单词 | change |
释义 | change (once / 16 pages) 1vn 2vn 3n Is it just not the same anymore? Then there must have been a change. The noun change can refer to any thing or state that is different from what it once was. Change is everywhere in life — and in English. The word has numerous senses, both as a noun and verb, and is a part of many common phrases, like "a change of heart." Change might describe a drastic transformation, as in Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, or it could also represent what’s jingling in your pocket. WORD FAMILYchange: changeable, changed, changeful, changeless, changer, changes, changing, counterchange, interchange+/changeable: changeability, changeableness, changeablest, changeably, unchangeable/changed: unchanged/changeful: changefully, changefulness/changeless: changelessly, changelessness/changer: changers/changing: changingly, unchanging/counterchange: counterchanged, counterchanges, counterchanging/interchange: interchangeable, interchanged, interchanges, interchanging/interchangeable: interchangeability, interchangeableness, interchangeably, noninterchangeable/unchangeable: unchangeability, unchangeableness, unchangeably/unchanged: unchangedly/unchanging: unchangingly, unchangingness USAGE EXAMPLESBut Watson, who is often reluctant to change equipment, is not your typical player who endures endless hours of product testing. Golf Digest(Jan 02, 2017) Lee with $50 worth of curtains and changed the sign. Los Angeles Times(Jan 02, 2017) For the Seahawks, though, this season marked a somewhat stunning change in offensive personality. Seattle Times(Jan 02, 2017) 1 1v become different in some particular way, without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence her mood changes in accordance with the weather Syn|Hypo alter, vary alternate, jump go back and forth; swing back and forth between two states or conditions crackleto become, or to cause to become, covered with a network of small cracks modulatevary the frequency, amplitude, phase, or other characteristic of (electromagnetic waves) avianise, avianizeto modify microorganisms by repeated culture in the developing chick embryo movego or proceed from one point to another accommodate, adaptmake fit for, or change to suit a new purpose let out, widenmake (clothes) larger take inmake (clothes) smaller branch out, broaden, diversifyvary in order to spread risk or to expand diversify, radiatespread into new habitats and produce variety or variegate narrow, narrow down, specialise, specializebecome more focused on an area of activity or field of study honeycombmake full of cavities, like a honeycomb breakvary or interrupt a uniformity or continuity stepmove or proceed as if by steps into a new situation scrollmove through text or graphics in order to display parts that do not fit on the screen adjustmake correspondent or conformable gear, pitchset the level or character of fitinsert or adjust several objects or people anglicise, anglicizemake English in appearance shoehornfit for a specific purpose even when not well suited orient, tailoradjust to a specific need or market domesticate, tamemake fit for cultivation, domestic life, and service to humans cultivate, domesticate, naturalise, naturalize, tameadapt (a wild plant or unclaimed land) to the environment Christianise, Christianizeadapt in the name of Christianity naturalise, naturalizeadopt to another place overspecialise, overspecializebecome overly specialized electrify, wireequip for use with electricity transcriberewrite or arrange a piece of music for an instrument or medium other than that originally intended lapse, pass, sinkpass into a specified state or condition 2v undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature She changed completely as she grew older The weather changed last night Ant|Hypo remain, rest, stay stay the same; remain in a certain state freshen, freshen up, refresh, refreshen become or make oneself fresh again dress, get dressedput on clothes acquire, develop, get, grow, producecome to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes) regenerateundergo regeneration shadepass from one quality such as color to another by a slight degree gelbecome a gel animalise, animalize, brutalise, brutalizebecome brutal or insensitive and unfeeling convertchange in nature, purpose, or function; undergo a chemical change creolizedevelop into a creole mutateundergo mutation experience, haveundergo decrepitateundergo decrepitation and crackle suburbanise, suburbanizetake on suburban character roll, roll upshow certain properties when being rolled glass, glass over, glaze, glaze overbecome glassy or take on a glass-like appearance grow, turnpass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute; become barbarise, barbarizebecome crude or savage or barbaric in behavior or language alkalinise, alkalinizebecome alkaline change by reversal, reverse, turnchange to the contrary change integritychange in physical make-up change form, change shape, deformassume a different shape or form formassume a form or shape change state, turnundergo a transformation or a change of position or action adapt, adjust, conformadapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions climb up, jump, riserise in rank or status assimilatebecome similar in sound dissimilatebecome dissimilar or less similar dissimilatebecome dissimilar by changing the sound qualities change magnitudechange in size or magnitude modifymake less severe or harsh or extreme deadenbecome lifeless, less lively, intense, or active; lose life, force, or vigor breakbe broken in crumble, decay, dilapidatefall into decay or ruin mildew, moldbecome moldy; spoil due to humidity hydratebecome hydrated and combine with water dry, dry outbecome dry or drier strengthengain strength distil, distillundergo the process of distillation deoxidise, deoxidize, reduceto remove oxygen from a compound, or cause to react with hydrogen or form a hydride, or to undergo an increase in the number of electrons crackbreak into simpler molecules by means of heat oxidate, oxidise, oxidizeadd oxygen to or combine with oxygen oxidate, oxidise, oxidizeenter into a combination with oxygen or become converted into an oxide growbecome attached by or as if by the process of growth mellow, mellow out, meltbecome more relaxed, easygoing, or genial softenbecome soft or softer ionise, ionizebecome converted into ions stabilise, stabilizebecome stable or more stable destabilise, destabilizebecome unstable lighten, lighten upbecome lighter color, colour, discolor, discolourchange color, often in an undesired manner discolor, discolourlose color or turn colorless contract, narrowmake or become more narrow or restricted darkenbecome dark or darker dimbecome dim or lusterless boilimmerse or be immersed in a boiling liquid, often for cooking purposes break, check, crackbecome fractured; break or crack on the surface only transpirecome to light; become known resume, take upreturn to a previous location or condition change surfaceundergo or cause to undergo a change in the surface sublimate, sublimevaporize and then condense right back again cool, cool down, cool offlose intensity warm upbecome more friendly or open warm, warm upget warm or warmer metamorphose, transform, transmutechange in outward structure or looks convertchange religious beliefs, or adopt a religious belief dullbecome dull or lusterless in appearance; lose shine or brightness complexify, ramifyhave or develop complicating consequences Americanise, Americanizebecome American in character develop, modernise, modernizebecome technologically advanced stiffenbecome stiff or stiffer tightenbecome tight or tighter break, break down, conk out, die, fail, give out, give way, go, go badstop operating or functioning give way, yieldend resistance, as under pressure or force harden, induratebecome hard or harder harden, induratemake hard or harder suffuseto become overspread as with a fluid, a colour, a gleam of light hushbecome quiet or still; fall silent normalise, normalizebecome normal or return to its normal state reorientset or arrange in a new or different determinate position purifybecome clean or pure or free of guilt and sin digestbecome assimilated into the body regressgo back to a statistical means foulbecome soiled and dirty decalcifylose calcium or calcium compounds industrialise, industrializedevelop industry; become industrial decarboxylatelose a carboxyl group spotbecome spotted find, get, incur, obtain, receivereceive a specified treatment (abstract) acetylate, acetylise, acetylizereceive substitution of an acetyl group acquire, adopt, assume, take, take ontake on a certain form, attribute, or aspect primassume a prim appearance capacitatecause (spermatozoa) to undergo the physical changes necessary to fertilize an egg caseatebecome cheeselike caseateturn into cheese clinkerturn to clinker or form clinker under excessive heat in burning curebe or become preserved dawnbecome light salinateadd salt to desalinate, desalinise, desalinize, desaltremove salt from shallow, shoalbecome shallow steepenbecome steeper superannuatebecome obsolete ulcerateundergo ulceration vitrifyundergo vitrification; become glassy or glass-like vulcanise, vulcanizeundergo vulcanization dull, pallbecome less interesting or attractive become flat, die, palllose sparkle or bouquet saponifybecome converted into soap by being hydrolized into an acid and alcohol as a result of being treated with an alkali go, move, runprogress by being changed comereach or enter a state, relation, condition, use, or position catchbe struck or affected by catch onbecome popular develop, growgrow emotionally or mature flychange quickly from one emotional state to another acquire, develop, evolvegain through experience assibilatechange into a sibilant smoothenbecome smooth turn onbecome hostile towards dropchange from one level to another break intochange pace deepenbecome deeper in tone concretise, concretizebecome specific decayundergo decay or decomposition commute, transposeexchange positions without a change in value introjectincorporate (attitudes or ideas) into one's personality unconsciously shiftchange in quality swingalternate dramatically between high and low values fallbe cast down fallassume a disappointed or sad expression reflateeconomics: experience reflation hydrolyse, hydrolyzeundergo hydrolysis; decompose by reacting with water fold, fold upbecome folded or folded up gelatinise, gelatinizebecome gelatinous or change into a jelly felt, felt up, mat, mat up, matt-up, matte, matte upchange texture so as to become matted and felt-like recombineundergo genetic recombination feminise, feminizeassume (more) feminine characteristics obsolescebecome obsolete, fall into disuse plasticise, plasticizebecome plastic, as by having a plasticizer added recedebecome faint or more distant defervesceexperience an abatement of a fever incandescebecome incandescent or glow with heat calcifybecome inflexible and unchanging driftbe subject to fluctuation play outbecome spent or exhausted conjugateundergo conjugation isomerise, isomerizechange into an isomer evaporate, vaporisechange into a vapor induratebecome fixed or established gradatepass imperceptibly from one degree, shade, or tone into another keratinise, keratinizebecome horny and impregnated with keratin opacifybecome opaque maturebecome due for repayment rejuvenatedevelop youthful topographical features sequesterundergo sequestration by forming a stable compound with an ion transaminateundergo transfer from one compound to another vesiculatebecome vesicular or full of air cells undulateincrease and decrease in volume or pitch, as if in waves vascularise, vascularizebecome vascular and have vessels that circulate fluids crashundergo a sudden and severe downturn professionalise, professionalizebecome professional or proceed in a professional manner or in an activity for pay or as a means of livelihood shiftchange phonetically as part of a systematic historical change flip, flip outgo mad, go crazy gumbecome sticky repressblock the action of shearbecome deformed by forces tending to produce a shearing strain damagesuffer or be susceptible to damage synthesizecombine and form a synthesis come around, come roundchange one's position or opinion promotebe changed for a superior chess or checker piece divide, part, separatecome apart arrange, formatset (printed matter) into a specific format fall forfall in love with; become infatuated with ascend, move up, risemove to a better position in life or to a better job change postureundergo a change in bodily posture settlebecome clear by the sinking of particles break, cave in, collapse, fall in, founder, give, give waybreak down, literally or metaphorically undergopass through solarise, solarizebecome overexposed occultbecome concealed or hidden from view or have its light extinguished passtransfer to another; of rights or property depart, leave, pull up stakesremove oneself from an association with or participation in liberalise, liberalizebecome more liberal stratifydevelop different social levels, classes, or castes democratise, democratizebecome (more) democratic; of nations loosen, relaxbecome less severe or strict reticulateform a net or a network flocculateform into an aggregated lumpy or fluffy mass carbonateturn into a carbonate come income into fashion; become fashionable go outgo out of fashion; become unfashionable stagnatecause to stagnate makeundergo fabrication or creation frost over, ice over, ice upbecome covered with a layer of ice; of a surface such as a window respireundergo the biomedical and metabolic processes of respiration by taking up oxygen and producing carbon monoxide arouse, awake, awaken, come alive, wake, wake up, wakenstop sleeping black out, pass out, zonk outlose consciousness due to a sudden trauma, for example come to, resuscitate, revivereturn to consciousness lave, wash upwash one's face and hands tense, tense upbecome tense, nervous, or uneasy decompress, loosen up, relax, slow down, unbend, unwindbecome less tense, rest, or take one's ease attire, deck out, deck up, dress up, fancy up, fig out, fig up, get up, gussy up, overdress, prink, rig out, tog out, tog up, trick out, trick upput on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive dress, dress updress in a certain manner dress down, underdressdress informally and casually prinkdress very carefully and in a finicky manner lose weight, melt off, reduce, slenderize, slim, slim down, thintake off weight gain, put onincrease (one's body weight) bundle updress warmly apparel, clothe, dress, enclothe, fit out, garb, garment, habilitate, raiment, togprovide with clothes or put clothes on assume, don, get into, put on, wearput clothing on one's body cross-dressdress in the clothes of the other sex dandifydress like a dandy cross-fertilise, cross-fertilizeundergo cross-fertilization; become fertile conceivebecome pregnant; undergo conception labor, labourundergo the efforts of childbirth feather, fledgegrow feathers regrowgrow anew or continue growth after an injury or interruption springdevelop suddenly sprout, stockput forth and grow sprouts or shoots stool, tillergrow shoots in the form of stools or tillers leafproduce leaves, of plants podproduce pods, of plants teethegrow teeth; cut the baby teeth pupatedevelop into a pupa get up, work updevelop rejuvenatebecome young again blush, crimson, flush, reddenturn red, as if in embarrassment or shame blanch, blench, paleturn pale, as if in fear bronze, tanget a tan, from wind or sun burn, sunburnget a sunburn by overexposure to the sun cuthave grow through the gums caramelise, caramelizebe converted into caramel maltturn into malt, become malt differentiatebecome distinct and acquire a different character revertundergo reversion, as in a mutation alternate, flip, flip-flop, interchange, switch, tackreverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action) optimise, optimizemodify to achieve maximum efficiency in storage capacity or time or cost rolltake the shape of a roll or cylinder baldgrow bald; lose hair on one's head secularise, secularizemake secular and draw away from a religious orientation citratecause to form a salt or ester of citric acid equilibratebring to a chemical stasis or equilibrium turn the tables, turn the tidecause a complete reversal of the circumstances commutatereverse the direction of (an alternating electric current) each half cycle so as to produce a unidirectional current exchange, switch, switch overchange over, change around, as to a new order or sequence grain, granulatebecome granular constellateform a constellation or cluster culminaterise to, or form, a summit grain, granulateform into grains conglobate, conglobeassume a globular shape fallpass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind become, get, goenter or assume a certain state or condition readapt, readjustadjust anew readaptadapt anew decrease, diminish, fall, lessendecrease in size, extent, or range increasebecome bigger or greater in amount assimilatebecome similar to one's environment consolidatemake firm or secure; strengthen proofmake resistant (to harm) attempermodify the temperature of syncopatemodify the rhythm by stressing or accenting a weak beat updatemodernize or bring up to date updatebring to the latest state of technology hop up, hot up, soup upmake more powerful creamadd cream to one's coffee, for example backstrengthen by providing with a back or backing qualify, restrictmake more specific correct, rectify, rightmake right or correct falsifyfalsify knowingly corrupt, spoilalter from the original decline, worsengrow worse ameliorate, better, improve, meliorateget better deterioratebecome worse or disintegrate decompose, molder, moulder, rotbreak down go bad, spoilbecome unfit for consumption or use smutbecome affected with smut dry-rotaffect or be affected with dry rot scorchbecome scorched or singed under intense heat or dry conditions disengagebecome free sandbagprotect or strengthen with sandbags; stop up overgrowbecome overgrown concentratemake denser, stronger, or purer benficiatesubject to a reduction process catabolise, catabolizesubject to catabolism rustbecome coated with oxide breathereach full flavor by absorbing air and being let to stand after having been uncorked poledeoxidize molten metals by stirring them with a wooden pole mellowmake or grow (more) mellow encrust, incrustform a crust or a hard layer face-hardenharden steel by adding carbon callusform a callus or calluses calluscause a callus to form on breakcrack; of the male voice in puberty bulge, pouch, protrudeswell or protrude outwards acetify, acidifyturn acidic alkalify, alkalise, alkalize, basifyturn basic and less acidic reformbreak up the molecules of polymerise, polymerizeundergo polymerization polymerise, polymerizecause (a compound) to polymerize ionise, ionizeconvert into ions ossifybecome bony catalyse, catalyzechange by catalysis or cause to catalyze get worse, relapsedeteriorate in health immobilise, immobilizeconvert (assets) into fixed capital fluctuatebe unstable corrode, rustbecome destroyed by water, air, or a corrosive such as an acid weatherchange under the action or influence of the weather eat at, erode, gnaw, gnaw at, wear awaybecome ground down or deteriorate wash outlose color in the process of being washed white, whitenturn white black, blacken, melanise, melanize, nigrifymake or become black melanise, melanizeconvert into, or infiltrate with melanin turnchange color silverturn silver dyecolor with dye reddenturn red or redder purplebecome purple gray, greyturn grey yellowturn yellow tonechange the color or tone of irradiatecast rays of light upon illume, illuminate, illumine, light, light upmake lighter or brighter harden, temperharden by reheating and cooling in oil anneal, normalize, temperbring to a desired consistency, texture, or hardness by a process of gradually heating and cooling toughenmake tough or tougher constrict, constringe, narrowbecome tight or as if tight bottleneckbecome narrow, like a bottleneck taper offbecome smaller or less active go off, implodeburst inward burst, explodeburst outward, usually with noise break loose, burst forth, explodebe unleashed; emerge with violence or noise blow up, detonate, explode, set offcause to burst with a violent release of energy duskbecome dusk black out, blacken outdarken completely focalise, focalize, focusbecome focussed or come into focus sizemake to a size; bring to a suitable size overboilboil excessively cooktransform and make suitable for consumption by heating simmerboil slowly at low temperature break up, disperse, scattercause to separate subdivideform into subdivisions break, come apart, fall apart, separate, split upbecome separated into pieces or fragments crackbreak partially but keep its integrity level, level offbecome level or even crustform a crust or form into a crust buckle, heave, warpbend out of shape, as under pressure or from heat buy the farm, cash in one's chips, choke, conk, croak, decease, die, drop dead, exit, expire, give-up the ghost, go, kick the bucket, pass, pass away, perish, pop off, snuff itpass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life be borncome into existence through birth cloud overbecome overcast curl, curve, kinkform a curl, curve, or kink pasteurise, pasteurizeheat food in order to kill harmful microorganisms condensecause a gas or vapor to change into a liquid resublimesublime (a compound) once again evaporate, vaporise, vaporizelose or cause to lose liquid by vaporization leaving a more concentrated residue pervaporateevaporate through a semipermeable membrane carbonise, carbonizeturn into carbon, as by burning chill, cool, cool downloose heat heat, heat up, hot upgain heat or get hot carbonise, carbonize, carburise, carburizeunite with carbon freezechange to ice boilcome to the boiling point and change from a liquid to vapor burn, combustundergo combustion burn, incineratecause to undergo combustion commute, permute, transposechange the order or arrangement of aurifytransform into gold metamorphose, transfigure, transmogrifychange completely the nature or appearance of regress, retrovert, return, revert, turn backgo back to a previous state emaciategrow weak and thin or waste away physically point, sharpen, tapergive a point to acclimate, acclimatise, acclimatizeget used to a certain climate desynchronise, desynchronizecause to become desynchronized; cause to occur at unrelated times blend, coalesce, combine, commingle, conflate, flux, fuse, immix, meld, merge, mixmix together different elements disintegratebreak into parts or components or lose cohesion or unity maceratebecome soft or separate and disintegrate as a result of excessive soaking decay, decompose, disintegratelose a stored charge, magnetic flux, or current putrefybecome putrid; decay with an offensive smell Frenchifybecome French in appearance or character root, settle, settle down, steady down, take rootbecome settled or established and stable in one's residence or life style becalm, calm, steadymake still or steady rigidifybecome rigid firm, tautenbecome taut or tauter thinlose thickness; become thin or thinner inspissate, thickenbecome thick or thicker inspissate, thickenmake viscous or dense crash, go downstop operating blow, blow out, burn outmelt, break, or become otherwise unusable unfurl, unrollunroll, unfold, or spread out or be unrolled, unfolded, or spread out from a furled state roll up, wrap upform a cylinder by rolling furl, roll upform into a cylinder by rolling specialise, specializesuit to a special purpose aerify, gasify, vaporise, vaporizeturn into gas flux, liquefy, liquifybecome liquid or fluid when heated solidifybecome solid solidifymake solid or more solid; cause to solidify crystalise, crystalize, crystallise, crystallizecause to form crystals or assume crystalline form solvateundergo solvation or convert into a solvate reactundergo a chemical reaction; react with another substance under certain conditions break up, dissolve, resolvecause to go into a solution dissolve, fade away, fade outbecome weaker discharge, emptybecome empty or void of its content fill, fill upbecome full matchbe equal or harmonize homogenise, homogenizebecome homogeneous or similar, as by mixing homogenise, homogenizebreak up the fat globules of clabber, clot, curdleturn into curds clot, coagulatechange from a liquid to a thickened or solid state ferment, sour, turn, workgo sour or spoil flatten, flatten outbecome flat or flatter adjust, align, aline, line upplace in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight skewturn or place at an angle integratebecome one; become integrated droop, wiltbecome limp precipitateseparate as a fine suspension of solid particles drawcontract deformbecome misshapen polarise, polarizebecome polarized in a conflict or contrasting situation calcifyturn into lime; become calcified cokebecome coke calcifybecome impregnated with calcium salts carnifybecome muscular or fleshy chondrifyturn into cartilage emulsifyform into or become an emulsion demulsifybreak down into components denitrifyremove nitrogen from esterifychange (a compound) into an ester etherifychange into an ether jellify, jellymake into jelly jellifybecome jelly frecklebecome freckled foxbecome discolored with, or as if with, mildew spots bufferadd a buffer (a solution) greenturn or become green blueturn blue thrombosebecome blocked by a thrombus takeascertain or determine by measuring, computing or take a reading from a dial marbleise, marbleizemake something look like marble re-assumetake on again, as after a time lapse curemake (substances) hard and improve their usability outgrowgrow too large or too mature for makedevelop into batter, dingemake a dent or impression in deliquescemelt away in the process of decay crease, crinkle, crumple, rumple, wrinklebecome wrinkled or crumpled or creased ebbfall away or decline ruinfall into ruin submit, takeaccept or undergo, often unwillingly deconsecrate, desecrate, unhallowremove the consecration from a person or an object inflectchange the form of a word in accordance as required by the grammatical rules of the language misfirefail to fire or detonate break up, calverelease ice distort, twine, twistform into a spiral shape smooth, smoothenmake smooth or smoother, as if by rubbing roughenmake rough or rougher break away, break off, chip, chip off, come offbreak off (a piece from a whole) fold, fold up, turn upbend or lay so that one part covers the other buckle, crumplefold or collapse bend, deform, flex, turn, twistcause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form disjoin, disjointbecome separated, disconnected or disjoint come away, come off, detachcome to be detached even, even out, flush, levelmake level or straight open, open upbecome open close, shutbecome closed break, bust, fall apart, wear, wear outgo to pieces compact, compress, constrict, contract, press, squeezesqueeze or press together separatedivide into components or constituents bunch, bunch up, bundle, clump, clustergather or cause to gather into a cluster undocancel, annul, or reverse an action or its effect malfunction, misfunctionfail to function or function improperly teaseraise the nap of (fabrics) impress, imprintmark or stamp with or as if with pressure blob, blot, fleck, spotmake a spot or mark onto sorb, take uptake up a liquid or a gas either by adsorption or by absorption segregatedivide from the main body or mass and collect segmentdivide or split up reduceundergo meiosis section, segmentdivide into segments partition, partition offdivide into parts, pieces, or sections discerp, dismember, take apartdivide into pieces strain, tensebecome stretched or tense or taut buffer, cushion, softenprotect from impact brecciateform into breccia reticulatedivide so as to form a network flakeform into flakes indentset in from the margin rubricatefurnish with rubrics or regulate by rubrics calm, calm down, chill out, cool it, cool off, settle down, simmer downbecome quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation fluctuate, vacillate, wavermove or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern queenbecome a queen flopfall loosely breakcurl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves straightenget up from a sitting or slouching position arise, get up, rise, stand up, upriserise to one's feet falldrop oneself to a lower or less erect position fall, fall downlose an upright position suddenly rightregain an upright or proper position sit, sit downtake a seat lie, lie downassume a reclining position drop, drop down, sinkfall or descend to a lower place or level sink, slide down, slumpfall or sink heavily hump, hunch, hunch forward, hunch overround one's back by bending forward and drawing the shoulders forward straighten, unbendstraighten up or out; make straight bend, flexform a curve bowbend the head or the upper part of the body in a gesture of respect or greeting break down, collapse, crumble, crumple, tumblefall apart extend, stretch, stretch out, unfoldextend or stretch out to a greater or the full length uncurlmove out of a curled position bug out, bulge, bulge out, come out, pop, pop out, protrude, startbulge outward sit upchange to an upright sitting position experience, get, have, receivego through (mental or physical states or experiences) experience, go through, seego or live through flourish, fly high, prosper, thrivemake steady progress; be at the high point in one's career or reach a high point in historical significance or importance leave office, quit, resign, step downgive up or retire from a position drop outleave school or an educational program prematurely gerrymanderdivide unfairly and to one's advantage; of voting districts carve up, dissever, divide, divvy, separate, split, split upseparate into parts or portions emancipate, liberategive equal rights to; of women and minorities obeybe obedient to headform a head or come or grow to a head beadform into beads, as of water or sweat, for example become, turnundergo a change or development get into, tangle withget involved in or with squarecause to match, as of ideas or acts encounter, meet, receiveexperience as a reaction liquefybecome liquid catch fire, combust, conflagrate, erupt, ignite, take firestart to burn or burst into flames cloud over, cloud up, overcloudbecome covered with clouds dry out, run drybecome empty of water 3v become deeper in tone His voice began to change when he was 12 years old Syn deepen 4v cause to change; make different; cause a transformation The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue Syn|Hypo alter, modify arouse, awaken, rouse, wake, wake up, waken cause to become awake or conscious cause to sleepmake fall asleep affectact physically on; have an effect upon freshen, refresh, refreshenmake fresh again fecundate, fertilise, fertilize, inseminateintroduce semen into (a female) indisposecause to feel unwell crybring into a particular state by crying etiolatemake pale or sickly shadevary slightly animalise, animalize, brutalise, brutalizemake brutal, unfeeling, or inhuman convertchange the nature, purpose, or function of something opalise, opalizemake opalescent arterialise, arterializechange venous blood into arterial blood get, makegive certain properties to something counterchange, interchange, transposecause to change places vascularise, vascularizemake vascular decrepitateto roast or calcine so as to cause to crackle or until crackling stops suburbanise, suburbanizemake suburban in character overturn, revolutionise, revolutionizechange radically etiolatebleach and alter the natural development of (a green plant) by excluding sunlight barbarise, barbarizemake crude or savage in behavior or speech alkalinise, alkalinizemake (a substance) alkaline mythicise, mythicize, mythologise, mythologizemake into a myth allegorise, allegorizemake into an allegory demythologise, demythologizeremove the mythical element from (writings) bring, landbring into a different state coarsenmake less subtle or refined affect, bear on, bear upon, impact, touch, touch onhave an effect upon alchemise, alchemizealter (elements) by alchemy alcoholise, alcoholizemake alcoholic, as by fermenting form, shapegive shape or form to round, round down, round off, round outexpress as a round number suspendcause to be held in suspension in a fluid sobercause to become sober reconstructcause somebody to adapt or reform socially or politically increasemake bigger or more ease off, ease up, let upreduce pressure or intensity assimilatemake similar dissimilatemake dissimilar; cause to become less similar commute, convert, exchangeexchange a penalty for a less severe one vitalise, vitalizegive life to clear, unclutterrid of obstructions activatemake active or more active activatemake (substances) radioactive activate, aerateaerate (sewage) so as to favor the growth of organisms that decompose organic matter activatemake more adsorptive deactivate, inactivatemake inactive blunt, deadenmake less lively, intense, or vigorous; impair in vigor, force, activity, or sensation reconstruct, redo, remodeldo over, as of (part of) a house edit, redactprepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting cut, edit, edit outcut and assemble the components of chasten, subdue, tamecorrect by punishment or discipline chasten, moderate, temperrestrain ameliorate, amend, better, improve, meliorateto make better aggravate, exacerbate, exasperate, worsenmake worse wetcause to become wet dry, dry outremove the moisture from and make dry lubricatemake slippery or smooth through the application of a lubricant beef up, fortify, strengthenmake strong or stronger fortify, lace, spikeadd alcohol to (beverages) weakenlessen the strength of bluntmake less sharp oxidate, oxidise, oxidizeadd oxygen to or combine with oxygen merge, unify, unitejoin or combine agemake older mature, ripencause to ripen or develop fully antiquate, antiquegive an antique appearance to antiquatemake obsolete or old-fashioned develop, make growcause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development softenmake soft or softer damageinflict damage upon ossifycause to become hard and bony acerbatemake sour or bitter stabilise, stabilizemake stable and keep from fluctuating or put into an equilibrium destabilise, destabilizemake unstable sensibilise, sensibilize, sensify, sensitise, sensitizemake sensitive or aware desensitise, desensitizemake insensitive accustom, habituatemake psychologically or physically used (to something) disarray, disorderbring disorder to discolor, discolourcause to lose or change color color, color in, colorise, colorize, colour, colour in, colourise, colourizeadd color to stainproduce or leave stains huetake on color or become colored uglifymake ugly untunecause to be out of tune adjust, correct, setalter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard setput into a certain state; cause to be in a certain state disqualify, indispose, unfitmake unfit or unsuitable domesticate, domesticise, domesticize, reclaim, tameovercome the wildness of; make docile and tractable widenmake wider dehydrogenateremove hydrogen from hydrogenatecombine or treat with or expose to hydrogen; add hydrogen to the molecule of (an unsaturated organic compound) oxygenise, oxygenizechange (a compound) by increasing the proportion of the electronegative part; or change (an element or ion) from a lower to a higher positive valence: remove one or more electrons from (an atom, ion, or molecule) darkenmake dark or darker brighten, lighten, lighten upmake lighter or brighter blear, blurmake dim or indistinct bedim, obscure, overcloudmake obscure or unclear blot out, hide, obliterate, obscure, veilmake undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing cooktransform by heating slenderise, slenderizemake slender or appear to be slender crackcause to become cracked dismiss, dissolvedeclare void end, terminatebring to an end or halt defog, demistfree from mist concentrate, condense, contractcompress or concentrate chill, cool, cool downmake cool or cooler heat, heat upmake hot or hotter warmmake warm or warmer boilbring to, or maintain at, the boiling point freezecause to freeze blistercause blisters to form on change over, shift, switchmake a shift in or exchange of transposechange key change over, convertchange from one system to another or to a new plan or policy transformincrease or decrease (an alternating current or voltage) transformchange (a bacterial cell) into a genetically distinct cell by the introduction of DNA from another cell of the same or closely related species transformconvert (one form of energy) to another transmutealter the nature of (elements) transform, transmute, transubstantiatechange or alter in form, appearance, or nature ashconvert into ashes transform, translatechange from one form or medium into another reclaim, rectify, reform, regeneratebring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one convertcause to adopt a new or different faith Islamise, Islamizecause to conform to Islamic law invert, reverse, turn backturn inside out or upside down invertmake an inversion (in a musical composition) customise, customizemake according to requirements individualise, individualize, personalise, personalizemake personal or more personal depersonalise, depersonalize, objectifymake impersonal or present as an object sharpenraise the pitch of (musical notes) drop, flattenlower the pitch of (musical notes) disintegratecause to undergo fission or lose particles magnetise, magnetizemake magnetic degauss, demagnetise, demagnetizemake nonmagnetic; take away the magnetic properties (of) simplifymake simpler or easier or reduce in complexity or extent complicate, elaborate, rarify, refinemake more complex, intricate, or richer refinemake more precise or increase the discriminatory powers of complicate, perplexmake more complicated pressurise, pressurize, superchargeincrease the pressure on a gas or liquid centralise, centralize, concentratemake central decentralise, decentralize, deconcentratemake less central socialise, socializemake conform to socialist ideas and philosophies fix, gear up, prepare, ready, set, set upmake ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc internationalise, internationalizemake international in character bolshevise, bolshevize, communise, communizemake Communist or bring in accord with Communist principles Europeanise, Europeanizemake (continental) European in customs, character, or ideas Europeanise, Europeanizedenationalize and subject (a territory) to the supervision of an agency of a European community of nations bestialise, bestializemake brutal and depraved; give animal-like qualities to Americanise, Americanizemake American in character Frenchifymake French in appearance or character civilise, civilizeraise from a barbaric to a civilized state nationalise, nationalizeput under state control or ownership denationalise, denationalizeput under private control or ownership naturalise, naturalizemake into a citizen denaturalise, denaturalizestrip of the rights and duties of citizenship naturalise, naturalizemake more natural or lifelike denaturalise, denaturalizemake less natural or unnatural even, even outbecome even or more even equal, equalise, equalize, equate, matchmake equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching stiffenmake stiff or stiffer loose, loosenmake loose or looser fasten, tightenmake tight or tighter transitivise, transitivizemake transitive detransitivise, detransitivize, intransitivise, intransitivizeintransitivize inspissate, thickenmake thick or thicker fullmake (a garment) fuller by pleating or gathering diversifymake (more) diverse decelerate, slow downreduce the speed of deadenmake vapid or deprive of spirit accelerate, speed, speed upcause to move faster check, delay, retardslow the growth or development of decrease, lessen, minifymake smaller liquefy, liquidise, liquidize, liquifymake (a solid substance) liquid, as by heating solvatecause a solvation in (a substance) dissolvecause to fade away validatemake valid or confirm the validity of invalidate, vitiate, voidtake away the legal force of or render ineffective emptymake void or empty of contents fill, fill up, make fullmake full, also in a metaphorical sense saturatecause (a chemical compound, vapour, solution, magnetic material) to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance clot, coagulatecause to change from a liquid to a solid or thickened state loudencause to become loud normalise, normalize, renormalise, renormalizemake normal or cause to conform to a norm or standard morphcause to change shape in a computer animation neutralise, neutralizemake chemically neutral commercialise, commercialize, marketmake commercial purge, purify, sanctifymake pure or free from sin or guilt mechanise, mechanizemake mechanical automate, automatise, automatizemake automatic or control or operate automatically automatise, automatizeturn into an automaton mechanise, mechanizemake monotonous; make automatic or routine chord, harmonise, harmonizebring into consonance, harmony, or accord while making music or singing polarise, polarizecause to vibrate in a definite pattern glorifybestow glory upon contaminatemake radioactive by adding radioactive material devaluelower the value or quality of insulateprotect from heat, cold, or noise by surrounding with insulating material calcifyconvert into lime urbanise, urbanizemake more industrial or city-like urbanise, urbanizeimpart urban habits, ways of life, or responsibilities upon emulsifycause to become an emulsion; make into an emulsion demulsifycause to demulsify decarboxylateremove a carboxyl group from (a chemical compound) nazifycause or force to adopt Nazism or a Nazi character fecundate, fertilise, fertilizemake fertile or productive clarifymake clear by removing impurities or solids, as by heating embrittlemake brittle markmake or leave a mark on nickdivide or reset the tail muscles of disable, disenable, incapacitatemake unable to perform a certain action enablerender capable or able for some task de-emphasise, de-emphasize, destressreduce the emphasis tender, tenderise, tenderizemake tender or more tender as by marinating, pounding, or applying a tenderizer chargecause formation of a net electrical charge in or on bubblecause to form bubbles sweetenmake sweeter, more pleasant, or more agreeable iodinatecause to combine with iodine ionateadd ions to archaise, archaizegive an archaic appearance of character to informgive character or essence to officialise, officializemake official occidentalise, occidentalize, westernise, westernizemake western in character orientalise, orientalizemake oriental in character acetylate, acetylise, acetylizeintroduce an acetyl group into (a chemical compound) achromatise, achromatizeremove color from collimate, parallelmake or place parallel to something campgive an artificially banal or sexual quality to classicise, classicizemake classic or classical conventionalise, conventionalizemake conventional or adapt to conventions decimalise, decimalizechange from fractions to decimals dizzymake dizzy or giddy envenom, poisonadd poison to exteriorise, exteriorize, externalise, externalize, objectifymake external or objective, or give reality to glamorise, glamorize, glamourise, glamourizemake glamorous and attractive introvertturn inside laicise, laicizereduce to lay status politicise, politicizegive a political character to radicalizemake more radical in social or political outlook proofactivate by mixing with water and sometimes sugar or milk romanticise, romanticizemake romantic in style rusticatelend a rustic character to sauceadd zest or flavor to, make more interesting shallow, shoalmake shallow tenseincrease the tension on steepenmake steeper scramblemake unintelligible unscramblemake intelligible unsexremove the qualities typical of one's sex vitrifychange into glass or a glass-like substance by applying heat pallcause to become flat saponifyconvert into soap by hydrolizing an ester into an acid and alcohol as a result of treating it with an alkali expand, extendexpand the influence of set aside, suspendmake inoperative or stop muddymake turbid transformsubject to a mathematical transformation elevate, lift, raiseraise in rank or condition harshenmake harsh or harsher dingemake dingy demonise, demonizemake into a demon devilise, devilize, diabolise, diabolizeturn into a devil or make devilish etherealize, etherialisemake ethereal immaterialise, immaterialize, unsubstantialise, unsubstantializerender immaterial or incorporeal animate, animise, animizegive lifelike qualities to clearmake clear, bright, light, or translucent dynamise, dynamizemake (a drug) effective dynamise, dynamizemake more dynamic rarefy, sublimate, subtilizemake more subtle or refined volatilise, volatilizemake volatile; cause to pass off in a vapor uniformise, uniformizemake uniform symmetrise, symmetrizemake symmetric eternalise, eternalize, eternise, eternize, immortalise, immortalizemake famous forever denaturemake (alcohol) unfit for drinking without impairing usefulness for other purposes denaturemodify (as a native protein) especially by heat, acid, alkali, or ultraviolet radiation so that all of the original properties are removed or diminished denatureadd nonfissionable material to (fissionable material) so as to make unsuitable for use in an atomic bomb sanitise, sanitizemake less offensive or more acceptable by removing objectionable features verbifymake into a verb shiftmove from one setting or context to another sputtercause to undergo a process in which atoms are removed drawbring or lead someone to a certain action or condition makechange from one form into another dopeadd impurities to (a semiconductor) in order to produce or modify its properties prostraterender helpless or defenseless exciteproduce a magnetic field in energise, energize, exciteraise to a higher energy level shakebring to a specified condition by or as if by shaking outmodemake unfashionable, outdated, or obsolete spice, spice upmake more interesting or flavorful shortenmake short or shorter thinkbring into a given condition by mental preoccupation makecause to be enjoyable or pleasurable deflateproduce deflation in inflatecause prices to rise by increasing the available currency or credit reflateeconomics: raise demand, expand the money supply, or raise prices, after a period of deflation digitalise, digitalize, digitise, digitizeput into digital form, as for use in a computer gelatinise, gelatinizeconvert into gelatinous form or jelly recombinecause genetic recombination effeminise, effeminize, feminise, feminize, womanizeto give a (more) feminine, effeminate, or womanly quality or appearance to masculinise, masculinize, virilise, virilizeproduce virilism in or cause to assume masculine characteristics, as through a hormonal imbalance or hormone therapy masculinizegive a masculine appearance or character to disharmonize, dissonatecause to sound harsh and unpleasant sexualise, sexualizemake sexual, endow with sex, attribute sex to schematise, schematizegive conventional form to patentmake open to sight or notice constitutionalise, constitutionalizeincorporate into a constitution, make constitutional rationalise, rationalizeremove irrational quantities from plasticise, plasticizemake plastic, as by the addition of a plasticizer rarefylessen the density or solidity of paganise, paganizemake pagan in character incandescecause to become incandescent or glow deaminate, deaminizeremove the amino radical (usually by hydrolysis) from an amino compound; to perform deamination angulatemake or become angular circularise, circularizemake circular sensitise, sensitizemake (a material) sensitive to light, often of a particular colour, by coating it with a photographic emulsion sensitise, sensitizemake sensitive to a drug or allergen depolarise, depolarizeeliminate the polarization of intensifymake the chemically affected part of (a negative) denser or more opaque in order produce a stronger contrast between light and dark isomerise, isomerizecause to change into an isomer legitimatemake (an illegitimate child) legitimate; declare the legitimacy of (someone) evaporate, vaporisecause to change into a vapor industrialise, industrializeorganize (the production of something) into an industry opacifymake opaque opsonizemake (cells) more susceptible to the action of phagocytes militarise, militarizeadopt for military use nationalise, nationalizemake national in character or scope recommendmake attractive or acceptable sentimentalise, sentimentalizemake (someone or something) sentimental or imbue with sentimental qualities solemnise, solemnizemake solemn and grave territorialise, territorializeplace on a territorial basis transaminatechange (an amino group) by transferring it from one compound to another glorify, spiritualize, transfigureelevate or idealize, in allusion to Christ's transfiguration unsanctifyremove the sanctification from or make unsanctified vesiculatecause to become vesicular or full of air cells visualise, visualizemake visible variegatechange the appearance of, especially by marking with different colors ventilatefurnish with an opening to allow air to circulate or gas to escape vivifymake more striking or animated vulgarise, vulgarizedebase and make vulgar supplemake pliant and flexible professionalise, professionalizemake professional or give a professional character to smutmake obscene stillmake motionless weaponizemake into or use as a weapon or a potential weapon eroticize, sex upgive erotic character to or make more interesting piggybackbring into alignment with portmodify (software) for use on a different machine or platform lifehackmake one's day-to-day activities more efficient cloudmake less clear blur, confuse, obnubilate, obscuremake unclear, indistinct, or blurred moderate, tame, tone downmake less strong or intense; soften obfuscatemake obscure or unclear synchronise, synchronizemake (motion picture sound) exactly simultaneous with the action mince, moderate, softenmake less severe or harsh militarise, militarizelend a military character to (a country), as by building up a military force break down, crushmake ineffective fat, fatten, fatten out, fatten up, fill out, flesh out, plump, plump outmake fat or plump disturb, touchtamper with dullmake dull in appearance blunt, dullmake dull or blunt sharpenmake sharp or sharper coarsenmake or become coarse or coarser loosenmake less dense loosen, undo, untiecause to become loose barbprovide with barbs stringprovide with strings straighten, straighten outmake straight bringcause to come into a particular state or condition amalgamate, commix, mingle, mix, unifyto bring or combine together or with something else chargefill or load to capacity putcause to be in a certain state; cause to be in a certain relation clean, make cleanmake clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from begrime, bemire, colly, dirty, grime, soilmake soiled, filthy, or dirty depress, lowercause to drop or sink deformmake formless break, break updestroy the completeness of a set of related items altermake an alteration to adorn, beautify, decorate, embellish, grace, ornamentmake more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc. humanise, humanizemake more humane humblecause to be unpretentious alien, alienate, disaffect, estrangearouse hostility or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness rightput in or restore to an upright position desensitise, desensitizecause not to be sensitive deodorise, deodorize, deodouriseeliminate the odor from developmake visible by means of chemical solutions blurto make less distinct or clear blindmake blind by putting the eyes out change intensityincrease or decrease in intensity change tastealter the flavor of exchange, interchange, replace, substituteput in the place of another; switch seemingly equivalent items capturebring about the capture of an elementary particle or celestial body and causing it enter a new orbit add, bestow, bring, contribute, impart, lendbestow a quality on reestablish, reinstate, restorebring back into original existence, use, function, or position liberalise, liberalizemake liberal or more liberal, of laws and rules compensate, correct, redress, rightmake reparations or amends for democratise, democratizeintroduce democratic reforms; of nations neutralizemake politically neutral and thus inoffensive corrupt, debase, debauch, demoralise, demoralize, deprave, misdirect, pervert, profane, subvert, vitiatecorrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality loosen, relaxmake less severe or strict unify, unitebring together for a common purpose or action or ideology or in a shared situation flocculatecause to become a fluffy or lumpy aggregate turncause to change or turn into something different;assume new characteristics coherecause to form a united, orderly, and aesthetically consistent whole reawakenawaken once again attackbegin to injure ulcerateaffect with an ulcer bring around, bring back, bring round, bring toreturn to consciousness calm, sedate, tranquilize, tranquillise, tranquillizecause to be calm or quiet as by administering a sedative to arouse, brace, energise, energize, perk up, stimulatecause to be alert and energetic de-energise, de-energizedeprive of energy strain, tense, tense upcause to be tense and uneasy or nervous or anxious loosen up, make relaxed, relax, unlax, unstrain, unwindcause to feel relaxed breakweaken or destroy in spirit or body crampaffect with or as if with a cramp stratifyrender fertile and preserve by placing between layers of earth or sand bang up, impregnatemake pregnant impregnatefertilize and cause to grow cross-fertilise, cross-fertilizecause to undergo cross-fertilization cross-pollinate, pollenate, pollinatefertilize by transfering pollen irritateexcite to an abnormal condition, or chafe or inflame inflamecause inflammation in alleviate, assuage, palliate, relieveprovide physical relief, as from pain hurtgive trouble or pain to bind, constipatecause to be constipated fag, fag out, fatigue, jade, outwear, tire, tire out, wear, wear down, wear out, wear upon, wearyexhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress aid, helpimprove the condition of disinfectdestroy microorganisms or pathogens by cleansing regenerate, revitalizerestore strength jaundiceaffect with, or as if with, jaundice callrouse somebody from sleep with a call caramelise, caramelizeconvert to caramel rasterizeconvert (an image) into pixels humifyconvert (plant remains) into humus verbalise, verbalizeconvert into a verb sporulateconvert into spores fictionalise, fictionalize, novelise, novelizeconvert into the form or the style of a novel deadenconvert (metallic mercury) into a grey powder consisting of minute globules, as by shaking with chalk or fatty oil opalise, opalizereplace or convert into opal receiveconvert into sounds or pictures reconvertconvert back maltconvert into malt maltconvert grain into malt rendercause to become get, have, letcause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition carnalise, carnalize, sensualise, sensualizedebase through carnal gratification strike a blowaffect adversely repercusscause repercussions; have an unwanted effect tell onproduce an effect or strain on somebody redoundhave an effect for good or ill individuategive individual shape or form to tieform a knot or bow in terracemake into terraces as for cultivation forkshape like a fork tabulateshape or cut with a flat surface dimensionshape or form to required dimensions rollshape by rolling drawflatten, stretch, or mold metal or glass, by rolling or by pulling it through a die or by stretching strikecause to form (an electric arc) between electrodes of an arc lamp crystalise, crystalize, crystallise, crystallizecause to take on a definite and clear shape twistform into twists sliverform into slivers ridgeform into a ridge plumeform a plume round, round off, round outmake round scallop, scollopshape or cut in scallops square, square upmake square resuspendput back into suspension proportionadjust in size relative to other things suppressreduce the incidence or severity of or stop extend, stretchincrease in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance augmentenlarge or increase build upenlarge, develop, or increase by degrees or in stages enlargemake larger upraise raiseraise the level or amount of something transducecause transduction (of energy forms) vitalise, vitalizemake more lively or vigorous ruggedise, ruggedizeproduce in a version designed to withstand rough usage devitalise, devitalizesap of life or energy shakeundermine or cause to waver modulateadjust the pitch, tone, or volume of enrichmake better or improve in quality build up, developchange the use of and make available or usable bailempty (a vessel) by bailing clutter, clutter upfill a space in a disorderly way clog, overloadfill to excess so that function is impaired brimfill as much as possible reactivateactivate (an old file) anew obtundreduce the edge or violence of petrifycause to become stonelike or stiff or dazed and stunned burnburn with heat, fire, or radiation frostdamage by frost moderatemake less fast or intense mitigatemake less severe or harsh alter, falsify, interpolateinsert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby cut up, hacksignificantly cut up a manuscript black outsuppress by censorship as for political reasons blank outcut out, as for political reasons break, break inmake submissive, obedient, or useful turn aroundimprove dramatically helpimprove; change for the better upgradeto improve what was old or outdated conditionput into a better state cheapen, degradelower the grade of something; reduce its worth emendmake improvements or corrections to iron out, put right, straighten outsettle or put right dehydrate, desiccate, dry up, exsiccatelose water or moisture dehydrate, desiccateremove water from bedewcover with drops of dew or as with dew spin-drydry (clothes) by spinning and making use of centrifugal forces tumble drydry by spinning with hot air inside a cylinder spray-drydry by bringing into the form of a spray, through contact with a hot gas dehumidifymake less humid douse, dowse, drench, soak, sop, sousecover with liquid; pour liquid onto dampen, moisten, washmake moist parch, searcause to wither or parch from exposure to heat rough-drydry without smoothing or ironing blow-drydry hair with a hair dryer drip-drydry by hanging up wet substantiatesolidify, firm, or strengthen restrengthenmake strong again brace up, undergirdmake secure underneath confirmmake more firm reenforce, reinforcemake stronger buttressmake stronger or defensible depresslessen the activity or force of unbraceremove a brace or braces from etiolatemake weak by stunting the growth or development of cripple, stultifydeprive of strength or efficiency; make useless or worthless cut, dilute, reduce, thin, thin outlessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture attenuate, rarefyweaken the consistency of (a chemical substance) bluntmake less intense irrigate, watersupply with water, as with channels or ditches or streams besprinkle, sparge, sprinklescatter with liquid; wet lightly enhancemake better or more attractive pare, pare downdecrease gradually or bit by bit circumscribe, confine, limitrestrict or confine, "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day" boil down, concentrate, reducecook until very little liquid is left catabolise, catabolizesubject to catabolism breathereach full flavor by absorbing air and being let to stand after having been uncorked blow up, enlarge, magnifymake large reduce, shrinkreduce in size; reduce physically reducemake less complex consolidatebring together into a single whole or system weldunite closely or intimately consubstantiateunite in one common substance abbreviate, abridge, contract, cut, foreshorten, reduce, shortenreduce in scope while retaining essential elements abate, slack, slakemake less active or intense growcause to grow or develop manifold, multiplycombine or increase by multiplication work out, work upcome up with elaborate, work outwork out in detail build, build up, ramp up, work upbolster or strengthen mellowsoften, make mellow mollifymake less rigid or softer bilgecause to leak breakrender inoperable or ineffective totaldamage beyond the point of repair bruisedamage (plant tissue) by abrasion or pressure disturbdamage as if by shaking or jarring afflict, smitecause physical pain or suffering in hurt, injurecause damage or affect negatively bushel, doctor, fix, furbish up, mend, repair, restore, touch onrestore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken impairmake worse or less effective blemish, flawadd a flaw or blemish to; make imperfect or defective dishmake concave; shape like a dish amplify, blow up, expand, inflateexaggerate or make bigger reformmake changes for improvement in order to remove abuse and injustices reformimprove by alteration or correction of errors or defects and put into a better condition lour, lower, turn downmake lower or quieter paralyse, paralyzemake powerless and unable to function pegstabilize (the price of a commodity or an exchange rate) by legislation or market operations harden, indurate, inurecause to accept or become hardened to; habituate teachaccustom gradually to some action or attitude corrode, eat, rustcause to deteriorate due to the action of water, air, or an acid eat away, erode, fretremove soil or rock mess, mess upmake a mess of or create disorder in derange, perturb, throw out of kilterthrow into great confusion or disorder disarrangedisturb the arrangement of bleach, bleach out, decolor, decolorise, decolorize, decolour, decolourise, decolourize, discolorise, discolorize, discolouriseremove color from blackwashcolor with blackwash sallowcause to become sallow wash outdrain off the color in the course of laundering foliategrow leaves motley, parti-colormake motley; color with different colors polychrome, polychromise, polychromizecolor with many colors; make polychrome azurecolor azure empurple, purple, purpuratecolor purple aurifyturn golden verdigriscolor verdigris pinkifymake pink incarnadinemake flesh-colored brown, embrownmake brown in color handcolor, handcolourcolor by hand smutstain with a dirty substance, such as soot tinct, tinge, tint, touchcolor lightly pigmentcolor or dye with a pigment pigmentacquire pigment; become colored or imbued hue, imbuesuffuse with color retouchgive retouches to (hair) silvermake silver in color gray, greymake grey tonechange to a color image escalate, intensify, step upincrease in extent or intensity de-escalate, step down, weakenreduce the level or intensity or size or scope of cut up, mangle, mutilatedestroy or injure severely beautify, embellish, fancify, prettifymake more beautiful mollify, season, tempermake more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else; moderate temperadjust the pitch (of pianos) tune, tune upadjust the pitches of (musical instruments) calibrate, fine-tune, graduatemake fine adjustments or divide into marked intervals for optimal measuring tune, tune upadjust for (better) functioning timeadjust so that a force is applied and an action occurs at the desired time trimadjust (sails on a ship) so that the wind is optimally used zero, zero inadjust (as by firing under test conditions) the zero of (a gun) zeroadjust (an instrument or device) to zero value readjust, resetadjust again after an initial failure attuneadjust or accustom to; bring into harmony with timeregulate or set the time of pitchset to a certain pitch setset to a certain position or cause to operate correctly keynoteset the keynote of modulate, regulatefix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of fitmake fit white outwiden the interlinear spacing by inserting leads oxygenise, oxygenizedehydrogenate with oxygen boostgive a boost to; be beneficial to infuscatedarken with a brownish tinge, as of insect wings embrowncause to darken murkmake dark, dim, or gloomy dunmake a dun color blind, dimmake dim by comparison or conceal dimmake dim or lusterless bedim, benightmake darker and difficult to perceive by sight focalise, focalize, focus, sharpenput (an image) into focus depreciatelower the value of something lengthenmake longer farce, stufffill with a stuffing while cooking feudalizebring (a country or people) under feudalism stufffill tightly with a material bolster, padadd padding to crisp, crispen, toastmake brown and crisp by heating shatterdamage or destroy check, chinkmake cracks or chinks in fissurebreak into fissures or fine cracks close outterminate finishcause to finish a relationship with somebody abortterminate before completion culminatebring to a head or to the highest point lift, raiseput an end to ax, axeterminate kill, stamp outend or extinguish by forceful means break up, dissolvecome to an end break up, dissolvebring the association of to an end or cause to break up break, break off, discontinue, stopprevent completion break, interruptterminate pervaporatecause (a liquid) to evaporate through a semipermeable membrane quenchcool (hot metal) by plunging into cold water or other liquid iceput ice on or put on ice refrigeratecool or chill in or as if in a refrigerator scaldheat to the boiling point soakheat a metal prior to working it calcineheat a substance so that it oxidizes or reduces preheatheat beforehand overheatmake excessively or undesirably hot chafewarm by rubbing, as with the hands decoctextract the essence of something by boiling it deep freezestore in a deep-freeze, as for conservation icecause to become ice or icy flash-freeze, quick-freezefreeze rapidly so as to preserve the natural juices and flavors scorch, searmake very hot and dry metricate, metricise, metricize, metrifyconvert from a non-metric to the metric system flourconvert grain into flour transubstantiatechange (the Eucharist bread and wine) into the body and blood of Christ sorcerise, sorcerizetransform or change by means of sorcery metricise, metricizeexpress in the metric system reclaimmake useful again; transform from a useless or uncultivated state moralise, moralizeimprove the morals of regenerateamplify (an electron current) by causing part of the power in the output circuit to act upon the input circuit Islamise, Islamizeconvert to Islam Christianise, Christianizeconvert to Christianity evangelise, evangelizeconvert to Christianity catholicise, catholicize, latinise, latinizecause to adopt Catholicism debilitate, drain, enfeeblemake weak enervateweaken mentally or morally break, damp, dampen, soften, weakenlessen in force or effect dampencheck; keep in check (a fire) dampenreduce the amplitude (of oscillations or waves) strapsharpen with a strap sync, synchronise, synchronizemake synchronous and adjust in time or manner maceratesoften, usually by steeping in liquid, and cause to disintegrate as a result oversimplifymake too simple complexifymake complex involvemake complex or intricate or complicated developelaborate by the unfolding of a musical idea and by the working out of the rhythmic and harmonic changes in the theme sophisticatemake more complex or refined embrangle, snarl, snarl upmake more complicated or confused through entanglements pressurise, pressurizeincrease the pressure in or of decompress, depressurise, depressurizedecrease the pressure of socialise, socializeprepare for social life providetake measures in preparation for cramprepare (students) hastily for an impending exam preconditionput into the required condition beforehand fixkill, preserve, and harden (tissue) in order to prepare for microscopic study mountfix onto a backing, setting, or support lay out, set, set upget ready for a particular purpose or event winterise, winterizeprepare for winter summerise, summerizeprepare for summer primeinsert a primer into (a gun, mine, or charge) preparatory to detonation or firing communise, communizemake into property owned by the state privatise, privatizechange from governmental to private control or ownership homologise, homologizemake homologous starchstiffen with starch buckramstiffen with or as with buckram ossify, petrify, rigidifymake rigid and set into a conventional pattern relax, unbendmake less taut fraptake up the slack of firm, tautenmake taut or tauter remit, slackenmake slack as by lessening tension or firmness minimise, minimizemake small or insignificant maximise, maximizemake as big or large as possible bring down, cut, cut back, cut down, reduce, trim, trim back, trim downcut down on; make a reduction in cuthave a reducing effect heightenmake more extreme; raise in quantity, degree, or intensity heighten, risebecome more extreme motley, variegate, varymake something more diverse and varied retardcause to move more slowly or operate at a slower rate fishtailslow down by moving the tail sideways rev, rev upincrease the number of rotations per minute rev up, step upspeed up relax, slack, slack up, slackenmake less active or fast belittle, diminishlessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of buildimprove the cleansing action of etchselectively dissolve the surface of (a semiconductor or printed circuit) with a solvent, laser, or stream of electrons clean out, clear outempty completely bleeddrain of liquid or steam evacuateempty completely evacuatecreate a vacuum in (a bulb, flask, reaction vessel) eviscerateremove the contents of voidclear (a room, house, place) of occupants or empty or clear (a place or receptacle) of something clearremove the occupants of clearrid of instructions or data exhaustuse up the whole supply of knock outempty (as of tobacco) by knocking out populatefill with inhabitants drainempty of liquid; drain the liquid from top offfill to the point of almost overflowing heapfill to overflow overfillfill beyond capacity inkfill with ink fill again, refill, replenishfill something that had previously been emptied primefill with priming liquid linefill plentifully completebring to a whole, with all the necessary parts or elements fit, matchmake correspond or harmonize homogenise, homogenizecause to become equal or homogeneous as by mixing ferment, workcause to undergo fermentation delay, detain, staystop or halt flattenmake flat or flatter plumbadjust with a plumb line so as to make vertical align, coordinate, ordinatebring (components or parts) into proper or desirable coordination correlation negate, neutralise, neutralize, nullifymake ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of hone, perfectmake perfect or complete down, fine-tune, polish, refineimprove or perfect by pruning or polishing distill, make pure, purify, sublimateremove impurities from, increase the concentration of, and separate through the process of distillation spiritualise, spiritualizepurify from the corrupting influences of the world lustratepurify by means of a ritual; also used in post-Communist countries to refer to the political cleansing of former officials deform, distort, strainalter the shape of (something) by stress blowshape by blowing blockshape into a block or blocks blockshape by using a block cupform into the shape of a cup deflower, impair, mar, spoil, vitiatemake imperfect crush out, extinguish, press out, stub outextinguish by crushing dehumanise, dehumanizemake mechanical or routine semi-automatise, semi-automatizemake semiautomatic finalise, finalize, nail down, settlemake final; put the last touches on; put into final form harmonise, harmonize, reconcilebring into consonance or accord keyregulate the musical pitch of complete, finishcome or bring to a finish or an end airexpose to warm or heated air, so as to dry linearise, linearizemake linear or get into a linear form justifyadjust the spaces between words foulmake unclean contaminate, foul, pollutemake impure alloy, debaselower in value by increasing the base-metal content weatherstripprovide with weatherstripping soundproofinsulate against noise advance, boost, superchargeincrease or raise impregnate, saturateinfuse or fill completely impregnate, infuse, instill, tincturefill, as with a certain quality citifyaccustom to urban ways excite, stimulateact as a stimulant federalise, federalizeput under the control and authority of a federal government nitrifyconvert into nitric acid, nitrous acid, or nitrate, especially with the action of nitrobacteria devitrifymake (glassy materials) brittle or opaque electrifycharge (a conductor) with electricity fructifymake productive or fruitful fossilise, fossilizeconvert to a fossil dotmark with a dot stigmatise, stigmatizemark with a stigma or stigmata raddlemark or paint with raddle striatemark with striae or striations inkmark, coat, cover, or stain with ink dimplemark with, or as if with, dimples spotmark with a spot or spots so as to allow easy recognition crisscrossmark with a pattern of crossing lines asterisk, starmark with an asterisk flagprovide with a flag tipmark with a tip tantreat skins and hides with tannic acid so as to convert them into leather dressconvert into leather lay updisable or confine, as with an illness nobbledisable by drugging pinioncut the wings off (of birds) equipprovide with abilities or understanding process, treatsubject to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or remedying a condition mystifymake mysterious upsetdisturb the balance or stability of diagonalise, diagonalizetransform a matrix to a diagonal matrix closure, clotureterminate debate by calling for a vote compostconvert to compost decimalise, decimalizechange to the decimal system lour, lowerset lower reddenmake red slackrelease tension on broaden, extend, widenextend in scope or range or area castrate, emasculatedeprive of strength or vigor wash outdeplete of strength or vitality bake, broilheat by a natural force reheatheat again dignifyraise the status of exaltraise in rank, character, or status shiftmove and exchange for another lift, raiseinvigorate or heighten transitioncause to convert or undergo a transition transfer, transplant, transposetransfer from one place or period to another transcribeconvert the genetic information in (a strand of DNA) into a strand of RNA, especially messenger RNA advancedevelop further saltadd zest or liveliness to backshift to a counterclockwise direction veershift to a clockwise direction cutshorten as if by severing the edges or ends of hydrolise, hydrolizemake a compound react with water and undergo hydrolysis floatconvert from a fixed point notation to a floating point notation stalinise, stalinizetransform in accordance with Stalin's policies destalinise, destalinizecounteract the effects and policies of Stalinism scrapmake into scrap or refuse keratinise, keratinizeconvert into keratin upgradegive better travel conditions to diazotizeconvert (an amine) into a diazo compound hayconvert (plant material) into hay lignifyconvert into wood or cause to become woody mineralizetransform (a metal) into an ore mineralizeconvert into a mineral substance ozonise, ozonizeconvert (oxygen) into ozone slagconvert into slag sulfateconvert into a sulfate cutinizeconvert into cutin duplexchange into a duplex reducedestress and thus weaken a sound when pronouncing it muddycause to become muddy copyedit, copyread, subeditedit and correct (written or printed material) adjudicate, decide, resolve, settlebring to an end; settle conclusively concludebring to a close registerenter into someone's consciousness closecomplete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement proselytise, proselytizeconvert to another faith or religion bracket, bracket outplace into brackets color, colour, distort, tingeaffect as in thought or feeling dubprovide (movies) with a soundtrack of a foreign language encodeconvert information into code underline, underscoredraw a line or lines underneath to call attention to endanger, expose, peril, queer, scupperput in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position mobilise, mobilizeget ready for war remilitarise, remilitarizemilitarize anew draw, tiefinish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc. addict, hookto cause (someone or oneself) to become dependent (on something, especially a narcotic drug) inebriate, intoxicate, soakmake drunk (with alcoholic drinks) violatedestroy hit, strikeaffect or afflict suddenly, usually adversely brace, stabilise, stabilize, steadysupport or hold steady and make steadfast, with or as if with a brace untwistcause to become untwisted brushclean with a brush dustremove the dust from hoover, vacuum, vacuum-cleanclean with a vacuum cleaner hygienise, hygienize, sanitise, sanitizemake sanitary by cleaning or sterilizing breamclean (a ship's bottom) with heat steam, steam cleanclean by means of steaming edgeprovide with an edge stropsharpen on a strop whetsharpen by rubbing, as on a whetstone honesharpen with a hone smearstain by smearing or daubing with a dirty substance slimecover or stain with slime muddy, muddy updirty with mud stripemark with stripes speckproduce specks in or on bespotmark with, or as if with, spots scarifybreak up unbendfree from flexure core out, hollow, hollow outremove the interior of confine, hold, restrainto close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement battensecure with battens batten, batten down, securefurnish with battens squirtwet with a spurt of liquid unscrewloosen something by unscrewing it unscrewloosen by turning screwtighten or fasten by means of screwing motions extendopen or straighten out; unbend channelise, channelizecause to form a channel aggregate, combinegather in a mass, sum, or whole fluff, ruffleerect or fluff up plume, preenclean with one's bill sweepclean by sweeping concoctmake a concoction (of) by mixing combine, compoundcombine so as to form a whole; mix blend, immingle, intermingle, intermixcombine into one jumble, scramble, throw togetherbring into random order lube, lubricateapply a lubricant to burden, burthen, weight, weight downweight down with a load surchargefill to an excessive degree freightload with goods for transportation lade, laden, load, load upfill or place a load on charge, loadprovide (a device) with something necessary put to sleephelp someone go to bed wreathedecorate or deck with wreaths beset, encrust, incrustdecorate or cover lavishly (as with gems) untwineundo what has been twined together unweaveundo strands that have been woven together braiddecorate with braids or ribbons wind, wind upcoil the spring of (some mechanical device) by turning a stem circle, encircleform a circle around deluge, flood, inundate, swampfill quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid do the dishes, wash upwash dishes pipe-claywhiten or clean with pipe-clay scavengeclean refuse from splashsoil or stain with a splashed liquid mire, muck, muck up, mudsoil with mud, muck, or mire crocksoil with or as with crock dry cleanclean with chemical agents launder, washcleanse with a cleaning agent, such as soap, and water blemish, spotmar or impair with a flaw wear away, whittle away, whittle downcut away in small pieces bang up, smash, smash updamage or destroy as if by violence delineate, describe, draw, line, tracemake a mark or lines on a surface turnshape by rotating on a lathe or cutting device or a wheel gutempty completely; destroy the inside of post, stakemark with a stake combstraighten with a comb bond, bring together, draw togetherbring together in a common cause or emotion phase outterminate gradually disincarnatemake immaterial; remove the real essence of broider, embroiderdecorate with needlework stickcover and decorate with objects that pierce the surface illustratesupply with illustrations process, work, work onshape, form, or improve a material garlandadorn with bands of flowers or leaves fledge, flightdecorate with feathers bespangle, spangledecorate with spangles foliatedecorate with leaves flagdecorate with flags bard, barde, caparison, dress upput a caparison on beaddecorate by sewing beads onto pipetrim with piping appliquesew on as a decoration gild the lily, paint the lilyadorn unnecessarily (something that is already beautiful) vermiculatedecorate with wavy or winding lines smockembellish by sewing in straight lines crossing each other diagonally hangdecorate or furnish with something suspended prankdress or decorate showily or gaudily tinseladorn with tinsel tart updecorate in a cheap and flashy way stuccodecorate with stucco work redecorateredo the decoration of an apartment or house paneldecorate with panels bejewel, jeweladorn or decorate with precious stones filet, filletdecorate with a lace of geometric designs scallopdecorate an edge with scallops bedizendecorate tastelessly dress shipdecorate a ship with flags dress, garnish, trimdecorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods trimdecorate, as with ornaments bedeck, bedight, deckdecorate festoondecorate with strings of flowers enamelcoat, inlay, or surface with enamel inlaydecorate the surface of by inserting wood, stone, and metal lacquercoat with lacquer begild, engild, gilddecorate with, or as if with, gold leaf or liquid gold illuminateadd embellishments and paintings to (medieval manuscripts) blazon, emblazondecorate with heraldic arms blotch, mottle, streakmark with spots or blotches of different color or shades of color as if stained color, colour, emblazondecorate with colors crop, cultivate, workprepare for crops fringeadorn with a fringe fretdecorate with an interlaced design landscapeembellish with plants effacemake inconspicuous brace, poiseprepare (oneself) for something unpleasant or difficult drift apart, drift awaylose personal contact over time weandetach the affections of packfill to capacity subjectcause to experience or suffer or make liable or vulnerable to solarise, solarizereverse some of the tones of (a negative or print) and introduce pronounced outlines of highlights, by exposing it briefly to light, then washing and redeveloping it benumb, blunt, dull, numbmake numb or insensitive bedaze, daze, stunovercome as with astonishment or disbelief besot, stupefymake dull or stupid or muddle with drunkenness or infatuation underdevelopprocess (a film or photographic plate) less than the required time or in an ineffective solution or at an insufficiently high temperature redevelopdevelop for a second time, in order to improve the contrast, colour, etc., of a negative or print dim, dipswitch (a car's headlights) from a higher to a lower beam abacinateblind by holding a red-hot metal plate before someone's eyes deaf, deafenmake or render deaf hush, pipe down, quiesce, quiet, quiet down, quietenbecome quiet or quieter loudenbecome louder softenmake (images or sounds) soft or softer sharpenmake (images or sounds) sharp or sharper dulcify, dulcorate, edulcorate, sweetenmake sweeter in taste bittermake bitter acetify, acidify, acidulate, sourmake sour or more sour kiteincrease the amount (of a check) fraudulently reducesimplify the form of a mathematical equation of expression by substituting one term for another truncatereplace a corner by a plane factorbe a contributing factor instill, transfuseimpart gradually tinselimpart a cheap brightness to retoolprovide (a workshop or factory) with new tools throw inadd as an extra or as a gratuity subrogatesubstitute one creditor for another, as in the case where an insurance company sues the person who caused an accident for the insured educategive an education to closefinish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.) decontrolrelax or remove controls of empower, endow, endue, gift, indue, investgive qualities or abilities to bother, discommode, disoblige, incommode, inconvenience, put out, troubleto cause inconvenience or discomfort to brandburn with a branding iron to indicate ownership; of animals over-correct, overcompensatemake excessive corrections for fear of making an error aby, abye, atone, expiatemake amends for co-optneutralize or win over through assimilation into an established group act upon, influence, workhave and exert influence or effect redeemrestore the honor or worth of check, condition, discipline, traindevelop (children's) behavior by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control infectcorrupt with ideas or an ideology lead astray, lead offteach immoral behavior to poisonspoil as if by poison bastardise, bastardizechange something so that its value declines; for example, art forms subornincite to commit a crime or an evil deed slam-dunkmake a forceful move against douse, dowsewet thoroughly leaveact or be so as to become in a specified state shade, shade off, shadowcast a shadow over cloud, overcastmake overcast or cloudy 5n a relational difference between states; especially between states before and after some event he attributed the change to their marriage Hypo|Hyper difference a significant change gradienta graded change in the magnitude of some physical quantity or dimension concentration gradienta gradient in concentration of a solute as a function of distance through a solution gravity gradienta gradient in the gravitational forces acting on different parts of a nonspherical object temperature gradientchange in temperature as a function of distance (especially altitude) relation an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together 6n an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another the change was intended to increase sales this storm is certainly a change for the worse Syn|Exp|Hypo|Hyper alteration, modification Crucifixion the death of Jesus by crucifixion Great Schismthe period from 1378 to 1417 during which there were two papacies in the Roman Catholic Church, one in Rome and one in Avignon acceleration an increase in rate of change deceleration, retardation, slowinga decrease in rate of change avulsionan abrupt change in the course of a stream that forms the boundary between two parcels of land resulting in the loss of part of the land of one landowner and a consequent increase in the land of another breakan abrupt change in the tone or register of the voice (as at puberty or due to emotion) mutationa change or alteration in form or qualities sublimation(psychology) modifying the natural expression of an impulse or instinct (especially a sexual one) to one that is socially acceptable surprisea sudden unexpected event birth, nascence, nascency, nativitythe event of being born breakup, detachment, separationcoming apart vagaryan unexpected and inexplicable change in something (in a situation or a person's behavior, etc.) fluctuation, variationan instance of change; the rate or magnitude of change conversiona change of religion death, decease, expirythe event of dying or departure from life decrease, drop-off, lesseninga change downward destabilisation, destabilizationan event that causes a loss of equilibrium (as of a ship or aircraft) increasea change resulting in an increase easing, moderation, reliefa change for the better deformationalteration in the shape or dimensions of an object as a result of the application of stress to it transitiona change from one place or state or subject or stage to another shift, transformation, transmutationa qualitative change scintillation, sparkling, twinklea rapid change in brightness; a brief spark or flash play, shimmera weak and tremulous light transmutation(physics) the change of one chemical element into another (as by nuclear decay or radioactive bombardment) damage, harm, impairmentthe occurrence of a change for the worse developmenta recent event that has some relevance for the present situation revolutiona drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving chromosomal mutation, genetic mutation, mutation(genetics) any event that changes genetic structure; any alteration in the inherited nucleic acid sequence of the genotype of an organism sex changea change in a person's physical sexual characteristics (as by surgery and hormone treatments) loss of consciousnessthe occurrence of a loss of the ability to perceive and respond getaway, pickupthe attribute of being capable of rapid acceleration precipitationan unexpected acceleration or hastening bombshell, thunderbolt, thunderclapa shocking surprise coup de theatrea dramatic surprise eye openersomething surprising and revealing peripeteia, peripetia, peripetya sudden and unexpected change of fortune or reverse of circumstances (especially in a literary work) blow, shockan unpleasant or disappointing surprise stunneran unexpected and amazing event disembarrassmentsomething that extricates you from embarrassment shrinkage, shrinkingprocess or result of becoming less or smaller breach, break, falling out, rift, rupture, severancea personal or social separation (as between opposing factions) deliverythe event of giving birth live birththe birth of a living fetus (regardless of the length of gestation) posthumous birthbirth of a child by Caesarean section after the death of the mother posthumous birthbirth of a child after the father has died rebirth, reincarnation, renascencea second or new birth fatality, human deatha death resulting from an accident or a disaster martyrdomdeath that is imposed because of the person's adherence of a religious faith or cause megadeaththe death of a million people departure, exit, expiration, going, loss, passing, releaseeuphemistic expressions for death wrongful deatha death that results from a wrongful act or from negligence; a death that can serve as the basis for a civil action for damages on behalf of the dead person's family or heirs vicissitudea variation in circumstances or fortune at different times in your life or in the development of something allomerism(chemistry) variability in chemical composition without variation in crystalline form casualtya decrease of military personnel or equipment Christianisation, Christianizationconversion to Christianity sinkinga slow fall or decline (as for lack of strength) attritiona wearing down to weaken or destroy breath of fresh aira welcome relief advance, betterment, improvementa change for the better; progress in development ground swellan obvious change of public opinion or political sentiment that occurs without leadership or overt expression jump, leap, saltationan abrupt transition population shifta change in the relative numbers of the different groups of individuals making up a population pyrolysistransformation of a substance produced by the action of heat sea changea profound transformation sublimation(chemistry) a change directly from the solid to the gaseous state without becoming liquid tin disease, tin pest, tin plaguethe transformation of ordinary white tin into powdery grey tin at very cold temperatures departure, deviation, difference, divergencea variation that deviates from the standard or norm breakthe occurrence of breaking augmentationthe amount by which something increases concentrationan increase in density explosiona sudden great increase jump, leapa sudden and decisive increase run-up, runupa substantial increase over a relatively short period of time waxinga gradual increase in magnitude or extent changeover, conversion, transitionan event that results in a transformation detriment, hurta damage or loss dwindling, dwindling awaya becoming gradually less waninga gradual decrease in magnitude or extent turn, turn of events, twistan unforeseen development phenomenona remarkable development complication, ramificationa development that complicates a situation Cultural Revolution, Great Proletarian Cultural Revolutiona radical reform in China initiated by Mao Zedong in 1965 and carried out largely by the Red Guard; intended to eliminate counterrevolutionary elements in the government it resulted in purges of the intellectuals and socioeconomic chaos green revolutionthe introduction of pesticides and high-yield grains and better management during the 1960s and 1970s which greatly increased agricultural productivity deletion(genetics) the loss or absence of one or more nucleotides from a chromosome inversion(genetics) a kind of mutation in which the order of the genes in a section of a chromosome is reversed transposition(genetics) a kind of mutation in which a chromosomal segment is transfered to a new position on the same or another chromosome gene mutation, point mutation(genetics) a mutation due to an intramolecular reorganization of a gene reversion(genetics) a return to a normal phenotype (usually resulting from a second mutation) saltation(genetics) a mutation that drastically changes the phenotype of an organism or species degeneration, retrogressionpassing from a more complex to a simpler biological form strengtheningbecoming stronger weakeningbecoming weaker deformation, distortiona change for the worse ladder, ravel, runa row of unravelled stitches permutation, replacement, substitution, switch, transpositionan event in which one thing is substituted for another business cycle, trade cyclerecurring fluctuations in economic activity consisting of recession and recovery and growth and decline daily variationfluctuations that occur between one day and the next diurnal variationfluctuations that occur during each day tidesomething that may increase or decrease (like the tides of the sea) deliquium, faint, swoon, syncopea spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain shear(physics) a deformation of an object in which parallel planes remain parallel but are shifted in a direction parallel to themselves strain(physics) deformation of a physical body under the action of applied forces happening, natural event, occurrence, occurrent an event that happens 7n the result of alteration or modification there were marked changes in the lining of the lungs there had been no change in the mountains Hypo|Hyper depolarisation, depolarization a loss of polarity or polarization consequence, effect, event, issue, outcome, result, upshot a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon 8n a thing that is different he inspected several changes before selecting one Hyper thing an entity that is not named specifically 9n a difference that is usually pleasant 2it is a refreshing change to meet a woman mechanic Syn|Hyper variety difference the quality of being unlike or dissimilar 1v lay aside, abandon, or leave for another The car changed lanes Syn|Hypo shift, switch commute, convert, exchange exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category transition make or undergo a transition (from one state or system to another) shiftchange gears breakchange suddenly from one tone quality or register to another channel-surf, surfswitch channels, on television jump, leappass abruptly from one state or topic to another diphthongise, diphthongizechange from a simple vowel to a diphthong cutmake an abrupt change of image or sound breakchange directions suddenly breakundergo breaking cut awaymove quickly to another scene or focus when filming 2v exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category He changed his name Syn|Hypo|Hyper commute, convert, exchange shift, switch lay aside, abandon, or leave for another rectify convert into direct current utilizeconvert (from an investment trust to a unit trust) capitalise, capitalizeconvert (a company's reserve funds) into capital launderconvert illegally obtained funds into legal ones breakexchange for smaller units of money overcapitalise, overcapitalizecapitalize beyond what the business or the profit-making prospects warrant replace substitute a person or thing for (another that is broken or inefficient or lost or no longer working or yielding what is expected) 3v change from one vehicle or transportation line to another She changed in Chicago on her way to the East coast Syn|Hyper transfer go, locomote, move, travel change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically 4v remove or replace the coverings of Father had to learn how to change the baby After each guest we changed the bed linens Hyper replace substitute a person or thing for (another that is broken or inefficient or lost or no longer working or yielding what is expected) 5v change clothes; put on different clothes Change before you go to the opera Syn|Hyper shift, switch lay aside, abandon, or leave for another dress, get dressed put on clothes 6v give to, and receive from, one another Would you change places with me? Syn|Hypo|Hyper exchange, interchange sell exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent cash, cash inexchange for cash ransom, redeemexchange or buy back for money; under threat redeemto turn in (vouchers or coupons) and receive something in exchange fill in, stand in, sub, substitutebe a substitute swap, switch, swop, tradeexchange or give (something) in exchange for barterexchange goods without involving money trade, trade inturn in as payment or part payment for a purchase clearsell negociatesell or discount scalpsell illegally, as on the black market bootlegsell illicit products such as drugs or alcohol sell shortsell securities or commodities or foreign currency that is not actually owned by the seller, who hopes to cover (buy back) the sold items at a lower price and thus to earn a profit remaindersell cheaply as remainders resellsell (something) again after having bought it syndicatesell articles, television programs, or photos to several publications or independent broadcasting stations deaccessionsell (art works) from a collection, especially in order to raise money for the purchase of other art works sell offget rid of by selling, usually at reduced prices fob off, foist off, palm offsell as genuine, sell with the intention to deceive realise, realizeconvert into cash; of goods and property auction, auction off, auctioneersell at an auction retailsell on the retail market wholesalesell in large quantities liquidateconvert into cash redeemconvert into cash; of commercial papers barter awaytrade in in a bartering transaction sacrificesell at a loss dump, underpricesell at artificially low prices undercut, undersellsell cheaper than one's competition disposegive, sell, or transfer to another movedispose of by selling transfer cause to change ownership 7n the action of changing something the change of government had no impact on the economy his change on abortion cost him the election Exp|Hypo|Hyper Creation (theology) God's act of bringing the universe into existence Berlin airliftairlift in 1948 that supplied food and fuel to citizens of west Berlin when the Russians closed off land access to Berlin Secessionthe withdrawal of eleven southern states from the Union in 1860 which precipitated the American Civil War final solutionthe mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime from 1941 until 1945 Alamoa siege and massacre at a mission in San Antonio in 1836; Mexican forces under Santa Anna besieged and massacred American rebels who were fighting to make Texas independent of Mexico Battle of the Little Bighorna battle in Montana near the Little Bighorn River between United States cavalry under Custer and several groups of Native Americans (1876); Custer was pursuing Sioux led by Sitting Bull; Custer underestimated the size of the Sioux forces (which were supported by Cheyenne warriors) and was killed along with all his command entail the act of entailing property; the creation of a fee tail from a fee simple about-face, policy change, reversal, volte-facea major change in attitude or principle or point of view adulterationthe act of adulterating (especially the illicit substitution of one substance for another) move, relocationthe act of changing your residence or place of business downshifta change to a lower gear in a car or bicycle downshifta change from a financially rewarding but stressful career to a less well paid but more fulfilling one filtrationthe act of changing a fluid by passing it through a filter reduction, simplificationthe act of reducing complexity decimalisation, decimalizationthe act of changing to a decimal system metrication, metrificationthe act of changing from imperial units of measurement to metric units: meters, grams, seconds variationthe act of changing or altering something slightly but noticeably from the norm or standard turningact of changing in practice or custom diversification, variegationthe act of introducing variety (especially in investments or in the variety of goods and services offered) fluxconstant change shift, switch, switchingthe act of changing one thing or position for another commutation, exchange, substitutionthe act of putting one thing or person in the place of another: "he sent Smith in for Jones but the substitution came too late to help" promotionact of raising in rank or position demotionact of lowering in rank or position change of statethe act of changing something into something different in essential characteristics adjustment, alteration, modificationthe act of making something different (as e.g. the size of a garment) motion, move, movementthe act of changing location from one place to another movementthe act of changing the location of something motility, motion, move, movementa change of position that does not entail a change of location change of direction, reorientationthe act of changing the direction in which something is oriented change of magnitudethe act of changing the amount or size of something change of integritythe act of changing the unity or wholeness of something conversionthe act of changing from one use or function or purpose to another updatingthe act of changing something to bring it up to date (usually by adding something) change of shapean action that changes the shape of something satisfactionact of fulfilling a desire or need or appetite nationalisation, nationalizationthe action of rendering national in character communisation, communizationa change from private property to public property owned by the community secularisation, secularizationthe activity of changing something (art or education or society or morality etc.) so it is no longer under the control or influence of religion rolloverthe act of changing the institution that invests your pension plan without incurring a tax penalty ennoblementthe act of raising someone to the nobility connection, connexion, joiningthe act of bringing two things into contact (especially for communication) laxation, looseningthe act of making something less tight tighteningthe act of making something tighter flita secret move (to avoid paying debts) percolationthe filtration of a liquid for extraction or purification schematisation, schematizationthe act of reducing to a scheme or formula accommodation(physiology) the automatic adjustment in focal length of the natural lens of the eye adaptation(physiology) the responsive adjustment of a sense organ (as the eye) to varying conditions (as of light) switcherooa sudden unexpected switch replacement, replacingthe act of furnishing an equivalent person or thing in the place of another subrogation(law) the act of substituting of one creditor for another ablactation, weaningthe act of substituting other food for the mother's milk in the diet of a child or young mammal prefermentthe act of preferring investiture, investmentthe ceremonial act of clothing someone in the insignia of an office; the formal promotion of a person to an office or rank aerationthe act of charging a liquid with a gas making it effervescent passage, transitionthe act of passing from one state or place to the next meddling, tamperingthe act of altering something secretly or improperly transfer, transferencethe act of transfering something from one form to another conclusion, ending, terminationthe act of ending something nullification, overridethe act of nullifying; making null and void; counteracting or overriding the effect or force of something reversala change from one state to the opposite state undoingan act that makes a previous act of no effect (as if not done) beginning, commencement, startthe act of starting something arousal, rousingthe act of arousing cookery, cooking, preparationthe act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat seasoningthe act of adding a seasoning to food infusionthe act of infusing or introducing a certain modifying element or quality improvementthe act of improving something beautificationthe act of making something more beautiful decorationthe act of decorating something (in the hope of making it more attractive) worseningchanging something with the result that it becomes worse debasement, degradationchanging to a lower state (a less respected state) change of coloran act that changes the light that something reflects dirtying, soiling, soilurethe act of soiling something wettingthe act of making something wet chew, chewing, manduction, masticationbiting and grinding food in your mouth so it becomes soft enough to swallow defoliationcausing the leaves of trees and other plants to fall off (as by the use of chemicals) approach, approaching, comingthe act of drawing spatially closer to something advance, advancement, forward motion, onward motion, procession, progress, progressionthe act of moving forward (as toward a goal) locomotion, travelself-propelled movement lunge, lurchthe act of moving forward suddenly travel, traveling, travellingthe act of going from one place to another deracination, displacementto move something from its natural environment conveyance, transfer, transferral, transport, transportationthe act of moving something from one location to another chase, following, pursual, pursuitthe act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture insertion, introduction, intromissionthe act of putting one thing into another ascending, ascension, ascent, risethe act of changing location in an upward direction descentthe act of changing your location in a downward direction letting down, loweringthe act of causing something to move to a lower level swing, swinging, vacillationchanging location by moving back and forth returnthe act of going back to a prior location coast, glide, slidethe act of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it slippagefailing to hold or slipping out of place flow, streamthe act of flowing or streaming; continuous progression crawla very slow movement hurrying, speed, speedingchanging location rapidly displacement, translationthe act of uniform movement transplant, transplantation, transplantingthe act of removing something from one location and introducing it in another location troop movementmovement of military units to a new location shift, shiftingthe act of moving from one place to another abduction(physiology) moving of a body part away from the central axis of the body adduction(physiology) moving of a body part toward the central axis of the body agitationthe act of agitating something; causing it to move around (usually vigorously) body Englisha motion of the body by a player as if to make an object already propelled go in the desired direction circumductiona circular movement of a limb or eye disturbancethe act of disturbing something or someone; setting something in motion fetal movement, foetal movementmotion of a fetus within the uterus (usually detected by the 16th week of pregnancy) dart, flita sudden quick movement gesturemotion of hands or body to emphasize or help to express a thought or feeling headshake, headshakingthe act of turning your head left and right to signify denial or disbelief or bemusement inclination, incliningthe act of inclining; bending forward eversion, everting, inversionthe act of turning inside out inversion, upendingturning upside down; setting on end jerk, jerking, jolt, saccadean abrupt spasmodic movement kick, kickinga rhythmic thrusting movement of the legs as in swimming or calisthenics kneel, kneelingsupporting yourself on your knees lurch, pitch, pitchingabrupt up-and-down motion (as caused by a ship or other conveyance) eye movementthe movement of the eyes openingthe act of opening something prostrationthe act of assuming a prostrate position reach, reaching, stretchthe act of physically reaching or thrusting out reciprocationalternating back-and-forth movement recliningthe act of assuming or maintaining a reclining position retractionthe act of pulling or holding or drawing a part back retroflection, retroflexionthe act of bending backward rotary motion, rotationthe act of rotating as if on an axis closing, shuttingthe act of closing something sittingthe act of assuming or maintaining a seated position posing, sitting(photography) the act of assuming a certain position (as for a photograph or portrait) snapthe act of snapping the fingers; movement of a finger from the tip to the base of the thumb on the same hand squat, squattingthe act of assuming or maintaining a crouching position with the knees bent and the buttocks near the heels sweepa movement in an arc tossan abrupt movement quiver, quivering, vibrationthe act of vibrating wavea movement like that of a sudden occurrence or increase in a specified phenomenon turnthe act of turning away or in the opposite direction reversal, reverse, reversion, turnabout, turnaroundturning in the opposite direction flicker, flutter, waverthe act of moving back and forth standingthe act of assuming or maintaining an erect upright position span, straddlethe act of sitting or standing astride strokea single complete movement squirm, wiggle, wrigglethe act of wiggling change of coursea change in the direction that you are moving decrease, diminution, reduction, step-downthe act of decreasing or reducing something increase, step-upthe act of increasing something break, breakage, breakingthe act of breaking something burst, explosionthe act of exploding or bursting burning, combustionthe act of burning something combination, combining, compoundingthe act of combining things to form a new whole openingbecoming open or being made open separationthe act of dividing or disconnecting transformation, translationthe act of changing in form or shape or appearance transformation(genetics) modification of a cell or bacterium by the uptake and incorporation of exogenous DNA afforestationthe conversion of bare or cultivated land into forest (originally for the purpose of hunting) fillingthe act of filling something hardeningthe act of making something harder (firmer or tighter or more compact) damage, harm, hurt, scathethe act of damaging something or someone contortion, deformationthe act of twisting or deforming the shape of something (e.g., yourself) convolutionthe action of coiling or twisting or winding together angulationthe act of making angulate (having corners) bendingthe act of bending something elongationthe act of lengthening something enfolding, involutionthe action of enfolding something corrugationthe act of shaping into parallel ridges and grooves fold, foldingthe act of folding indentationthe act of cutting into an edge with toothlike notches or angular incisions jut, jutting, projection, protrusionthe act of projecting out from something broadening, wideningthe act of making something wider narrowingthe act of making something narrower eurhythmics, eurhythmy, eurythmics, eurythmythe interpretation in harmonious bodily movements of the rhythm of musical compositions; used to teach musical understanding haste, hurry, rush, rushingthe act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner maneuver, manoeuvre, playa deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill specialisation, specializationthe act of specializing; making something suitable for a special purpose spiritualisation, spiritualizationthe act of making something spiritual; infusing it with spiritual content dressingprocesses in the conversion of rough hides into leather tunethe adjustment of a radio receiver or other circuit to a required frequency gratificationthe act or an instance of satisfying migrationthe movement of persons from one country or locality to another transmutation, transubstantiationan act that changes the form or character or substance of something overspillthe relocation of people from overcrowded cities; they are accommodated in new houses or apartments in smaller towns action something done (usually as opposed to something said) 8n a different or fresh set of clothes 3she brought a change in her overnight bag Hyper article of clothing, clothing, habiliment, vesture, wear, wearable a covering designed to be worn on a person's body 1n the balance of money received when the amount you tender is greater than the amount due I paid with a twenty and pocketed the change Hyper cash, hard cash, hard currency money in the form of bills or coins 2n money received in return for its equivalent in a larger denomination or a different currency he got change for a twenty and used it to pay the taxi driver Hyper cash, hard cash, hard currency money in the form of bills or coins 3n coins of small denomination regarded collectively he had a pocketful of change Hyper coin a flat metal piece (usually a disc) used as money |
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