单词 | tracheophyte |
释义 | tracheophyte (extremely rare) n WORD FAMILY tracheophyte n green plant having a vascular system: ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms Syn|Exp|Hypo|Hyper vascular plant Yggdrasil (Norse mythology) a huge ash tree whose roots and branches hold the earth and Heaven and Hell together nonflowering plant, pteridophyte plants having vascular tissue and reproducing by spores phanerogam, seed plant, spermatophyteplant that reproduces by means of seeds not spores herb, herbaceous planta plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests halophyteplant growing naturally in very salty soil succulenta plant adapted to arid conditions and characterized by fleshy water-storing tissues that act as water reservoirs cultivara variety of a plant developed from a natural species and maintained under cultivation cultivated plantplants that are grown for their produce weedany plant that crowds out cultivated plants evergreen, evergreen planta plant having foliage that persists and remains green throughout the year deciduous planta plant having foliage that is shed annually at the end of the growing season vinea plant with a weak stem that derives support from climbing, twining, or creeping along a surface creeperany plant (as ivy or periwinkle) that grows by creeping ligneous plant, woody planta plant having hard lignified tissues or woody parts especially stems geophytea perennial plant that propagates by underground bulbs or tubers or corms desert plant, xerophile, xerophilous plant, xerophyte, xerophytic plantplant adapted for life with a limited supply of water; compare hydrophyte and mesophyte mesophyte, mesophytic plantland plant growing in surroundings having an average supply of water; compare xerophyte and hydrophyte aquatic plant, hydrophyte, hydrophytic plant, water planta plant that grows partly or wholly in water whether rooted in the mud, as a lotus, or floating without anchorage, as the water hyacinth tuberous plantplant growing from a tuber bulbous plantplant growing from a bulb cormous plantplant growing from a corm psilophyteany plant of the order Psilophytales: a savannah plant psilophytonany plant or fossil of the genus Psilophyton semi-climbera plant that tends to climb and on occasion can grow like a vine fernany of numerous flowerless and seedless vascular plants having true roots from a rhizome and fronds that uncurl upward; reproduce by spores fern allypteridophytes of other classes than Filicopsida seedlingyoung plant or tree grown from a seed balsamany seed plant yielding balsam gymnospermplants of the class Gymnospermae having seeds not enclosed in an ovary angiosperm, flowering plantplants having seeds in a closed ovary Epimedium grandiflorum, barrenwort, bishop's hatslow-growing creeping plant with semi-evergreen leaves on erect wiry stems; used as ground cover May apple, Podophyllum peltatum, mayapple, wild mandrakeNorth American herb with poisonous root stock and edible though insipid fruit hornwortany aquatic plant of the genus Ceratophyllum; forms submerged masses in ponds and slow-flowing streams moonseedplant of the family Menispermaceae having red or black fruit with crescent- or ring-shaped seeds water lilyan aquatic plant of the family Nymphaeaceae butter-flower, buttercup, butterflower, crowfoot, goldcup, kingcupany of various plants of the genus Ranunculus Ranunculus aquatilis, water buttercup, water crowfootplant of ponds and slow streams having submerged and floating leaves and white flowers; Europe and North America bugbanea plant of the genus Cimicifuga having flowers in long racemes or panicles reported to be distasteful to insects clematisany of various ornamental climbing plants of the genus Clematis usually having showy flowers Coptis groenlandica, Coptis trifolia groenlandica, golden thread, goldthreadlow-growing perennial of North America woodlands having trifoliate leaves and yellow rootstock and white flowers Eranthis hyemalis, winter aconitesmall Old World perennial herb grown for its bright yellow flowers which appear in early spring often before snow is gone hepatica, liverleafany of several plants of the genus Hepatica having three-lobed leaves and white or pinkish flowers in early spring; of moist and mossy subalpine woodland areas of north temperate regions Hydrastis Canadensis, golden seal, goldenseal, turmeric root, yellow rootperennial herb of northeastern United States having a thick knotted yellow rootstock and large rounded leaves Isopyrum biternatum, false rue, false rue anemoneslender erect perennial of eastern North America having tuberous roots and pink-tinged white flowers; resembles meadow rue Laccopetalum giganteum, giant buttercupspectacular perennial native of wet montane grasslands of Peru; formerly included in genus Ranunculus Trautvetteria carolinensis, false bugbanetall perennial of the eastern United States having large basal leaves and white summer flowers globe flower, globeflowerany of several plants of the genus Trollius having globose yellow flowers legume, leguminous plantan erect or climbing bean or pea plant of the family Leguminosae melilot, melilotus, sweet clovererect annual or biennial plant grown extensively especially for hay and soil improvement clover, trefoila plant of the genus Trifolium allamandaa plant of the genus Allamanda having large showy funnel-shaped flowers in terminal cymes Beaumontia grandiflora, Easter lily vine, Nepal trumpet flowerevergreen woody twiner with large glossy leaves and showy corymbs of fragrant white trumpet-shaped flowers Cape periwinkle, Catharanthus roseus, Madagascar periwinkle, Vinca rosea, cayenne jasmine, old maid, periwinkle, red periwinkle, rose periwinklecommonly cultivated Old World woody herb having large pinkish to red flowers Trachelospermum jasminoides, confederate jasmine, star jasmineevergreen Chinese woody climber with shiny dark green leaves and intensely fragrant white flowers aroid, arumany plant of the family Araceae; have small flowers massed on a spadix surrounded by a large spathe cryptocoryne, water trumpetany plant of the genus Cryptocoryne; evergreen perennials growing in fresh or brackish water; tropical Asia Orontium aquaticum, golden clubaquatic plant of the southeastern United States having blue-green leaves and a spadix resembling a club covered with tiny yellow flowers arrow aruman aquatic plant of the genus Peltandra; North America Pistia stratiotes, Pistia stratoites, pistia, water cabbage, water lettucepantropical floating plant forming a rosette of wedge-shaped leaves; a widespread weed in rivers and lakes duckweedany small or minute aquatic plant of the family Lemnaceae that float on or near the surface of shallow ponds araliaany of various plants of the genus Aralia; often aromatic plants having compound leaves and small umbellate flowers English ivy, Hedera helix, common ivy, ivyOld World vine with lobed evergreen leaves and black berrylike fruits Panax ginseng, Panax pseudoginseng, Panax schinseng, ginseng, nin-sinChinese herb with palmately compound leaves and small greenish flowers and forked aromatic roots believed to have medicinal powers American ginseng, Panax quinquefolius, sangNorth American woodland herb similar to and used as substitute for the Chinese ginseng Aristolochia clematitis, birthwortcreeping plant having curving flowers thought to resemble fetuses; native to Europe; naturalized Great Britain and eastern North America wild gingerlow-growing perennial herb with pungent gingery leaves and rhizomes Asarum shuttleworthii, heart-leaf, heartleafwild ginger having persistent heart-shaped pungent leaves; West Virginia to Alabama caryophyllaceous planta plant of the family Caryophyllaceae Agrostemma githago, corn campion, corn cockle, crown-of-the-fieldEuropean annual having large trumpet-shaped reddish-purple flowers and poisonous seed; a common weed in grainfields and beside roadways; naturalized in America chickweed, clammy chickweed, mouse ear, mouse eared chickweed, mouse-ear chickweedany of various plants related to the common chickweed drypisspiny-leaved perennial herb of southern Europe having terminal clusters of small flowers Illecebrum verticullatum, coral necklaceglabrous annual with slender taproot and clusters of white flowers; western Europe especially western Mediterranean and Atlantic coastal areas Scleranthus annuus, knawe, knawelwidely distributed low-growing Eurasian herb having narrow leaves and inconspicuous green flowers Spergula arvensis, corn spurrey, corn spurrysmall European weed with whorled leaves and white flowers Spergularia rubra, sand spurry, sea spurryprostrate weedy herb with tiny pink flowers; widespread throughout Europe and Asia on sand dunes and heath and coastal cliffs; naturalized in eastern North America chickweedany of various plants of the genus Stellaria Carpobrotus edulis, Hottentot fig, Hottentot's fig, Mesembryanthemum edule, sour figlow-growing South African succulent plant having a capsular fruit containing edible pulp Dorotheanthus bellidiformis, livingstone daisylow-growing showy succulent annual of South Africa having white or pink or red or orange flowers and spatulate leaves covered in papillae that resemble small crystals flowering stone, lithops, living stone, stone life face, stone plant, stone-face, stonefaceany plant of the genus Lithops native to Africa having solitary yellow or white flowers and thick leaves that resemble stones Indian chickweed, Molluga verticillata, carpetweedannual prostrate mat-forming weed having whorled leaves and small greenish-white flowers; widespread throughout North America living granite, living rock, stone mimicry planthighly succulent stemless clump-forming plants with grey-green leaves similar in texture to lumps of granite; South Africa New Zealand spinach, Tetragonia expansa, Tetragonia tetragonioidescoarse sprawling Australasian plant with red or yellow flowers; cultivated for its edible young shoots and succulent leaves amaranthany of various plants of the genus Amaranthus having dense plumes of green or red flowers; often cultivated for food Amaranthus spinosus, thorny amarantherect annual of tropical central Asia and Africa having a pair of divergent spines at most leaf nodes Alternanthera philoxeroides, alligator grass, alligator weedprolific South American aquatic weed having grasslike leaves and short spikes of white flowers; clogs waterways with dense floating masses Celosia argentea, red foxweedy annual with spikes of silver-white flowers Celosia argentea cristata, Celosia cristata, cockscomb, common cockscombgarden annual with featherlike spikes of red or yellow flowers cottonweedany of various plants of the genus Froelichia found in sandy soils and on rocky slopes in warmer regions of America; grown for their spikes of woolly white flowers goosefootany of various weeds of the genus Chenopodium having small greenish flowers orach, oracheany of various herbaceous plants of the genus Atriplex that thrive in deserts and salt marshes Halogeton glomeratus, halogetona coarse annual herb introduced into North America from Siberia; dangerous to sheep and cattle on western rangelands because of its high oxalate content Halogeton souda, barillaAlgerian plant formerly burned to obtain calcium carbonate Salicornia europaea, glasswort, samphirefleshy maritime plant having fleshy stems with rudimentary scalelike leaves and small spikes of minute flowers; formerly used in making glass bougainvilleaany of several South American ornamental woody vines of the genus Bougainvillea having brilliant red or purple flower bracts; widely grown in warm regions cactusany succulent plant of the family Cactaceae native chiefly to arid regions of the New World and usually having spines Barbados gooseberry, Barbados-gooseberry vine, Pereskia aculeataWest Indian woody climber with spiny stems and numerous fragrant white flowers in panicles followed by small yellow to orange fruits pokeweedperennial of the genus Phytolacca purslanea plant of the family Portulacaceae having fleshy succulent obovate leaves often grown as a potherb or salad herb; a weed in some areas rock purslanea plant of the genus Calandrinia Indian lettucea plant of the genus Montia having edible pleasant-tasting leaves cleome, spiderflowerany of various often strong-smelling plants of the genus Cleome having showy spider-shaped flowers Polanisia dodecandra, Polanisia graveolens, clammyweedstrong-scented herb common in southern United States covered with intermixed gland and hairs crucifer, cruciferous plantany of various plants of the family Cruciferae stone cress, stonecressany Old World herb of the genus Aethionema; native of sunny limestone habitats Armoracia rusticana, horse radish, horseradish, red colecoarse Eurasian plant cultivated for its thick white pungent root Barbarea vulgaris, Sisymbrium barbarea, rockcress, rocket cress, yellow rocketnoxious cress with yellow flowers; sometimes placed in genus Sisymbrium Berteroa incana, hoary alison, hoary alyssumtall European annual with downy grey-green foliage and dense heads of small white flowers followed by hairy pods; naturalized in North America; sometimes a troublesome weed Cakile maritima, sea-rocketsalt-tolerant seashore annual grown for its fragrant rose or violet flowers and fleshy grey-green foliage Crambe maritima, sea cole, sea kaleperennial of coastal sands and shingles of northern Europe and Baltic and Black Seas having racemes of small white flowers and large fleshy blue-green leaves often used as potherbs Descurainia pinnata, tansy mustardNorth American herb with bitter-tasting pinnate leaves resembling those of tansy Diplotaxis muralis, Diplotaxis tenuifolia, wall rocketyellow-flowered European plant that grows on old walls and in waste places; an adventive weed in North America Diplotaxis erucoides, white rocketfrom Mediterranean region; a naturalized weed throughout southern Europe drabaany of numerous low-growing cushion-forming plants of the genus Draba having rosette-forming leaves and terminal racemes of small flowers with scapose or leafy stems; fruit is a dehiscent oblong or linear silique Eruca sativa, Eruca vesicaria sativa, arugula, garden rocket, rocket, rocket salad, roquetteerect European annual often grown as a salad crop to be harvested when young and tender Erysimum cheiranthoides, wormseed mustardslender yellow-flowered European mustard often troublesome as a weed; formerly used as an anthelmintic Hugueninia tanacetifolia, Sisymbrium tanacetifolia, tansy-leaved rocketperennial stellate and hairy herb with small yellow flowers of mountains of southern Europe; sometimes placed in genus Sisymbrium woadany of several herbs of the genus Isatis bladderpodany of several hairy North American herbs having yellow racemose flowers and inflated pods Lunaria annua, honesty, money plant, satin flower, satinpod, silver dollarsoutheastern European plant cultivated for its fragrant purplish flowers and round flat papery silver-white seedpods that are used for indoor decoration bladderpodany of several plants of the genus Physaria having racemose yellow flowers and inflated pods Lepidium alpina, Pritzelago alpina, chamois cresssmall tufted perennial herb of mountains of central and southern Europe having very small flowers of usually leafless stems; sometimes placed in genus Lepidium Raphanus raphanistrum, jointed charlock, runch, wild radish, wild rapeEurasian weed having yellow or mauve or white flowers and podlike fruits Sisymbrium officinale, hedge mustardstiffly branching Old World annual with pale yellow flowers; widely naturalized in North America; formerly used medicinally Subularia aquatica, awlwortsmall aquatic plant having tufted awl-shaped leaves in a basal rosette and minute white flowers; circumboreal pennycressany of several plants of the genus Thlaspi fringepod, lacepodannual herb having pinnatifid basal leaves and slender racemes of small white flowers followed by one-seeded winged silicles bladderpodannual or perennial herbs with inflated seed pods; some placed in genus Lesquerella wasabia Japanese plant of the family Cruciferae with a thick green root argemone, devil's fig, prickly poppy, white thistleany plant of the genus Argemone having large white or yellow flowers and prickly leaves and stems and pods; chiefly of tropical America Corydalis claviculata, Fumaria claviculata, climbing corydalisannual vine with decompound leaves and racemes of yellow and pink flowers Sanguinaria canadensis, bloodroot, puccoon, redroot, tetterwortperennial woodland native of North America having a red root and red sap and bearing a solitary lobed leaf and white flower in early spring and having acrid emetic properties; rootstock used as a stimulant and expectorant Fumaria officinalis, fumeroot, fumewort, fumitorydelicate European herb with greyish leaves and spikes of purplish flowers; formerly used medicinally Adlumia fungosa, Allegheny vine, Fumaria fungosa, climbing fumitoryvine with feathery leaves and white or pinkish flowers; sometimes placed in genus Fumaria Dicentra spectabilis, bleeding heart, lyre-flower, lyreflowergarden plant having deep-pink drooping heart-shaped flowers Dicentra cucullaria, Dutchman's breechesdelicate spring-flowering plant of the eastern United States having white flowers with double spurs Dicentra canadensis, squirrel cornAmerican plant with cream-colored flowers and tuberous roots resembling kernels of corn achilleaany of several plants of the genus Achillea native to Europe and having small white flowers in flat-topped flower heads Ageratina altissima, Eupatorium rugosum, white sanicle, white snakerootAmerican herb having flat-topped clusters of small white flower heads; reputedly a cause of trembles and milk sickness; sometimes placed in genus Eupatorium ambrosia, bitterweed, ragweedany of numerous chiefly North American weedy plants constituting the genus Ambrosia that produce highly allergenic pollen responsible for much hay fever and asthma Anacyclus pyrethrum, pellitory, pellitory-of-Spaina small Mediterranean plant containing a volatile oil once used to relieve toothache andryalaany plant of the genus Andryala having milky sap and heads of bright yellow flowers Antennaria plantaginifolia, ladies' tobacco, lady's tobaccoNorth American perennial propagated by means of runners Antennaria dioica, cat's feet, cat's foot, pussytoeslow-growing perennial herb having leaves with whitish down and clusters of small white flowers arnicaany of various rhizomatous usually perennial plants of the genus Arnica Arnoseris minima, dwarf nipplewort, lamb succorysmall European herb with small yellow flowers Ayapana triplinervis, Eupatorium aya-pana, ayapanalow spreading tropical American shrub with long slender leaves used to make a mildly stimulating drink resembling tea; sometimes placed in genus Eupatorium balsamroota plant of the genus Balsamorhiza having downy leaves in a basal rosette and yellow flowers and long balsam-scented taproots Indian plantainany of various plants of the genus Cacalia having leaves resembling those of plantain thistleany of numerous plants of the family Compositae and especially of the genera Carduus and Cirsium and Onopordum having prickly-edged leaves Carthamus tinctorius, false saffron, safflowerthistlelike Eurasian plant widely grown for its red or orange flower heads and seeds that yield a valuable oil Barnaby's thistle, Centaurea solstitialis, yellow star-thistleEuropean weed having a winged stem and hairy leaves; adventive in the eastern United States Anthemis nobilis, Chamaemelum nobilis, camomile, chamomileEurasian plant with apple-scented foliage and white-rayed flowers and feathery leaves used medicinally; in some classification systems placed in genus Anthemis chaenactisany of several United States plants having long stalks of funnel-shaped white or yellow flowers Cichorium intybus, chicory, chicory plant, succoryperennial Old World herb having rayed flower heads with blue florets cultivated for its root and its heads of crisp edible leaves used in salads Cichorium endivia, endive, witloofwidely cultivated herb with leaves valued as salad green; either curly serrated leaves or broad flat ones that are usually blanched Canadian fleabane, Conyza canadensis, Erigeron canadensis, fleabane, horseweedcommon North American weed with linear leaves and small discoid heads of yellowish flowers; widely naturalized throughout temperate regions; sometimes placed in genus Erigeron coreopsis, tick-weed, tickseed, tickweedany of numerous plants of the genus Coreopsis having a profusion of showy usually yellow daisylike flowers over long periods; North and South America Delairea odorata, German ivy, Senecio milkanioidesSouth African succulent evergreen twining climber with yellow flowers grown primarily as a houseplant for its foliage; sometimes placed in genus Senecio leopard's-bane, leopardbaneany of several herbs of the genus Doronicum having alternate often clasping stem leaves cultivated for their long stalks of yellow flower heads globe thistleany of various plants of the genus Echinops having prickly leaves and dense globose heads of bluish flowers elephant's-footany plant of the genus Elephantopus having heads of blue or purple flowers; America Cacalia javanica, Cacalia lutea, Emilia coccinea, Emilia flammea, Emilia javanica, tassel flowertropical African annual having scarlet tassel-shaped flower heads; sometimes placed in genus Cacalia Emilia sagitta, tassel flowertropical Asiatic annual cultivated for its small tassel-shaped heads of scarlet flowers Erechtites hieracifolia, fireweedan American weedy plant with small white or greenish flowers Eupatorium cannabinum, hemp agrimonycoarse European herb with palmately divided leaves and clusters of small reddish-purple flower heads Eupatorium capillifolium, dog fennelweedy plant of southeastern United States having divided leaves and long clusters of greenish flowers Eupatorium maculatum, Joe-Pye weed, spotted Joe-Pye weedNorth American herb having whorled leaves and terminal clusters of small pinkish or purple flower heads Eupatorium perfoliatum, agueweed, boneset, thoroughwortperennial herb of southeastern United States having white-rayed flower heads; formerly used as in folk medicine Eupatorium purpureum, Joe-Pye weed, marsh milkweed, purple boneset, trumpet weedNorth American herb having whorled leaves and terminal clusters of flowers spotted with purple gum plant, gumweed, rosinweed, tarweedany of various western American plants of the genus Grindelia having resinous leaves and stems formerly used medicinally; often poisonous to livestock Haastia pulvinaris, sheep plant, vegetable sheepcushion-forming New Zealand herb having leaves densely covered with tawny hairs sneezeweedany of various plants of the genus Helenium characteristically causing sneezing hawkweedany of numerous often hairy plants of the genus Hieracium having yellow or orange flowers that resemble the dandelion Hieracium praealtum, king devil, yellow hawkweedEuropean hawkweed introduced into northeastern United States; locally troublesome weeds Homogyne alpina, Tussilago alpina, alpine coltsfootrhizomatous herb with purple-red flowers suitable for groundcover; sometimes placed in genus Tussilago California dandelion, Hypochaeris radicata, capeweed, cat's-ear, gosmoreEuropean weed widely naturalized in North America having yellow flower heads and leaves resembling a cat's ears inulaany plant of the genus Inula krigiaany small branched yellow-flowered North American herb of the genus Krigia lettuceany of various plants of the genus Lactuca leopard plantany of various plants of temperate Eurasia; grown for their yellow flowers and handsome foliage tarweedany of various resinous glandular plants of the genus Madia; of western North and South America German chamomile, Matricaria chamomilla, Matricaria recutita, sweet false chamomile, wild chamomileannual Eurasian herb similar in fragrance and medicinal uses to chamomile though taste is more bitter and effect is considered inferior Matricaria matricarioides, pineapple weed, rayless chamomileannual aromatic weed of Pacific coastal areas (United States and northeastern Asia) having bristle-pointed leaves and rayless yellow flowers Mikania scandens, climbing boneset, climbing hemp-vine, climbing hempweed, wild climbing hempweedherb of tropical America having vanilla-scented flowers; climbs up trees rattlesnake roota plant of the genus Nabalus Nabalus serpentarius, Prenanthes serpentaria, gall of the earth, lion's footcommon perennial herb widely distributed in the southern and eastern United States having drooping clusters of pinkish flowers and thick basal leaves suggesting a lion's foot in shape; sometimes placed in genus Prenanthes butterweedany of several yellow-flowered plants of the genus Packera; often placed in genus Senecio Packera aurea, Senecio aureus, golden groundsel, golden ragwortweedy herb of the eastern United States to Texas having golden-yellow flowers; sometimes becomes invasive; sometimes placed in genus Senecio Parthenium hysterophorus, bastard feverfewtropical American annual weed with small radiate heads of white flowers; adventive in southern United States Petasites hybridus, Petasites vulgaris, bog rhubarb, butterbursmall Eurasian herb having broad leaves and lilac-pink rayless flowers; found in moist areas Petasites fragrans, sweet coltsfoot, winter heliotropeEuropean herb with vanilla-scented white-pink flowers Petasites sagitattus, sweet coltsfootAmerican sweet-scented herb Picris echioides, bitterweed, bristly oxtongue, bugloss, oxtonguewidespread European weed with spiny tongue-shaped leaves and yellow flowers; naturalized in United States hawkweedany of various plants of the genus Pilosella Hieracium aurantiacum, Pilosella aurantiaca, orange hawkweedEuropean hawkweed having flower heads with bright orange-red rays; a troublesome weed especially as naturalized in northeastern North America; sometimes placed in genus Hieracium steviaany plant of the genus Piqueria or the closely related genus Stevia Prenanthes purpurea, rattlesnake rootherb of central and southern Europe having purple florets Pteropogon humboltianum, pteropogonsouthern Australian plant having feathery hairs surrounding the fruit Pulicaria dysenterica, feabane mullet, fleabanehairy perennial Eurasian herb with yellow daisylike flowers reputed to destroy or drive away fleas Raoulia australis, Raoulia lutescens, sheep plant, vegetable sheepperennial prostrate mat-forming herb with hoary woolly foliage Sanvitalia procumbens, creeping zinnialow-branching leafy annual with flower heads resembling zinnias; found in southwestern United States and Mexico to Guatemala Saussurea costus, Saussurea lappa, costusrootannual herb of the eastern Himalayas (Kashmir) having purple florets and a fragrant root that yields a volatile oil used in perfumery and for preserving furs Senecio doublasii, threadleaf groundselbluish-green bushy leafy plant covered with close white wool and bearing branched clusters of yellow flower heads; southwestern United States; toxic to range livestock Senecio jacobaea, benweed, ragweed, ragwort, tansy ragwortwidespread European weed having yellow daisylike flowers; sometimes an obnoxious weed and toxic to cattle if consumed in quantity Senecio vulgaris, groundselEurasian weed with heads of small yellow flowers Scorzonera hispanica, black salsify, scorzonera, viper's grassperennial south European herb having narrow entire leaves and solitary yellow flower heads and long black edible roots shaped like carrots Serratula tinctoria, sawwortEuropean perennial whose serrate leaves yield a yellow dye Our Lady's mild thistle, Silybum marianum, blessed thistle, holy thistle, lady's thistle, milk thistletall Old World biennial thistle with large clasping white-blotched leaves and purple flower heads; naturalized in California and South America steviaany plant of the genus Stevia or the closely related genus Piqueria having glutinous foliage and white or purplish flowers; Central and South America Chrysanthemum balsamita, Tanacetum balsamita, alecost, balsam herb, bible leaf, costmary, mint geraniumtansy-scented Eurasian perennial herb with buttonlike yellow flowers; used as potherb or salad green and sometimes for potpourri or tea or flavoring; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum Tanacetum camphoratum, camphor dune tansydensely hairy plant with rayless flowers; San Francisco Bay area Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium, Dalmatia pyrethrum, Dalmatian pyrethrum, Tanacetum cinerariifolium, pyrethrumwhite-flowered pyrethrum of Balkan area whose pinnate leaves are white and silky-hairy below; source of an insecticide; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum parthenium, Tanacetum parthenium, feverfewbushy aromatic European perennial herb having clusters of buttonlike white-rayed flower heads; valued traditionally for medicinal uses; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum blowball, dandelionany of several herbs of the genus Taraxacum having long tap roots and deeply notched leaves and bright yellow flowers followed by fluffy seed balls Tragopogon porrifolius, oyster plant, salsify, vegetable oysterMediterranean biennial herb with long-stemmed heads of purple ray flowers and milky sap and long edible root; naturalized throughout United States Trilisa odoratissima, wild vanillaperennial of southeastern United States with leaves having the fragrance of vanilla Matricaria inodorum, Tripleurospermum inodorum, corn mayweed, scentless camomile, scentless false camomile, scentless hayweed, scentless mayweedubiquitous European annual weed with white flowers and finely divided leaves naturalized and sometimes cultivated in eastern North America; sometimes included in genus Matricaria Matricaria oreades, Tripleurospermum oreades tchihatchewii, turfing daisymat-forming perennial herb of Asia Minor; sometimes included in genus Matricaria Matricaria tchihatchewii, Tripleurospermum tchihatchewii, turfing daisylow densely tufted perennial herb of Turkey having small white flowers; used as a ground cover in dry places; sometimes included in genus Matricaria Tussilago farfara, coltsfootperennial herb with large rounded leaves resembling a colt's foot and yellow flowers appearing before the leaves do; native to Europe but now nearly cosmopolitan; used medicinally especially formerly ironweed, vernoniaany of various plants of the genus Vernonia of tropical and warm regions of especially North America that take their name from their loose heads of purple to rose flowers that quickly take on a rusty hue cockle-bur, cockle-burr, cocklebur, cockleburrany coarse weed of the genus Xanthium having spiny burrs loasaany of various perennial South American plants of the genus Loasa having stinging hairs and showy white or yellow or reddish-orange flowers bellflower, campanulaany of various plants of the genus Campanula having blue or white bell-shaped flowers yam, yam plantany of a number of tropical vines of the genus Dioscorea many having edible tuberous roots Dioscorea elephantipes, Hottentot bread vine, Hottentot's bread vine, elephant's-foot, tortoise plantSouth African vine having a massive rootstock covered with deeply fissured bark Dioscorea paniculata, wild yamhaving a rhizome formerly dried and used to treat rheumatism or liver disorders Tamus communis, black bindweed, black bryonycommon European twining vine with tuberous roots and cordate leaves and red berries primrose, primulaany of numerous short-stemmed plants of the genus Primula having tufted basal leaves and showy flowers clustered in umbels or heads pimpernelany of several plants of the genus Anagallis Glaux maritima, black saltwort, sea milkwort, sea trifolya small fleshy herb common along North American seashores and in brackish marshes having pink or white flowers feather-foil, featherfoila plant of the genus Hottonia loosestrifeany of various herbs and subshrubs of the genus Lysimachia water pimpernela white-flowered aquatic plant of the genus Samolus plumbagoany plumbaginaceous plant of the genus Plumbago graminaceous plant, gramineous plantcosmopolitan herbaceous or woody plants with hollow jointed stems and long narrow leaves herbage, pasturagesucculent herbaceous vegetation of pasture land bur reedmarsh plant having elongated linear leaves and round prickly fruit gourd, gourd vineany vine of the family Cucurbitaceae that bears fruits with hard rinds squash, squash vineany of numerous annual trailing plants of the genus Cucurbita grown for their fleshy edible fruits briony, bryonya vine of the genus Bryonia having large leaves and small flowers and yielding acrid juice with emetic and purgative properties dishcloth gourd, luffa, rag gourd, sponge gourd, strainer vineany of several tropical annual climbers having large yellow flowers and edible young fruits; grown commercially for the mature fruit's dried fibrous interior that is used as a sponge lobeliaany plant or flower of the genus Lobelia Abelmoschus esculentus, Hibiscus esculentus, gumbo, lady's-finger, okra, okra planttall coarse annual of Old World tropics widely cultivated in southern United States and West Indies for its long mucilaginous green pods used as basis for soups and stews; sometimes placed in genus Hibiscus vegetableany of various herbaceous plants cultivated for an edible part such as the fruit or the root of the beet or the leaf of spinach or the seeds of bean plants or the flower buds of broccoli or cauliflower simpleany herbaceous plant having medicinal properties Galax urceolata, beetleweed, coltsfoot, galax, galaxy, wandflowertufted evergreen perennial herb having spikes of tiny white flowers and glossy green round to heart-shaped leaves that become coppery to maroon or purplish in fall pyrola, wintergreenany of several evergreen perennials of the genus Pyrola pipsissewa, prince's pineany of several plants of the genus Chimaphila Moneses uniflora, Pyrola uniflora, one-flowered pyrola, one-flowered wintergreendelicate evergreen dwarf herb of north temperate regions having a solitary white terminal flower; sometimes placed in genus Pyrola American columbo, American gentian, columbo, deer's-ear, deer's-ears, pyramid plantany of various tall perennial herbs constituting the genus Frasera; widely distributed in warm dry upland areas of California, Oregon, and Washington Frasera speciosa, Swertia speciosa, green gentiantall herb with panicles of white flowers flushed with green; northwestern United States; sometimes placed in genus Swertia Swertia perennia, marsh felwortperennial of damp places in mountains of Eurasia and North America having dull-colored blue or violet flowers bloodwortany of various plants of the family Haemodoraceae; roots contain a deep red coloring matter Anigozanthus manglesii, Australian sword lily, kangaroo paw, kangaroo's paw, kangaroo's-foot, kangaroo-foot plantsedgelike spring-flowering herb having clustered flowers covered with woolly hairs; Australia combretumany of numerous shrubs or small trees of the genus Combretum having spikes of small flowers water milfoilan aquatic plant of the genus Myriophyllum having feathery underwater leaves and small inconspicuous flowers willowherba plant of the genus Epilobium having pink or yellow flowers and seeds with silky hairs evening primroseany of several plants of the family Onagraceae caltrop, water chestnut, water chestnut planta plant of the genus Trapa bearing spiny four-pronged edible nutlike fruits cannaany plant of the genus Canna having large sheathing leaves and clusters of large showy flowers marantaany of numerous herbs of the genus Maranta having tuberous starchy roots and large sheathing leaves banana, banana treeany of several tropical and subtropical treelike herbs of the genus Musa having a terminal crown of large entire leaves and usually bearing hanging clusters of elongated fruits Abyssinian banana, Ensete ventricosum, Ethiopian banana, Musa ensetelarge evergreen arborescent herb having huge paddle-shaped leaves and bearing inedible fruit that resemble bananas but edible young flower shoots; sometimes placed in genus Musa Strelitzia reginae, bird of paradiseornamental plant of tropical South Africa and South America having stalks of orange and purplish-blue flowers resembling a bird Ravenala madagascariensis, ravenala, traveler's tree, traveller's treegiant treelike plant having edible nuts and leafstalks that yield a refreshing drink of clear watery sap; reputedly an emergency source of water for travelers gingerperennial plants having thick branching aromatic rhizomes and leafy reedlike stems Curcuma domestica, Curcuma longa, turmericwidely cultivated tropical plant of India having yellow flowers and a large aromatic deep yellow rhizome; source of a condiment and a yellow dye Aframomum melegueta, Guinea grains, Guinea pepper, grains of paradise, melagueta pepperWest African plant bearing pungent peppery seeds Elettaria cardamomum, cardamom, cardamonrhizomatous herb of India having aromatic seeds used as seasoning Actinidia arguta, bower actinidia, tara vineclimbing Asiatic vine having long finely serrate leaves and racemes of white flowers followed by greenish-yellow edible fruit Actinidia chinensis, Actinidia deliciosa, Chinese gooseberry, kiwi, kiwi vineclimbing vine native to China; cultivated in New Zealand for its fuzzy edible fruit with green meat Actinidia polygama, silver vine, silvervineornamental vine of eastern Asia having yellow edible fruit and leaves with silver-white markings passionflower, passionflower vineany of various chiefly tropical American vines some bearing edible fruit resedaany plant of the genus Reseda violaany of the numerous plants of the genus Viola nettleany of numerous plants having stinging hairs that cause skin irritation on contact (especially of the genus Urtica or family Urticaceae) bog hemp, false nettleany of several flowering weeds of the genus Boehmeria lacking stinging hairs Parietaria difussa, pellitory, pellitory-of-the-wall, wall pellitoryherb that grows in crevices having long narrow leaves and small pink apetalous flowers Pipturus argenteus, Queensland grass-cloth plantAustralian plant of genus Pipturus whose fiber is used in making cloth hop, hopstwining perennials having cordate leaves and flowers arranged in conelike spikes; the dried flowers of this plant are used in brewing to add the characteristic bitter taste to beer iridaceous plantany bulbous plant of the family Iridaceae amaryllisbulbous plant having showy white to reddish flowers Bomarea edulis, salsillatropical vine having pink-and-yellow flowers spotted purple and edible roots sometimes boiled as a potato substitute; West Indies to northern South America Bomarea salsilla, salsillatropical vine having umbels of small purple flowers and edible roots sometimes boiled as a potato substitute; Colombia blood lilyany of various deciduous or evergreen herbs of the genus Haemanthus; South Africa and Namibia narcissusbulbous plant having erect linear leaves and showy yellow or white flowers either solitary or in clusters star grassany plant of the genus Hypoxis having long grasslike leaves and yellow star-shaped flowers: Africa; Australia; southern Asia; North America liliaceous plantplant growing from a bulb or corm or rhizome or tuber aloesucculent plants having rosettes of leaves usually with fiber like hemp and spikes of showy flowers; found chiefly in Africa flame flower, flame-flower, flameflower, kniphofia, tritomaa plant of the genus Kniphofia having long grasslike leaves and tall scapes of red or yellow drooping flowers Asparagus officinales, asparagus, edible asparagusplant whose succulent young shoots are cooked and eaten as a vegetable Asparagus plumosus, Asparagus setaceous, asparagus ferna fernlike plant native to South Africa Asparagus asparagoides, smilaxfragile twining plant of South Africa with bright green flattened stems and glossy foliage popular as a floral decoration Aspidistra elatio, aspidistra, bar-room plant, cast-iron plantevergreen perennial with large handsome basal leaves; grown primarily as a foliage houseplant Bowiea volubilis, climbing onionmuch-branched leafless twining South African herb cultivated as an ornamental for its bright green stems growing from large aboveground bulbs checkered lily, fritillaryany liliaceous plant of the genus Fritillaria having nodding variously colored flowers Colchicum autumnale, autumn crocus, meadow saffron, naked ladybulbous autumn-flowering herb with white, purple or lavender-and-white flowers; native to western and central Europe day lily, plantain lilyany of numerous perennials having mounds of sumptuous broad ribbed leaves and clusters of white, blue, or lilac flowers; used as ground cover star-of-Bethlehemany of several perennial plants of the genus Ornithogalum native to the Mediterranean and having star-shaped flowers Paris quadrifolia, herb ParisEuropean herb with yellow-green flowers resembling and closely related to the trilliums; reputed to be poisonous sarsaparillaany of various prickly climbing plants of the tropical American genus Smilax having aromatic roots and heart-shaped leaves Smilax rotundifolia, briar, brier, bullbrier, catbrier, greenbrier, horse brier, horse-briera very prickly woody vine of the eastern United States growing in tangled masses having tough round stems with shiny leathery leaves and small greenish flowers followed by clusters of inedible shiny black berries Indian arrowroot, Tacca leontopetaloides, Tacca pinnatifida, piaperennial herb of East Indies to Polynesia and Australia; cultivated for its large edible root yielding Otaheite arrowroot starch American aloe, agave, century planttropical American plants with basal rosettes of fibrous sword-shaped leaves and flowers in tall spikes; some cultivated for ornament or for fiber Menyanthes trifoliata, bog myrtle, bogbean, buckbean, marsh trefoil, water shamrockperennial plant of Europe and America having racemes of white or purplish flowers and intensely bitter trifoliate leaves; often rooting at water margin and spreading across the surface Carolina jasmine, Gelsemium sempervirens, evening trumpet flower, yellow jasmine, yellow jessaminepoisonous woody evergreen vine of southeastern United States having fragrant yellow funnel-shaped flowers flaxplant of the genus Linum that is cultivated for its seeds and for the fibers of its stem Physostigma venenosum, calabar-bean vinetropical African woody vine yielding calabar beans Cassia marilandica, Senna marilandica, wild sennaNorth American perennial herb; leaves are used medicinally; sometimes placed in genus Cassia Amphicarpa bracteata, Amphicarpaea bracteata, hog peanut, wild peanutvine widely distributed in eastern North America producing racemes of purple to maroon flowers and abundant (usually subterranean) edible one-seeded pods resembling peanuts Anthyllis vulneraria, kidney vetchperennial Eurasian herb having heads of red or yellow flowers and common in meadows and pastures; formerly used medicinally for kidney disorders Apios americana, Apios tuberosa, Indian potato, groundnut, groundnut vine, potato bean, wild beana North American vine with fragrant blossoms and edible tubers; important food crop of Native Americans milk vetch, milk-vetchany of various plants of the genus Astragalus false indigo, wild indigoany of several plants of the genus Baptisia Canavalia ensiformis, giant stock bean, jack bean, wonder beanannual semi-erect bushy plant of tropical South America bearing long pods with white seeds grown especially for forage Canavalia gladiata, sword beantwining tropical Old World plant bearing long pods usually with red or brown beans; long cultivated in Orient for food Centrosema virginianum, butterfly pealarge-flowered weakly twining or prostrate vine of New Jersey to tropical eastern North America, sometimes cultivated for its purple and white flowers Clitoria mariana, butterfly pealarge-flowered wild twining vine of southeastern and central United States having pale blue flowers Clitoria turnatea, blue pea, butterfly peavine of tropical Asia having pinnate leaves and bright blue flowers with yellow centers crotalaria, rattleboxany of various plants of the genus Crotalaria having inflated pods within which the seeds rattle; used for pasture and green-manure crops Derris elliptica, derris root, tuba rootwoody vine having bright green leaves and racemes of rose-tinted white flowers; the swollen roots contain rotenone Desmanthus ilinoensis, prairie mimosa, prickle-weedperennial herb of North American prairies having dense heads of small white flowers Australian pea, Dipogon lignosus, Dolichos lignosusSouth African evergreen partly woody vine grown for its clusters of rosy purple flowers followed by edible pods like snap beans; also grown as green manure; sometimes placed in genus Dolichos Galega officinalis, goat rue, goat's ruetall bushy European perennial grown for its pinnate foliage and slender spikes of blue flowers; sometimes used medicinally Glycyrrhiza glabra, licorice, liquoricedeep-rooted coarse-textured plant native to the Mediterranean region having blue flowers and pinnately compound leaves; widely cultivated in Europe for its long thick sweet roots American licorice, American liquorice, Glycyrrhiza lepidota, wild licorice, wild liquoriceNorth American plant similar to true licorice and having a root with similar properties Hardenbergia comnptoniana, Western Australia coral peavigorous climber of the forests of western Australia; grown for their dense racemes of attractive bright rose-purple flowers coral peaany of various Australian climbing plants of the genus Kennedia having scarlet flowers Dolichos lablab, Egyptian bean, Indian bean, Lablab purpureus, bonavist, hyacinth beanperennial twining vine of Old World tropics having trifoliate leaves and racemes of fragrant purple pea-like flowers followed by maroon pods of edible seeds; grown as an ornamental and as a vegetable on the Indian subcontinent; sometimes placed in genus Dolichos vetchlingany of various small plants of the genus Lathyrus; climb usually by means of tendrils everlasting peaany of several perennial vines of the genus Lathyrus Lathyrus odoratus, sweet pea, sweetpeaclimbing garden plant having fragrant pastel-colored flowers Lathyrus tuberosus, earth-nut pea, earthnut pea, heath pea, tuberous vetchEuropean herb bearing small tubers used for food and in Scotland to flavor whiskey bush clover, lespedezashrubby or herbaceous plants widely used for forage, soil improvement, and especially hay in southern United States Lotus tetragonolobus, asparagus pea, winged peasprawling European annual having a 4-winged edible pod lupin, lupineany plant of the genus Lupinus; bearing erect spikes of usually purplish-blue flowers medic, medick, trefoilany of several Old World herbs of the genus Medicago having small flowers and trifoliate compound leaves Onobrychis viciaefolia, Onobrychis viciifolia, esparcet, holy clover, sainfoin, sanfoinEurasian perennial herb having pale pink flowers and curved pods; naturalized in Britain and North America grasslands on calcareous soils; important forage crop and source of honey in Britain tumbleweedany plant that breaks away from its roots in autumn and is driven by the wind as a light rolling mass Pachyrhizus erosus, yam beanCentral American twining plant with edible roots and pods; large tubers are eaten raw or cooked especially when young and young pods must be thoroughly cooked; pods and seeds also yield rotenone and oils Pachyrhizus tuberosus, potato bean, yam beantwining plant of Amazon basin having large edible roots Parochetus communis, shamrock peatrailing trifoliate Asiatic and African herb having cobalt blue flowers Manila bean, Psophocarpus tetragonolobus, goa bean, goa bean vine, winged bean, winged peaa tuberous twining annual vine bearing clusters of purplish flowers and pods with four jagged wings; Old World tropics Indian breadroot, Psoralea esculenta, breadroot, pomme blanche, pomme de prairiedensely hairy perennial of central North America having edible tuberous roots Pueraria lobata, kudzu, kudzu vinefast-growing vine from eastern Asia having tuberous starchy roots and hairy trifoliate leaves and racemes of purple flowers followed by long hairy pods containing many seeds; grown for fodder and forage and root starch; widespread in the southern United States bush peaany of various plants of the genus Thermopsis having trifoliate leaves and yellow or purple racemose flowers Trigonella ornithopodioides, bird's foot trefoilOld World herb related to fenugreek Greek clover, Trigonella foenumgraecum, fenugreekannual herb or southern Europe and eastern Asia having off-white flowers and aromatic seeds used medicinally and in curry wistaria, wisteriaany flowering vine of the genus Wisteria plantainany of numerous plants of the genus Plantago; mostly small roadside or dooryard weeds with elliptic leaves and small spikes of very small flowers; seeds of some used medicinally China fleece vine, Polygonum aubertii, Russian vine, silver lace vinetwining perennial vine having racemes of fragrant greenish flowers; western China to Russia Fagopyrum esculentum, Polygonum fagopyrum, buckwheata member of the genus Fagopyrum; annual Asian plant with clusters of small pinkish white flowers and small edible triangular seeds which are used whole or ground into flour rhubarb, rhubarb plantplants having long green or reddish acidic leafstalks growing in basal clumps; stems (and only the stems) are edible when cooked; leaves are poisonous dock, sorrel, sour grassany of certain coarse weedy plants with long taproots, sometimes used as table greens or in folk medicine dayflower, spiderwortany plant of the family Commelinaceae Ananas comosus, pineapple, pineapple planta tropical American plant bearing a large fleshy edible fruit with a terminal tuft of stiff leaves; widely cultivated in the tropics Eriocaulon aquaticum, pipewortaquatic perennial of North America and Ireland and Hebrides having translucent green leaves in a basal spiral and dense buttonlike racemes of minute white flowers Pontederia cordata, pickerel weed, pickerelweed, wampeeAmerican plant having spikes of blue flowers and growing in shallow water of streams and ponds Eichhornia crassipes, Eichhornia spesiosa, water hyacinth, water orchida tropical floating aquatic plant having spikes of large blue flowers; troublesome in clogging waterways especially in southern United States Heteranthera dubia, mud plantain, water star grassgrassy-leaved North American aquatic plant with yellow star-shaped blossoms naiad, water nymphsubmerged aquatic plant having narrow leaves and small flowers; of fresh or brackish water Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, frog's-bit, frogbitEuropean floating plant with roundish heart-shaped leaves and white flowers Hydrilla verticillata, hydrillasubmersed plant with whorled lanceolate leaves and solitary axillary flowers; Old World plant naturalized in southern United States and clogging Florida's waterways American frogbit, Limnodium spongiaAmerican plant with roundish heart-shaped or kidney-shaped leaves; usually rooted in muddy bottoms of ponds and ditches waterweeda weedy aquatic plant of genus Elodea Vallisneria spiralis, eelgrass, tape grass, wild celerysubmerged aquatic plant with ribbonlike leaves; Old World and Australia pondweedany of several submerged or floating freshwater perennial aquatic weeds belonging to the family Potamogetonaceae Zostera marina, eelgrass, grass wrack, sea wracksubmerged marine plant with very long narrow leaves found in abundance along North Atlantic coasts agrimonia, agrimonya plant of the genus Agrimonia having spikelike clusters of small yellow flowers strawberryany of various low perennial herbs with many runners and bearing white flowers followed by edible fruits having many small achenes scattered on the surface of an enlarged red pulpy berry Poterium sanguisorba, burnet bloodwort, pimpernel, salad burnetEuropean garden herb with purple-tinged flowers and leaves that are sometimes used for salads bedstrawany of several plants of the genus Galium Mitchella repens, boxberry, partridgeberry, twinberrycreeping woody plant of eastern North America with shiny evergreen leaves and scarlet berries Triostium perfoliatum, feverroot, horse gentian, tinker's root, wild coffeecoarse weedy American perennial herb with large usually perfoliate leaves and purple or dull red flowers teasel, teasle, teazelany of several herbs of the genus Dipsacus native to the Old World having flower heads surrounded by spiny bracts Impatiens capensis, celandine, jewelweed, lady's earrings, orange balsam, touch-me-notNorth American annual plant with usually yellow or orange flowers; grows chiefly on wet rather acid soil geraniumany of numerous plants of the family Geraniaceae water starwortany of several aquatic plants having a star-shaped rosette of floating leaves; America, Europe and Asia oxalis, sorrel, wood sorrelany plant or flower of the genus Oxalis Ruta graveolens, herb of grace, rueEuropean strong-scented perennial herb with grey-green bitter-tasting leaves; an irritant similar to poison ivy Dictamnus alba, burning bush, dittany, fraxinella, gas plantEurasian perennial herb with white flowers that emit flammable vapor in hot weather nasturtiumany tropical American plant of the genus Tropaeolum having pungent juice and long-spurred yellow to red flowers soapberry vinetendril-climbing vine American bittersweet, Celastrus scandens, bittersweet, climbing bittersweet, false bittersweet, shrubby bittersweet, staff vine, waxworktwining shrub of North America having yellow capsules enclosing scarlet seeds Celastric articulatus, Celastrus orbiculatus, Japan bittersweet, Japanese bittersweet, oriental bittersweetornamental Asiatic vine with showy orange-yellow fruit with a scarlet aril; naturalized in North America Euonymus fortunei radicans, Euonymus radicans vegetus, evergreen bittersweetbroad and bushy Asiatic twining shrub with pinkish fruit; many subspecies or varieties carnivorous plantplants adapted to attract and capture and digest primarily insects but also other small animals Australian pitcher plant, Cephalotus follicularisa carnivorous perennial herb having a green pitcher and hinged lid both with red edges; western Australia sedumany of various plants of the genus Sedum breakstone, rockfoil, saxifrageany of various plants of the genus Saxifraga astilbeany plant of the genus Astilbe having compound leaves and showy panicles of tiny colorful flowers bergeniaany plant of the genus Bergenia; valued as an evergreen ground cover and for the spring blossoms golden saxifrage, golden spleenany of various low aquatic herbs of the genus Chrysosplenium Darmera peltata, Indian rhubarb, Peltiphyllum peltatum, umbrella plantrhizomatous perennial herb with large dramatic peltate leaves and white to bright pink flowers in round heads on leafless stems; colonizes stream banks in the Sierra Nevada in California alumbloom, alumrootany of several herbs of the genus Heuchera bishop's cap, miterwort, mitrewortany of various rhizomatous perennial herbs of the genus Mitella having a capsule resembling a bishop's miter suksdorfiaany of several American plants of the genus Suksdorfia having orbicular to kidney-shaped somewhat succulent leaves and white or rose or violet flowers in terminal panicles Tiarella cordifolia, coolwart, false miterwort, false mitrewort, foamflowerstoloniferous white-flowered spring-blooming woodland plant Tolmiea menziesii, pickaback plant, piggyback plant, youth-on-agevigorous perennial herb with flowers in erect racemes and having young plants develop at the junction of a leaf blade and the leafstalk polemoniumany plant of the genus Polemonium; most are low-growing often foul-smelling plants of temperate to Arctic regions phloxany polemoniaceous plant of the genus Phlox; chiefly North American; cultivated for their clusters of flowers acanthusany plant of the genus Acanthus having large spiny leaves and spikes or white or purplish flowers; native to Mediterranean region but widely cultivated Thunbergia alata, black-eyed Susan, black-eyed Susan vinetropical African climbing plant having yellow flowers with a dark purple center bignoniadany woody plant of the family Bignoniaceae Bignonia capreolata, cross vine, quarter-vine, quartervine, trumpet flowerwoody flowering vine of southern United States; stems show a cross in transverse section Borago officinalis, borage, tailworthairy blue-flowered European annual herb long used in herbal medicine and eaten raw as salad greens or cooked like spinach Amsinckia intermedia, common amsinckiaannual of western United States with coiled spikes of yellow-orange coiled flowers Amsinckia grandiflora, large-flowered fiddleneckannual of the western United States having large coiled flower spikes; a threatened species anchusaany of various Old World herbs of the genus Anchusa having one-sided clusters of trumpet-shaped flowers Chinese forget-me-not, Cynoglossum amabilebiennial east Asian herb grown for its usually bright blue flowers Cynoglossum officinale, hound's-tonguebiennial shrub of Europe and western Asia having coarse tongue-shaped leaves and dark reddish-purple flowers Cynoglossum virginaticum, hound's-tongueperennial shrub of North America having coarse tongue-shaped leaves and pale-blue to purple flowers Echium vulgare, blue devil, blue thistle, blueweed, viper's buglossa coarse prickly European weed with spikes of blue flowers; naturalized in United States stickweedany of several herbaceous plants having seeds that cling to clothing Lithospermum officinale, gromwellEuropean perennial branching plant; occurs in hedgerows and at the edge of woodlands Lithospermum caroliniense, puccoonperennial plant of eastern North America having hairy foliage yielding a red or yellow pigment Indian paint, Lithospermum canescens, hoary puccoonperennial North American plant with greyish hairy foliage yielding a red or yellow pigment Mertensia virginica, Virginia bluebell, Virginia cowslipsmooth erect herb of eastern North America having entire leaves and showy blue flowers that are pink in bud Myosotis sylvatica, garden forget-me-notsmall biennial to perennial herb of Europe, northern Africa and western Asia having blue, purple or white flowers Myosotis scorpiodes, forget-me-not, mouse earsmall perennial herb having bright blue or white flowers false gromwellany of several North American perennial herbs with hairy foliage and small yellowish or greenish flowers comfrey, cumfreyperennial herbs of Europe and Iran; make rapidly growing groundcover for shaded areas convolvulusany of numerous plants of the genus Convolvulus bindweedany of several vines of the genera Convolvulus and Calystegia having a twining habit silverweedany of various twining shrubs of the genus Argyreia having silvery leaves and showy purple flowers doddera leafless annual parasitic vine of the genus Cuscuta having whitish or yellow filamentous stems; obtain nourishment through haustoria Dichondra micrantha, dichondraa creeping perennial herb with hairy stems and orbicular to reniform leaves and small white to greenish flowers; used as a grass substitute in warm regions morning gloryany of various twining vines having funnel-shaped flowers that close late in the day gesneriadany of numerous tropical or subtropical small shrubs or treelets or epiphytic vines of the family Gesneriaceae: African violet; Cape primroses; gloxinia gesneriaany plant of the genus Gesneria waterleafany of several plants of the genus Hydrophyllum California yellow bells, Emmanthe penduliflora, whispering bells, yellow bellsviscid herb of arid or desert habitats of southwestern United States having pendulous yellow flowers nemophilaany plant of the genus Nemophila Nemophila menziesii, baby blue-eyesdelicate California annual having blue flowers marked with dark spots Nemophila aurita, Pholistoma auritum, fiesta flowerstraggling California annual herb with deep purple or violet flowers; sometimes placed in genus Nemophila Acinos arvensis, Satureja acinos, basil balm, basil thyme, mother of thymefragrant European mint having clusters of small violet-and-white flowers; naturalized especially in eastern North America giant hyssopany of a number of aromatic plants of the genus Agastache bugle, bugleweedany of various low-growing annual or perennial evergreen herbs native to Eurasia; used for ground cover Ballota nigra, black archangel, black horehound, fetid horehound, stinking horehoundill-smelling European herb with rugose leaves and whorls of dark purple flowers wood mintAmerican herb of genus Blephilia with more or less hairy leaves and clusters of purplish or bluish flowers calamintperennial aromatic herbs growing in hedgerows or scrub or open woodlands from western Europe to central Asia and in North America Clinopodium vulgare, Satureja vulgaris, cushion calamint, wild basilaromatic herb having heads of small pink or whitish flowers; widely distributed in United States, Europe and Asia Collinsonia canadensis, horse balm, horseweed, richweed, stone root, stone-root, stonerooterect perennial strong-scented with serrate pointed leaves and a loose panicle of yellowish flowers; the eastern United States coleus, flame nettleany of various Old World tropical plants of the genus Coleus having multicolored decorative leaves and spikes of blue flowers Dracocephalum parviflorum, dragon's head, dragonheadAmerican herb having sharply serrate lanceolate leaves and spikes of blue to violet flowers elsholtziaany of various aromatic herbs of the genus Elsholtzia having blue or purple flowers in one-sided spikes Galeopsis tetrahit, dead nettle, hemp nettlecoarse bristly Eurasian plant with white or reddish flowers and foliage resembling that of a nettle; common as a weed in United States Glechoma hederaceae, Nepeta hederaceae, alehoof, field balm, gill-over-the-ground, ground ivy, runaway robintrailing European aromatic plant of the mint family having rounded leaves and small purplish flowers often grown in hanging baskets; naturalized in North America; sometimes placed in genus Nepeta American pennyroyal, Hedeoma pulegioides, pennyroyalerect hairy branching American herb having purple-blue flowers; yields an essential oil used as an insect repellent and sometimes in folk medicine Hyssopus officinalis, hyssopa European mint with aromatic and pungent leaves used in perfumery and as a seasoning in cookery; often cultivated as a remedy for bruises; yields hyssop oil dead nettleany of various plants of the genus Lamium having clusters of small usually purplish flowers with two lips Cape dagga, Leonotis leonurus, dagga, red dagga, wilde daggarelatively nontoxic South African herb smoked like tobacco Leonotis nepetaefolia, Leonotis nepetifolia, lion's-earpantropical herb having whorls of striking lipped flowers; naturalized in United States Leonurus cardiaca, motherwortbitter Old World herb of hedgerows and woodland margins having toothed leaves and white or pale pink flowers Lycopus virginicus, bugleweeda mildly narcotic and astringent aromatic herb having small whitish flowers; eastern United States Lycopus americanus, water horehoundaromatic perennial herb of United States Lycopus europaeus, gipsywort, gypsyworthairy Eurasian herb with two-lipped white flowers origanumany of various fragrant aromatic herbs of the genus Origanum used as seasonings horehoundany of various aromatic herbs of the genus Marrubium Melissa officinalis, bee balm, beebalm, garden balm, lemon balm, sweet balmbushy perennial Old World mint having small white or yellowish flowers and fragrant lemon-flavored leaves; a garden escapee in northern Europe and North America mintany north temperate plant of the genus Mentha with aromatic leaves and small mauve flowers Micromeria chamissonis, Micromeria douglasii, Satureja douglasii, yerba buenatrailing perennial evergreen herb of northwestern United States with small white flowers; used medicinally Micromeria juliana, savorydwarf aromatic shrub of Mediterranean regions Molucella laevis, bells of Ireland, molucca balmaromatic annual with a tall stems of small whitish flowers enclosed in a greatly enlarged saucer-shaped or bell-shaped calyx monarda, wild bergamotany of various aromatic herbs of the genus Monarda Monardella lanceolata, mustang mintfragrant California annual herb having lanceolate leaves and clusters of rose-purple flowers Nepeta cataria, catmint, catniphairy aromatic perennial herb having whorls of small white purple-spotted flowers in a terminal spike; used in the past as a domestic remedy; strongly attractive to cats basilany of several Old World tropical aromatic annual or perennial herbs of the genus Ocimum Perilla frutescens crispa, beefsteak plantplant grown for its ornamental red or purple foliage physostegiaany of various plants of the genus Physostegia having sessile linear to oblong leaves and showy white or rose or lavender flowers Prunella vulgaris, heal all, self-healdecumbent blue-flowered European perennial thought to possess healing properties; naturalized throughout North America mountain mintany of a number of perennial herbs of the genus Pycnanthemum; eastern North America and California Rosmarinus officinalis, rosemarywidely cultivated for its fragrant grey-green leaves used in cooking and in perfumery sage, salviaany of various plants of the genus Salvia; a cosmopolitan herb savoryany of several aromatic herbs or subshrubs of the genus Satureja having spikes of flowers attractive to bees helmetflower, skullcapa herbaceous plant of the genus Scutellaria which has a calyx that, when inverted, resembles a helmet with its visor raised Scutellaria lateriflora, blue pimpernel, blue skullcap, mad-dog skullcap, mad-dog weedan American mint that yields a resinous exudate used especially formerly as an antispasmodic Stachys sylvatica, dead nettle, hedge nettlefoul-smelling perennial Eurasiatic herb with a green creeping rhizome Stachys palustris, hedge nettleperennial herb with an odorless rhizome widespread in moist places in northern hemisphere thymeany of various mints of the genus Thymus Martynia annua, martyniasprawling annual or perennial herb of Central America and West Indies having creamy-white to red-purple bell-shaped flowers followed by unusual horned fruit Sesamum indicum, benne, benni, benny, sesameEast Indian annual erect herb; source of sesame seed or benniseed and sesame oil Proboscidea louisianica, common devil's claw, common unicorn plant, devil's claw, elephant-tusk, proboscis flower, ram's hornannual of southern United States to Mexico having large whitish or yellowish flowers mottled with purple and a long curving beak Martynia arenaria, Proboscidea arenaria, sand devil's clawalternatively placed in genus Martynia Martynia fragrans, Proboscidea fragrans, sweet unicorn planta herbaceous plant of the genus Proboscidea figwortany of numerous tall coarse woodland plants of the genus Scrophularia Aureolaria pedicularia, Gerardia pedicularia, false foxglovemulti-stemmed North American annual having solitary axillary dark golden-yellow flowers resembling those of the foxglove; sometimes placed in genus Gerardia Aureolaria virginica, Gerardia virginica, false foxglovesparsely branched North American perennial with terminal racemes of bright yellow flowers resembling those of the foxglove; sometimes placed in genus Gerardia digitalis, foxgloveany of several plants of the genus Digitalis flannel leaf, mullein, velvet plantany of various plants of the genus Verbascum having large usually woolly leaves and terminal spikes of yellow or white or purplish flowers Veronica anagallis-aquatica, Veronica michauxii, water speedwellplant of wet places in Eurasia and America nightshadeany of numerous shrubs or herbs or vines of the genus Solanum; most are poisonous though many bear edible fruit Solanum crispum, potato treehardy climbing shrub of Chile grown as an ornamental for its fragrant flowers; not a true potato Solanum commersonii, Uruguay potato, Uruguay potato vineSouth American potato vine Solanum jamesii, wild potatoerect or spreading perennial of southwestern United States and Mexico bearing small pale brown to cream-colored tubers resembling potatoes Solanum jasmoides, potato vinecopiously branched vine of Brazil having deciduous leaves and white flowers tinged with blue Solanum melongena, aubergine, brinjal, eggplant, eggplant bush, garden egg, mad applehairy upright herb native to southeastern Asia but widely cultivated for its large glossy edible fruit commonly used as a vegetable Solanum tuberosum, potato, white potato, white potato vineannual native to South America having underground stolons bearing edible starchy tubers; widely cultivated as a garden vegetable; vines are poisonous Solanum wendlandii, giant potato creeper, potato vinevine of Costa Rica sparsely armed with hooklike spines and having large lilac-blue flowers Atropa belladonna, belladonna, belladonna plant, deadly nightshadeperennial Eurasian herb with reddish bell-shaped flowers and shining black berries; extensively grown in United States; roots and leaves yield atropine Hyoscyamus niger, black henbane, henbane, stinking nightshadepoisonous fetid Old World herb having sticky hairy leaves and yellow-brown flowers; yields hyoscyamine and scopolamine Egyptian henbane, Hyoscyamus muticuspoisonous herb whose leaves are a source of hyoscyamine Lycopersicon esculentum, love apple, tomato, tomato plantnative to South America; widely cultivated in many varieties Mandragora officinarum, devil's apples, mandrakea plant of southern Europe and North Africa having purple flowers, yellow fruits and a forked root formerly thought to have magical powers Nicandra physaloides, apple of Peru, shoo flycoarse South American herb grown for its blue-and-white flowers followed by a bladderlike fruit enclosing a dry berry tobacco, tobacco plantaromatic annual or perennial herbs and shrubs cupflower, nierembergiaany of various plants of the genus Nierembergia having upturned bell-shaped flowers ground cherry, husk tomatoany of numerous cosmopolitan annual or perennial herbs of the genus Physalis bearing edible fleshy berries enclosed in a bladderlike husk; some cultivated for their flowers Salpichroa organifolia, Salpichroa rhomboidea, cock's eggsweedy vine of Argentina having solitary white flowers followed by egg-shaped white or yellow fruit salpiglossisany plant of the genus Salpiglossis Scopolia carniolicaherb that is a source of scopolamine Mercurialis annua, boys-and-girls, herb mercury, herbs mercuryEurafrican annual naturalized in America as a weed; formerly dried for use as a purgative, diuretic or antisyphilitic Mercurialis perennis, dog mercury, dog's mercuryEuropean perennial weedy plant with greenish flowers Cnidoscolus urens, Jatropha stimulosus, Jatropha urens, devil nettle, pica-pica, spurge nettle, tread-softlya stinging herb of tropical America umbellifer, umbelliferous plantany of numerous aromatic herbs of the family Umbelliferae Anethum graveolens, dillaromatic Old World herb having aromatic threadlike foliage and seeds used as seasoning angelica, angeliqueany of various tall and stout herbs of the genus Angelica having pinnately compound leaves and small white or greenish flowers in compound umbels Anthriscus cereifolium, beaked parsley, chervilaromatic annual Old World herb cultivated for its finely divided and often curly leaves for use especially in soups and salads Anthriscus sylvestris, cow parsley, wild chervilcoarse erect biennial Old World herb introduced as a weed in eastern North America Apium graveolens, wild celeryherb of Europe and temperate Asia Apium graveolens dulce, celery, cultivated celerywidely cultivated herb with aromatic leaf stalks that are eaten raw or cooked Apium graveolens rapaceum, celeriac, celery root, knob celery, root celery, turnip-rooted celerygrown for its thickened edible aromatic root astrantia, masterwortany plant of the genus Astrantia Carum carvi, carawaya Eurasian plant with small white flowers yielding caraway seed Conopodium denudatum, earthnuta common European plant having edible tubers with the flavor of roasted chestnuts Chinese parsley, Coriandrum sativum, cilantro, coriander, coriander plantOld World herb with aromatic leaves and seed resembling parsley Cuminum cyminum, cumindwarf Mediterranean annual long cultivated for its aromatic seeds Daucus carota sativa, carrot, cultivated carrotperennial plant widely cultivated as an annual in many varieties for its long conical orange edible roots; temperate and tropical regions Eryngium aquaticum, button snakerootcoarse prickly perennial eryngo with aromatic roots; southeastern United States; often confused with rattlesnake master fennelany of several aromatic herbs having edible seeds and leaves and stems Heracleum sphondylium, cow parsnip, hogweedtall coarse plant having thick stems and cluster of white to purple flowers Levisticum officinale, lovageherb native to southern Europe; cultivated for its edible stalks and foliage and seeds Myrrhis odorata, sweet cicelyEuropean herb with soft ferny leaves and white flowers Pastinaca sativa, parsnipa strong-scented plant cultivated for its edible root madnep, wild parsnipbiennial weed in Europe and America having large pinnate leaves and yellow flowers and a bitter and somewhat poisonous root; the ancestor of cultivated parsnip Petroselinum crispum, parsleyannual or perennial herb with aromatic leaves Pimpinella anisum, anise, anise plantnative to Egypt but cultivated widely for its aromatic seeds and the oil from them used medicinally and as a flavoring in cookery sanicle, snakeroota plant of the genus Sanicula having palmately compound leaves and unisexual flowers in panicled umbels followed by bristly fruit; reputed to have healing powers moon carrot, stone parsleyany plant of the genus Seseli having dense umbels of small white or pink flowers and finely divided foliage Sison amomum, stone parsleya slender roadside herb of western Europe and Mediterranean areas that has foliage resembling parsley and has white flowers with aromatic seeds Alexander, Alexanders, Smyrnium olusatrum, black lovage, horse parsleyEuropean herb somewhat resembling celery widely naturalized in Britain coastal regions and often cultivated as a potherb corn salada plant of the genus Valerianella wortusually used in combination: `liverwort'; `milkwort'; `whorlywort' climbera vine or climbing plant that readily grows up a support or over other plants lignosaea category in some early taxonomies arborescent planthaving the shape or characteristics of a tree treea tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms bush, shruba low woody perennial plant usually having several major stems brambleany of various rough thorny shrubs or vines lianaa woody climbing usually tropical plant bog plant, marsh plant, swamp planta semiaquatic plant that grows in soft wet land; most are monocots: sedge, sphagnum, grasses, cattails, etc; possibly heath grape, grape vine, grapevineany of numerous woody vines of genus Vitis bearing clusters of edible berries Boston ivy, Japanese ivy, Parthenocissus tricuspidataAsiatic vine with three-lobed leaves and purple berries American ivy, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Virginia creeper, woodbinecommon North American vine with compound leaves and bluish-black berrylike fruit pepper vine, true pepperany of various shrubby vines of the genus Piper peperomiaany of various plants of the genus Peperomia; grown primarily for their often succulent foliage Anemopsis californica, yerba mansastoloniferous herb of southwestern United States and Mexico having a pungent rootstock and small spicate flowers with white bracts suggesting an anemone asclepiadany plant of the family Asclepiadaceae milkweed, silkweedany of numerous plants of the genus Asclepias having milky juice and pods that split open releasing seeds with downy tufts Araujia sericofera, cruel plantrobust twining shrub having racemes of fragrant white or pink flowers with flat spreading terminal petals that trap nocturnal moths and hold them until dawn hoyaany plant of the genus Hoya having fleshy leaves and usually nectariferous flowers Periploca graeca, silk vinedeciduous climber for arches and fences having ill-scented but interesting flowers and poisonous yellow fruits; cultivated for its dark shining foliage; southeastern Europe to Asia Minor Sarcostemma acidum, haoma, somaleafless East Indian vine; its sour milky juice formerly used to make an intoxicating drink carrion flower, stapelia, starfish flowerany of various plants of the genus Stapelia having succulent leafless toothed stems resembling cacti and large foul-smelling (often star-shaped) flowers Vincetoxicum hirsutum, Vincetoxicum negrum, negro vinetwining vine with hairy foliage and dark purplish-brown flowers flora, plant, plant life (botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion |
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