

单词 percoidean
(extremely rare)

n any of numerous spiny-finned fishes of the order Perciformes
percoid, percoid fish
any of numerous spiny-finned fishes of various families of the order Perciformes
spiny-finned freshwater food and game fishes
either of two small silvery scaleless fishes of the northern Pacific that burrow into sand
elongate compressed somewhat eel-shaped fishes
deep-sea fishes
pearl-fish, pearlfish
found living within the alimentary canals of e.g. sea cucumbers or between the shells of pearl oysters in or near shallow seagrass beds
a kind of percoid fish
any of several elongate long-snouted freshwater game and food fishes widely distributed in cooler parts of the northern hemisphere
centrarchid, sunfish
small carnivorous freshwater percoid fishes of North America usually having a laterally compressed body and metallic luster: crappies; black bass; bluegills; pumpkinseed
nontechnical name for any of numerous edible marine and freshwater spiny-finned fishes
serranid, serranid fish
marine food sport fishes mainly of warm coastal waters
surf fish, surffish, surfperch
small to medium-sized shallow-water fishes of the Pacific coast of North America
red fishes of American coastal tropical waters having very large eyes and rough scales
Priacanthus arenatus, catalufa
brightly colored carnivorous fish of western Atlantic and West Indies waters
small red fishes of coral reefs and inshore tropical waters
Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps, tilefish
yellow-spotted violet food fish of warm deep waters
Pomatomus saltatrix, bluefish
bluish warm-water marine food and game fish that follow schools of small fishes into shallow waters
Rachycentron canadum, cobia, sergeant fish
large dark-striped tropical food and game fish related to remoras; found worldwide in coastal to open waters
carangid, carangid fish
a percoid fish of the family Carangidae
dolphin, dolphinfish, mahimahi
large slender food and game fish widely distributed in warm seas (especially around Hawaii)
blanquillo, tilefish
important marine food fishes
cichlid, cichlid fish
freshwater fishes of tropical America and Africa and Asia similar to American sunfishes; some are food fishes; many small ones are popular in aquariums
any of several large sharp-toothed marine food and sport fishes of the family Lutjanidae of mainly tropical coastal waters
medium-sized tropical marine food fishes that utter grunting sounds when caught
sparid, sparid fish
spiny-finned food fishes of warm waters having well-developed teeth
bream, sea bream
any of numerous marine percoid fishes especially (but not exclusively) of the family Sparidae
sciaenid, sciaenid fish
widely distributed family of carnivorous percoid fishes having a large air bladder used to produce sound
bottom dwelling marine warm water fishes with two barbels on the chin
gray mullet, grey mullet, mullet
freshwater or coastal food fishes a spindle-shaped body; found worldwide
sea chub
schooling fishes mostly of Indian and western Pacific oceans; two species in western Atlantic
Chaetodipterus faber, angelfish, spadefish
deep-bodied disk-shaped food fish of warmer western Atlantic coastal waters
butterfly fish
small usually brilliantly colored tropical marine fishes having narrow deep bodies with large broad fins; found worldwide
damselfish, demoiselle
small brilliantly colored tropical marine fishes of coral reefs
chiefly tropical marine fishes with fleshy lips and powerful teeth; usually brightly colored
parrotfish, polly fish, pollyfish
gaudy tropical fishes with parrotlike beaks formed by fusion of teeth
mullet-like tropical marine fishes having pectoral fins with long threadlike rays
small large-mouthed tropical marine fishes common along sandy bottoms; males brood egg balls in their mouths; popular aquarium fishes
heavy-bodied marine bottom-lurkers with eyes on flattened top of the head
sand stargazer
small pallid fishes of shoal tropical waters of North America and South America having eyes on stalks atop head; they burrow in sand to await prey
blennioid, blennioid fish
elongated mostly scaleless marine fishes with large pectoral fins and reduced pelvic fins
goby, gudgeon
small spiny-finned fish of coastal or brackish waters having a large head and elongated tapering body having the ventral fins modified as a sucker
sleeper, sleeper goby
tropical fish that resembles a goby and rests quietly on the bottom in shallow water
pallid bottom-dwelling flat-headed fish with large eyes and a duck-like snout
Toxotes jaculatrix, archerfish
any of several small freshwater fishes that catch insects by squirting water at them and knocking them into the water; found in Indonesia and Australia
worm fish
poorly known family of small tropical shallow-water fishes related to gobies
brightly colored coral-reef fish with knifelike spines at the tail
snake mackerels; elongated marine fishes with oily flesh; resembles mackerels; found worldwide
cutlassfish, frost fish, hairtail
long-bodied marine fishes having a long whiplike scaleless body and sharp teeth; closely related to snake mackerel
scombroid, scombroid fish
important marine food and game fishes found in all tropical and temperate seas; some are at least partially endothermic and can thrive in colder waters
butterfish, stromateid, stromateid fish
small marine fish with a short compressed body and feeble spines
very small (to 3 inches) flattened marine fish with a sucking disc on the abdomen for clinging to rocks etc.
large food fish of warm waters worldwide having long anal and dorsal fins that with a caudal fin suggest a three-lobed tail
small silvery schooling fishes with protrusible mouths found in warm coastal waters
a small fish of the genus Sillago; excellent food fish
Perca flavescens, yellow perch
North American perch
European perch, Perca fluviatilis
a perch native to Europe
pike perch, pike-perch
any of several pike-like fishes of the perch family
Percina tanasi, snail darter
a small snail-eating perch of the Tennessee River
large tropical American food and game fishes of coastal and brackish waters; resemble pike
Esox lucius, northern pike
voracious piscivorous pike of waters of northern hemisphere
Esox masquinongy, muskellunge
large (60 to 80 pounds) sport fish of North America
any of several North American species of small pike
small sunfishes of central United States rivers
bream, freshwater bream
any of various usually edible freshwater percoid fishes having compressed bodies and shiny scales; especially (but not exclusively) of the genus Lepomis
Lepomis gibbosus, pumpkinseed
small brilliantly colored North American sunfish
freshwater bass
North American food and game fish
Ambloplites rupestris, rock bass, rock sunfish
game and food fish of upper Mississippi and Great Lakes
black bass
widely distributed and highly prized American freshwater game fishes (sunfish family)
Morone americana, silver perch, white perch
small silvery food and game fish of eastern United States streams
Morone interrupta, yellow bass
North American freshwater bass resembling the larger marine striped bass
sea bass
any of various food and sport fishes of the Atlantic coast of the United States having an elongated body and long spiny dorsal fin
fishes with slimy mucus-covered skin; found in the warm Atlantic coastal waters of America
Hipsurus caryi, rainbow perch, rainbow seaperch
Pacific coast fish
Apogon maculatus, flame fish, flamefish
a cardinalfish found in tropical Atlantic coastal waters
Astropogon stellatus, conchfish
found in West Indies; lives in mantle cavity of a living conch
any of several fast-swimming predacious fishes of tropical to warm temperate seas
Atlantic moonfish, Selene setapinnis, dollarfish, horse-head, horsefish, horsehead, moonfish
any of several silvery marine fishes with very flat bodies
any of several deep-bodied food fishes of western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
Naucrates ductor, pilotfish
small pelagic fish often accompanying sharks or mantas
any of a number of fishes of the family Carangidae
Coryphaena hippurus
the more common dolphinfish valued as food; about six feet long
Coryphaena equisetis
a kind of dolphinfish
Brama raii, pomfret
deep-bodied sooty-black pelagic spiny-finned fish of the northern Atlantic and northern Pacific; valued for food
Tilapia nilotica, bolti
important food fish of the Nile and other rivers of Africa and Asia Minor
Lutjanus blackfordi, red snapper
an esteemed food fish with pinkish red head and body; common in the Atlantic coastal waters of North America and the Gulf of Mexico
Lutjanus griseus, gray snapper, grey snapper, mangrove snapper
found in shallow waters off the coast of Florida
Lutjanus analis, mutton snapper, muttonfish
similar to and often marketed as `red snapper';
Lutjanus apodus, schoolmaster
food fish of warm Caribbean and Atlantic waters
Ocyurus chrysurus, yellowtail, yellowtail snapper
superior food fish of the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean with broad yellow stripe along the sides and on the tail
Haemulon album, margate
a grunt with a red mouth that is found from Florida to Brazil
Haemulon macrostomum, Spanish grunt
a kind of grunt
Haemulon aurolineatum, tomtate
found off the West Indies and Florida
Haemulon malanurum, cottonwick
of warm Atlantic waters
Haemulon parra, sailor's-choice, sailors choice
a grunt found from Florida to Brazil and Gulf of Mexico
Anisotremus virginicus, pork-fish, porkfish
black and gold grunt found from Bermuda to Caribbean to Brazil
Anisotremus surinamensis, black margate, pompon
dusky grey food fish found from Louisiana and Florida southward
Orthopristis chrysopterus, hogfish, pigfish
found from Long Island southward
important deep-bodied food and sport fish of warm and tropical coastal waters; found worldwide
European sea bream, Pagellus centrodontus
food fish of European coastal waters
Archosargus rhomboidalis, Atlantic sea bream
sea bream of warm Atlantic waters
Archosargus probatocephalus, sheepshead
large (up to 20 lbs) food fish of the eastern coast of the United States and Mexico
Lagodon rhomboides, pinfish, sailor's-choice, squirrelfish
similar to sea bream; small spiny-finned fish found in bays along the southeastern coast of the United States
Chrysophrys auratus, snapper
Australian food fish having a pinkish body with blue spots
Chrysophrys australis, black bream
important dark-colored edible food and game fish of Australia
drum, drumfish
small to medium-sized bottom-dwelling food and game fishes of shallow coastal and fresh waters that make a drumming noise
Sciaena antarctica, jewfish, mulloway
large important food fish of Australia; almost indistinguishable from the maigre
Sciaena aquila, maiger, maigre
large European marine food fish
any of several fishes that make a croaking noise
any of several food fishes of North American coastal waters
sea trout
any of several sciaenid fishes of North American coastal waters
Mullus surmuletus, goatfish, red mullet, surmullet
brightly colored tropical fishes with chin barbels
Mugil cephalus, striped mullet
most important commercial mullet in eastern United States
Mugil curema, white mullet
silvery mullet of Atlantic and Pacific coasts
Mugil liza, liza
similar to the striped mullet and takes its place in the Caribbean region
Bermuda chub, Kyphosus sectatrix, rudderfish
food and game fish around Bermuda and Florida; often follow ships
any fish of the genus Chaetodon
a butterfly fish of the genus Pomacanthus
Holocanthus tricolor, rock beauty
gold and black butterflyfish found from West Indies to Brazil
Pomacentrus leucostictus, beaugregory
a blue and yellow damselfish of Bermuda and Florida and the West Indies
anemone fish
live associated with sea anemones
Abudefduf saxatilis, sergeant major
large blue-grey black-striped damselfish; nearly worldwide
Achoerodus gouldii, giant pigfish, pigfish
found around the Great Barrier Reef
Lachnolaimus maximus, hog snapper, hogfish
large wrasse of western Atlantic; head of male resembles a pig's snout
Halicoeres bivittatus, slippery dick
small wrasse of tropical Atlantic
Halicoeres radiatus, pudding-wife, puddingwife
bluish and bronze wrasse; found from Florida keys to Brazil
Thalassoma bifasciatum, bluehead
small Atlantic wrasse the male of which has a brilliant blue head
razor fish, razor-fish
any of several small wrasses with compressed sharp-edged heads of the West Indies and Mediterranean
Tautoga onitis, blackfish, tautog
large dark-colored food fish of the Atlantic coast of North America
Tautogolabrus adspersus, bergall, cunner
common in north Atlantic coastal waters of the United States
Polydactylus virginicus, barbu
found along western Atlantic coast
blenny, combtooth blenny
small usually scaleless fishes with comb-like teeth living about rocky shores; are territorial and live in holes between rocks
clinid, clinid fish
mostly small blennioid fishes of coral reefs and seagrass beds
tropical American fishes; males are aggressively defensive of their territory
bracketed blenny, gunnel
small eellike fishes common in shallow waters of the northern Atlantic
small elongate fishes of shallow northern seas; a long dorsal fin consists entirely of spines
Cryptacanthodes maculatus, ghostfish, wrymouth
eellike Atlantic bottom fish with large almost vertical mouth
catfish, wolf fish, wolffish
large ferocious northern deep-sea food fishes with strong teeth and no pelvic fins
eelpout, pout
marine eellike mostly bottom-dwelling fishes of northern seas
mudskipper, mudspringer
found in tropical coastal regions of Africa and Asia; able to move on land on strong pectoral fins
Acanthurus chirurgus, doctor-fish, doctorfish
surgeon fish of the West Indies
Gempylus serpens, snake mackerel
predatory tropical fishes with jutting jaws and strong teeth
Lepidocybium flavobrunneum, escolar
large snake mackerel with rings like spectacles around its eyes
Ruvettus pretiosus, oilfish
very large deep-water snake mackerel
any of various fishes of the family Scombridae
tuna, tunny
any very large marine food and game fish of the genus Thunnus; related to mackerel; chiefly of warm waters
any of various scombroid fishes intermediate in size and characteristics between mackerels and tunas
Euthynnus pelamis, skipjack, skipjack tuna
oceanic schooling tuna of considerable value in Pacific but less in Atlantic; reaches 75 pounds; very similar to if not the same as oceanic bonito
Katsuwonus pelamis, bonito, oceanic bonito
fish whose flesh is dried and flaked for Japanese cookery; may be same species as skipjack tuna
Xiphias gladius, swordfish
large toothless marine food fish with a long swordlike upper jaw; not completely cold-blooded i.e. they are able to warm their brains and eyes: worldwide in warm waters but feed on cold ocean floor coming to surface at night
large pelagic game fish having an elongated upper jaw and long dorsal fin that resembles a sail
giant warm-water game fish having a prolonged and rounded toothless upper jaw
Luvarus imperialis, louvar
large silvery fish found worldwide in warm seas but nowhere common; resembles a whale and feeds on plankton
Poronotus triacanthus, dollarfish
small food fish of Atlantic coast
California pompano, Palometa simillima, palometa
smaller than Florida pompano; common in West Indies
Paprilus alepidotus, harvestfish
butterfish up to a foot long of Atlantic waters from Chesapeake Bay to Argentina
small (6 inches) tropical butterfishes found worldwide
larger butterfishes of the western Atlantic from the New York area to the northern Gulf of Mexico
sluggish square-tailed fish armored with tough bony scales; of deep warm waters
Hyperglyphe perciformis, barrelfish, black rudderfish
blackish fish of New England waters
Gobiesox strumosus, skillet fish, skilletfish
clingfish with typical skillet shape
Atlantic tripletail, Lobotes surinamensis
tripletail found from Cape Cod to northern South America
Lobotes pacificus, Pacific tripletail
tripletail found in the Pacific
Gerres cinereus, yellowfin mojarra
popular panfish from Bermuda and Gulf of Mexico to Brazil
Eucinostomus gula, silver jenny
silvery mojarra found along sandy shores of the western Atlantic
acanthopterygian, spiny-finned fish
a teleost fish with fins that are supported by sharp inflexible rays




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