
c1 - e-booknoun
b2 - edgyadjective
c2 - editverb
b2 - editionnoun
b2 - editornoun
b1 - elegiac coupletnoun
c2 - elegynoun
c2 - endnoun
a1 - endingnoun
a2 - enjambementnoun
c2 - entrynoun
b1 - epicnoun
c2 - epigramnoun
c2 - epigraphnoun
c2 - epiloguenoun
c2 - episodenoun
b1 - e-readernoun
b2 - erratumnoun
c2 - essayistnoun
c2 - excerptnoun
b1 - fablenoun
c1 - fairy talenoun
b1 - fanzinenoun
c2 - far-fetchedadjective
c2 - fictionnoun
a2 - floweryadjective
c2 - folionoun
c2 - folk talenoun
c1 - footnoun
c2 - footnotenoun
c1 - forewordnoun
c2 - free versenoun
c2 - frontispiecenoun
c2 - gatefoldnoun
c2 - get into printidiom
c1 - ghost storynoun
b1 - ghostwriteverb
c2 - ghostwriternoun
c2 - glossverb
c2 - glossarynoun
b1 - goodienoun
c2 - goodynoun
c2 - graphic novelnoun
c1 - grippingadjective
c1 - hacknoun
c2 - hagiographernoun
c2 - hagiographynoun
c2 - haikunoun
c2 - hardbacknoun
c1 - hardcovernoun
c1 - heart-rendingadjective
c2 - heavyadjective
c1 - heronoun
a2 - heroic coupletnoun
c2 - heroinenoun
a2 - hexameternoun
c2 - highbrowadjective
c2 - historiannoun
b2 - historicaladjective
b1 - horror storynoun
b1 - humoristnoun
c2 - hyperbolenoun
c2 - iambnoun
c2 - iambusnoun
c2 - illustrateverb
b2 - illustratornoun
b2 - imagenoun
b2 - imagerynoun
c1 - indexnoun
b2 - indirect speechnoun
b1 - inscriptionnoun
c2 - inspirationnoun
c1 - inspireverb
b2 - internal rhymenoun
c2 - introductionnoun
a2 - jacketnoun
c1 - journalnoun
b1 - journalistnoun
a2 - laboredadjective
c2 - labouredadjective
c2 - lamentnoun
c2 - lampoonverb
c2 - lampoonnoun
c2 - leafnoun
c1 - leafletnoun
b2 - legendnoun
b2 - leitmotifnoun
c2 - letternoun
a1 - lexicographernoun
c2 - librettistnoun
c2 - lightadjective
b2 - limericknoun
c2 - limited editionnoun
c2 - linenoun
a1 - literaryadjective
b2 - literaturenoun
b1 - love interestnoun
c2 - lowbrowadjective
c2 - luridadjective
c2 - lyricismnoun
c2 - lyricistnoun
c2 - magazinenoun
a1 - magnum opusnoun
c2 - manneredadjective
c2 - man of lettersnoun
c2 - marginnoun
b2 - marginalianoun
c2 - masterpiecenoun
b2 - masterworknoun
c2 - melodramanoun
c2 - messagenoun
b1 - metaphornoun
b2 - metrenoun
c2 - miscellaneanoun
c2 - monographnoun
c2 - monologuenoun
c2 - motifnoun
c2 - movingadjective
b2 - musenoun
c2 - mysterynoun
b1 - mythnoun
b2 - narrationnoun
c1 - narrativenoun
b1 - narratornoun
b2 - naturalisticadjective
c2 - novelnoun
a2 - novelistnoun
b2 - novellanoun
c2 - odenoun
c2 - oeuvrenoun
c2 - originaladjective
b1 - paceyadjective
c2 - pacyadjective
c2 - pagenoun
a1 - page-turnernoun
c2 - pamphletnoun
c1 - pamphleteernoun
c2 - papernoun
a2 - paperbacknoun
c1 - parablenoun
c2 - parodynoun
c2 - parodyverb
c2 - passagenoun
b2 - penverb
c2 - pen namenoun
c2 - pentameternoun
c2 - photonovelnoun
c2 - picaresqueadjective
c2 - pictorialadjective
c2 - playwrightnoun
c1 - plotnoun
b1 - plotverb
b2 - poemnoun
b1 - poetnoun
b1 - poeticadjective
c1 - poeticsnoun
c2 - poetrynoun
b1 - potboilernoun
c2 - pottedadjective
c2 - preamblenoun
c2 - prefacenoun
c2 - printverb
a2 - prolixadjective
c2 - prolixitynoun
c2 - proofreadverb
c1 - proofreadernoun
c1 - prosenoun
c1 - prose poemnoun
c2 - prosodynoun
c2 - protagonistnoun
c2 - psalmnoun
c2 - publicationnoun
b2 - publishverb
a2 - publishernoun
b1 - publishingnoun
b2 - quatrainnoun
c2 - quotationnoun
b1 - quoteverb
b1 - racyadjective
c2 - ramblingadjective
c2 - raunchyadjective
c2 - readableadjective
c1 - realisticadjective
b2 - reportnoun
a1 - reporternoun
a2 - reviewnoun
a2 - reviewverb
a2 - reviewernoun
b1 - rhymenoun
b2 - rhymeverb
b2 - romancenoun
c1 - saganoun
c2 - satirenoun
c2 - satiristnoun
c2 - satirizeverb
c2 - scansionnoun
c2 - science fictionnoun
a2 - sci-finoun
b2 - screenwriternoun
b2 - scribbleverb
c2 - scriptverb
c1 - scriptwriternoun
b2 - self-referentialadjective
c2 - sequelnoun
c1 - set booknoun
b2 - set textnoun
b2 - settingnoun
b1 - short storynoun
a2 - sketchnoun
b2 - songwriternoun
b1 - sonnetnoun
c2 - spinenoun
c2 - spine-chillingadjective
c2 - stanzanoun
c2 - the first personnoun
c1 - the second personnoun
c1 - the third personnoun
c1 - storynoun
a1 - storylinenoun
b2 - storytellernoun
b2 - storytellingnoun
b2 - strip cartoonnoun
c1 - stylenoun
a2 - stylisticadjective
c1 - subject matternoun
b2 - subplotnoun
c2 - subtitlenoun
b2 - superheronoun
b1 - supervillainnoun
c1 - symbolicadjective
c1 - talenoun
b2 - tautadjective
c2 - tensionnoun
b2 - textnoun
a1 - themenoun
b1 - thrillernoun
b1 - titlenoun
a1 - title pagenoun
c1 - tragediannoun
c2 - tragedynoun
b2 - tragicadjective
c1 - trilogynoun
c1 - turgidadjective
c2 - twistnoun
c1 - typesetverb
c2 - typesetternoun
c2 - typesettingnoun
c2 - unputdownableadjective
c2 - unreadableadjective
c2 - versenoun
c1 - versificationnoun
c2 - villainnoun
b2 - vividadjective
b2 - volumenoun
b2 - whodunnitnoun
c2 - wordsmithnoun
c2 - worknoun
a2 - writeverb
a1 - writernoun
a1 - writingnoun
a1 - yarnnoun
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