单词 | property |
释义 | property (once / 57 pages) 1n 2n 3n 4n What you own or have, like a car or clothes, is your property. The qualities that a thing has are its properties. Aloe is a plant with medicinal properties — it soothes burns. If you see a sign that says, "Private property, keep off," the land-owner does not want you to go on his or her land. If you go on it anyway, you're trespassing. You'll often hear people talking about property values. When they say this, they really just mean how much the land they own is worth. People like to talk about property values when they are on the rise. When they are falling, not so much. WORD FAMILYproperty: properties, propertyless USAGE EXAMPLESDubai police did not respond to a request for comment about security at the property. Seattle Times(Jan 02, 2017) Demand for urban properties jumped after the housing bust as young, high-earning professionals eschewed homeownership and flocked to big cities. Wall Street Journal(Jan 02, 2017) He said the conservancy's ultimate plan is to acquire the property — whose market value is a matter of dispute — and manage it for public use. Los Angeles Times(Dec 30, 2016) 1 n something owned; any tangible or intangible possession that is owned by someone 2that hat is my property he is a man of property Syn|Hypo|Hyper belongings, holding material possession, tangible possession property or belongings that are tangible worldly belongings, worldly goods, worldly possessionsall the property that someone possess ratables, rateablesproperty that provides tax income for local governments hereditamentany property (real or personal or mixed) that can be inherited intellectual propertyintangible property that is the result of creativity (such as patents or trademarks or copyrights) community propertyproperty and income belonging jointly to a married couple personal estate, personal property, personalty, private propertymovable property (as distinguished from real estate) thingsany movable possession (especially articles of clothing) immovable, real estate, real property, realtyproperty consisting of houses and land commonageproperty held in common landholdinga holding in the form of land salvageproperty or goods saved from damage or destruction shareholdinga holding in the form of shares of corporations church property, spirituality, spiritualtyproperty or income owned by a church lease, letting, rentalproperty that is leased or rented out or let trade-inan item of property that is given in part payment for a new one public propertyproperty owned by a government wealthproperty that has economic utility: a monetary value or an exchange value estateeverything you own; all of your assets (whether real property or personal property) and liabilities heirloom(law) any property that is considered by law or custom as inseparable from an inheritance is inherited with that inheritance stockholding, stockholdingsa specific number of stocks or shares owned trustsomething (as property) held by one party (the trustee) for the benefit of another (the beneficiary) chattel, movable, personal chattelpersonal as opposed to real property; any tangible movable property (furniture or domestic animals or a car etc) effects, personal effectsproperty of a personal character that is portable but not used in business acres, demesne, estate, land, landed estateextensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use temporality, temporaltythe worldly possessions of a church benefice, ecclesiastical beneficean endowed church office giving income to its holder car rental, hire car, rent-a-car, self-drive, u-drive, you-drivea rented car sublease, subleta lease from one lessee to another landthe land on which real estate is located dead hand, mortmainreal property held inalienably (as by an ecclesiastical corporation) moneywealth reckoned in terms of money clobber, stuffinformal terms for personal possessions gross estatethe total valuation of the estate's assets at the time of the person's death net estatethe estate remaining after debts and funeral expenses and administrative expenses have been deducted from the gross estate; the estate then left to be distributed (and subject to federal and state inheritance taxes) estate for life, life estate(law) an estate whose duration is limited to the life of the person holding it jointure, legal jointure(law) an estate secured to a prospective wife as a marriage settlement in lieu of a dower active trusta trust in which the trustee must perform certain duties blind trusta trust that enables a person to avoid possible conflict of interest by transferring assets to a fiduciary; the person establishing the trust gives up the right to information about the assets passive trusta trust in which the trustee performs no active duties charitable trust, public trusta trust created for charitable or religious or educational or scientific purposes Clifford trust, grantor trusta trust established to shift the income to someone who is taxed at a lower rate than the grantor for a period of 10 years or more implied trusta trust inferred by operation of law direct trust, express trusta trust created by the free and deliberate act of the parties involved (usually on the basis of written documentation) discretionary trusta trust that gives the trustee discretion to pay the beneficiary as much of the trust income as the trustee believes appropriate inter vivos trust, living trusta trust created and operating during the grantor's lifetime spendthrift trusta trust created to maintain a beneficiary but to be secure against the beneficiary's improvidence testamentary trusta trust that is created under a will and that becomes active after the grantor dies Totten trust, savings account trust, savings bank trust, trust account, trustee accounta savings account deposited by someone who makes themselves the trustee for a beneficiary and who controls it during their lifetime; afterward the balance is payable to the previously named beneficiary voting trustan agreement whereby persons owning stock with voting powers retain ownership while transferring the voting rights to the trustees possession anything owned or possessed n any area set aside for a particular purpose 3the president was concerned about the property across from the White House Syn|Hypo|Hyper place boatyard a place where boats are built or maintained or stored sanctuarya consecrated place where sacred objects are kept center, centrea place where some particular activity is concentrated colonya place where a group of people with the same interest or occupation are concentrated hatcherya place where eggs are hatched under artificial conditions (especially fish eggs) holy of holies, sanctum sanctorum(Judaism) sanctuary comprised of the innermost chamber of the Tabernacle in the temple of Solomon where the Ark of the Covenant was kept Tabernacle(Judaism) a portable sanctuary in which the Jews carried the Ark of the Covenant on their exodus nerve center, nerve centrea center that provides information and control capitala center that is associated more than any other with some activity or product geographic area, geographic region, geographical area, geographical region a demarcated area of the Earth n any movable articles or objects used on the set of a play or movie 4Syn|Hypo|Hyper prop custard pie a prop consisting of an open pie filled with real or artificial custard; thrown in slapstick comedies object, physical object a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow 1n a basic or essential attribute shared by all members of a class a study of the physical properties of atomic particles Hypo|Hyper actinism the property of radiation that enables it to produce photochemical effects isotropy, symmetry(physics) the property of being isotropic; having the same value when measured in different directions anisotropythe property of being anisotropic; having a different value when measured in different directions characteristic, device characteristicany measurable property of a device measured under closely specified conditions connectivitythe property of being connected or the degree to which something has connections duality, wave-particle duality(physics) the property of matter and electromagnetic radiation that is characterized by the fact that some properties can be explained best by wave theory and others by particle theory genetic endowment, hereditythe total of inherited attributes agehow long something has existed fashion, manner, mode, style, wayhow something is done or how it happens composition, constitution, make-up, makeup, physical compositionthe way in which someone or something is composed body, consistence, consistency, eubstancethe property of holding together and retaining its shape dispositiona natural or acquired habit or characteristic tendency in a person or thing feel, tactile propertya property perceived by touch opticsoptical properties visual propertyan attribute of vision aroma, odor, odour, olfactory property, scent, smellany property detected by the olfactory system sound propertyan attribute of sound fullness, mellowness, richnessthe property of a sensation that is rich and pleasing taste propertya property appreciated via the sense of taste saltinessthe property of containing salt (as a compound or in solution) edibility, ediblenessthe property of being fit to eat bodily propertyan attribute of the body physical propertyany property used to characterize matter and energy and their interactions chemical propertya property used to characterize materials in reactions that change their identity sustainabilitythe property of being sustainable strengththe property of being physically or mentally strong concentrationthe strength of a solution; number of molecules of a substance in a given volume weaknessthe property of lacking physical or mental strength; liability to failure under pressure or stress or strain temporal propertya property relating to time viability(of living things) capable of normal growth and development spatial property, spatialityany property relating to or occupying space magnitudethe property of relative size or extent (whether large or small) degree, grade, levela position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality sizethe property resulting from being one of a series of graduated measurements (as of clothing) hydrophobicitythe property of being water-repellent; tending to repel and not absorb water analyticitythe property of being analytic compositenessthe property of being a composite number primalitythe property of being a prime number selectivitythe property of being selective vascularitythe property being vascular extensionthe ability to raise the working leg high in the air solubility, solvabilitythe property (of a problem or difficulty) that makes it possible to solve insolubility, unsolvabilitythe property (of a problem or difficulty) that makes it impossible to solve caliber, calibre, qualitya degree or grade of excellence or worth gaseousnesshaving the consistency of a gas hereditary pattern, inheritance(genetics) attributes acquired via biological heredity from the parents chronological ageage measured by the time (years and months) that something or someone has existed bone agea person's age measured by matching their bone development (as shown by X rays) with bone development of an average person of known chronological age developmental agea measure of a child's development (in body size or motor skill or psychological function) expressed in terms of age norms fertilization age, fetal age, gestational agethe age of an embryo counting from the time of fertilization mental agethe level of intellectual development as measured by an intelligence test oldnessthe quality of being old; the opposite of newness newnessthe quality of being new; the opposite of oldness oldnessthe opposite of youngness youngnessthe opposite of oldness artistic style, idiomthe style of a particular artist or school or movement drapethe manner in which fabric hangs or falls fitthe manner in which something fits forma particular mode in which something is manifested life style, life-style, lifestyle, modus vivendia manner of living that reflects the person's values and attitudes setupthe way something is organized or arranged signature, toucha distinguishing style wisea way of doing or being structurethe manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts phenotypewhat an organism looks like as a consequence of the interaction of its genotype and the environment genetic constitution, genotypethe particular alleles at specified loci present in an organism grain, texturethe physical composition of something (especially with respect to the size and shape of the small constituents of a substance) viscosity, viscousnessresistance of a liquid to shear forces (and hence to flow) thicknessresistance to flow thinnessa consistency of low viscosity hardnessthe property of being rigid and resistant to pressure; not easily scratched; measured on Mohs scale softnessthe property of giving little resistance to pressure and being easily cut or molded breakablenessthe consistency of something that breaks under pressure unbreakablenessa consistency of something that does not break under pressure porosity, porousnessthe property of being porous; being able to absorb fluids solidity, solidnessthe consistency of a solid aptness, propensitya disposition to behave in a certain way mordacitya disposition to biting predispositiona disposition in advance to react in a particular way pronenessbeing disposed to do something separatisma disposition toward schism and secession from a larger group; the principles and practices of separatists inclination, tendencya characteristic likelihood of or natural disposition toward a certain condition or character or effect touchthe feel of mechanical action texturethe feel of a surface or a fabric texturethe characteristic appearance of a surface having a tactile quality light, lightnessthe visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures dullnessa lack of visual brightness softnessa visual property that is subdued and free from brilliance or glare color, coloring, colour, colouringa visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect achromaticity, achromatism, colorlessness, colourlessnessthe visual property of being without chromatic color color propertyan attribute of color bouquet, fragrance, fragrancy, redolence, sweetnessa pleasingly sweet olfactory property fetidness, foulness, malodorousness, rankness, stinkinessthe attribute of having a strong offensive smell muskinesshaving the olfactory properties of musk soundthe particular auditory effect produced by a given cause quiet, silencethe absence of sound musicality, musicalnessthe property of sounding like music harmonyan agreeable sound property dissonancedisagreeable sounds pitchthe property of sound that varies with variation in the frequency of vibration registration(music) the sound property resulting from a combination of organ stops used to perform a particular piece of music; the technique of selecting and adjusting organ stops quality, timber, timbre, tone(music) the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound) intensity, loudness, volumethe magnitude of sound (usually in a specified direction) softnessa sound property that is free from loudness or stridency rhythmicitythe rhythmic property imparted by the accents and relative durations of notes in a piece of music rancidnessthe property of being rancid spice, spicery, spicinessthe property of being seasoned with spice and so highly flavored brininess, salinitythe relative proportion of salt in a solution brackishnessthe quality of being salty, as the saltiness of water acidity, sour, sournessthe property of being acidic sweet, sweetnessthe property of tasting as if it contains sugar bitter, bitternessthe property of having a harsh unpleasant taste palatability, palatablenessthe property of being acceptable to the mouth unpalatability, unpalatablenessthe property of being unacceptable to the mouth digestibility, digestiblenessthe property of being easy to digest indigestibility, indigestiblenessthe property of being difficult to digest bipedalismthe bodily attribute of being bipedal; having two feet dominance, lateralitysuperior development of one side of the body body-build, build, habitus, physiqueconstitution of the human body avoirdupois, blubber, fat, fatnessexcess bodily weight leanness, spareness, thinnessthe property of having little body fat height, stature(of a standing person) the distance from head to foot bearing, carriage, posturecharacteristic way of bearing one's body physiologyprocesses and functions of an organism physiological propertya property having to do with the functioning of the body volatilitythe property of changing readily from a solid or liquid to a vapor absorption factor, absorptivity(physics) the property of a body that determines the fraction of the incident radiation or sound flux absorbed or absorbable by the body dissolubility, solublenessthe property of being dissoluble drippinessthe physical property of being soft and drippy reflection, reflectivity, reflexionthe ability to reflect beams or rays bending, deflection, deflexionthe property of being bent or deflected temperaturethe degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment (corresponding to its molecular activity) H, enthalpy, heat content, total heat(thermodynamics) a thermodynamic quantity equal to the internal energy of a system plus the product of its volume and pressure S, entropy, randomness(thermodynamics) a thermodynamic quantity representing the amount of energy in a system that is no longer available for doing mechanical work perceptibilitythe property of being perceptible by the mind or the senses invisibility, invisiblenessthe quality of not being perceivable by the eye brightness, brightness level, light, luminance, luminosity, luminousnessthe quality of being luminous; emitting or reflecting light inaudibility, inaudiblenessthe quality of not being perceptible by the ear imperceptibilitythe property of being imperceptible by the mind or the senses reluctivity(physics) the resistance of a material to the establishment of a magnetic field in it sensitiveness, sensitivitythe ability to respond to physical stimuli or to register small physical amounts or differences magnetisation, magnetizationthe physical property of being magnetic elasticity, snapthe tendency of a body to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed malleability, plasticitythe property of being physically malleable; the property of something that can be worked or hammered or shaped without breaking inelasticitythe lack of elasticity unmalleabilitya lack of malleability massthe property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field weightthe vertical force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity momentumthe product of a body's mass and its velocity good parta place of especial strength brawn, brawniness, heftiness, muscle, muscularity, sinewpossessing muscular strength might, mightiness, powerphysical strength dynamism, heartiness, vigor, vigouractive strength of body or mind hardiness, lustiness, robustness, validitythe property of being strong and healthy in constitution huskiness, ruggedness, toughnessthe property of being big and strong littleness, smallnessthe property of having relatively little strength or vigor stalwartness, stoutnessthe property of being strong and resolute sturdinessthe property of something that is strongly built firmness, soundnessthe muscle tone of healthy tissue indomitability, invincibilitythe property being difficult or impossible to defeat endurancethe power to withstand hardship or stress invulnerabilitythe property of being invulnerable; the property of being incapable of being hurt (physically or emotionally) intensity, intensivenesshigh level or degree; the property of being intense titer, titrethe concentration of a solution as determined by titration hydrogen ion concentrationthe number of moles of hydrogen ions per cubic decimeter molal concentration, molalityconcentration measured by the number of moles of solute per kilogram of solvent M, molar concentration, molarityconcentration measured by the number of moles of solute per liter of solution adynamialack of strength or vigor (especially from illness) feebleness, tenuitythe quality of lacking intensity or substance faintnessthe property of being without strength flimsiness, shoddinessthe property of weakness by virtue of careless construction delicacy, fragilitylack of physical strength insubstantialitylack of solid substance and strength attenuationthe property of something that has been weakened or reduced in thickness or density enervationlack of vitality fatigabilitysusceptibility to fatigue; a tendency to get tired or lose strength inanition, lassitude, lethargy, slacknessweakness characterized by a lack of vitality or energy soft spot, weak part, weak spota place of especial vulnerability vulnerabilitysusceptibility to injury or attack temporal arrangement, temporal orderarrangement of events in time duration, lengthcontinuance in time fugacitythe tendency of a gas to expand or escape pace, ratethe relative speed of progress or change dimensionalitythe spatial property of having dimensions directionalitythe property of being directional or maintaining a direction configuration, conformation, contour, form, shapeany spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline) balance, correspondence, symmetricalness, symmetry(mathematics) an attribute of a shape or relation; exact reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane asymmetry, dissymmetry, imbalance(mathematics) a lack of symmetry obliquenessthe property of being neither parallel nor perpendicular, but at a slanting angle attitude, position, posturethe arrangement of the body and its limbs absolute magnitude(astronomy) the magnitude that a star would have if it were viewed from a distance of 10 parsecs (32.62 light years) from the earth dimension, proportionmagnitude or extent order, order of magnitudea degree in a continuum of size or quantity dimensionthe magnitude of something in a particular direction (especially length or width or height) grindthe grade of particle fineness to which a substance is ground degreethe seriousness of something (e.g., a burn or crime) depthdegree of psychological or intellectual profundity extra largea garment size for a very large person largea garment size for a large person numbera clothing measurement 8vo, eightvo, octavothe size of a book whose pages are made by folding a sheet of paper three times to form eight leaves outsizean unusual garment size (especially one that is very large) petitea garment size for short or slender women 4to, quartothe size of a book whose pages are made by folding a sheet of paper twice to form four leaves regulara garment size for persons of average height and weight smalla garment size for a small person stouta garment size for a large or heavy person talla garment size for a tall person highnessa high degree (of amount or force etc.) higha lofty level or position or degree lowa low level or position or degree lownessa low or small degree of any quality (amount or force or temperature etc.) extremethe furthest or highest degree of something amplitudegreatness of magnitude amplitude levelthe level on a scale of amplitude multiplicitythe property of being multiple triplicitythe property of being triple sizethe physical magnitude of something (how big it is) sizea large magnitude bulk, mass, volumethe property of something that is great in magnitude muchnessgreatness of quantity or measure or extent intensity, intensity level, strengththe amount of energy transmitted (as by acoustic or electromagnetic radiation) amountthe relative magnitude of something with reference to a criterion moderateness, moderationquality of being moderate and avoiding extremes immoderateness, immoderationthe quality of being excessive and lacking in moderation SPF, sun protection factorthe degree to which a sunscreen protects the skin from the direct rays of the sun extentthe distance or area or volume over which something extends lengththe linear extent in space from one end to the other; the longest dimension of something that is fixed in place responsethe manner in which an electrical or mechanical device responds to an input signal or a range of input signals karyotypethe appearance of the chromosomal makeup of a somatic cell in an individual or species (including the number and arrangement and size and structure of the chromosomes) attribute an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity 2n a construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished self-confidence is not an endearing property Syn|Hypo|Hyper attribute, dimension character, lineament, quality a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something characteristic, featurea prominent attribute or aspect of something feature, feature of speech(linguistics) a distinctive characteristic of a linguistic unit that serves to distinguish it from other units of the same kind sex character, sex characteristic, sexual characteristicthose characteristics (both anatomical and psychological) that are strongly associated with one sex relative to the other texturethe essential quality of something invarianta feature (quantity or property or function) that remains unchanged when a particular transformation is applied to it aspect, faceta distinct feature or element in a problem attracter, attraction, attractive feature, attractor, magneta characteristic that provides pleasure and attracts badgeany feature that is regarded as a sign of status (a particular power or quality or rank) centerpiece, centrepiecethe central or most important feature contoura feature (or the order or arrangement of features) of anything having a complex structure excellence, excellencyan outstanding feature; something in which something or someone excels externaloutward features distinctive feature, distinguishing characteristic, peculiarityan odd or unusual characteristic safety featurefeature of an artifact that is added to insure a user's safety concept, conception, construct an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances |
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