

单词 separation
释义 sep·a·ra·tion
\ˌsepəˈrāshən\ noun
Etymology: Middle English separacion, from Middle French separation, from Latin separation-, separatio, from separatus (past participle of separare to separate) + -ion-, -io -ion — more at separate
 a. : an act or instance of dividing : detachment, dispersal
  < separation of church and state >
  < shipment of fragile or delicate articles … requires separation and cushioning of items — Export Packing >
  < families … would face separation if they should avail themselves of the provisions of the Refugee Relief Act — D.D.Eisenhower >
 b. : arrangement of mail according to destination : sorting
  < after cancellation … trundled the letters on wheeled trays to the next process, separationNational Geographic >
 c. : burble 3
 d. : separateness, segregation
  < courts and legislature work in separation and aloofness — B.N.Cardozo >
  < we can no longer risk letting any large section of the human race live in separation, cut off from … the rest — I.A.Richards >
 e. : dissimilarity of character : difference, distinction
  < should not give the impression that there is … no great separation between the ends of Communism and those of the West — D.H.Gillis >
 a. : an act or instance of parting company
  < after the separation of the three boats … in the storm — W.J.Ghent >
  (1) : withdrawal from a parent body : secession, schism
   < personally loyal though he was … believed that separation was inevitable — T.M.Spaulding >
  (2) usually capitalized : a body of dissenters especially from an established church : separatists
   < one of the greatest of the early leaders of the Separation — George Willison >
3. : isolation from a mixture : extraction
 < separation of flour from bran by bolting >
  (1) : cessation of cohabitation between husband and wife by mutual agreement; especially : judicial separation
  (2) canon law : annulment
 b. : termination of a contractual relationship : resignation, discharge
  < separation from the service >
  < separation from employment >
  < a serious breach of accepted standards of deportment … may be punished by loss of social privileges, probation, or separationCollege of William & Mary Cat. >
 a. : a point or line of division : demarcation
  < recommend that there be a clear line of separation — J.P.Colbert >
 b. : a cause or means of dividing : barrier, partition; specifically : a compartment in a mail-sorting case
  < sorted 100 cards to 53 separations at the rate of 50 per minute — Postal Service News >
 c. : an intervening space : gap, interval
  < the separation between the spokes of a wheel >
 d. : the distance between the two parts of an originally continuous surface (as the top of a stratum) after dislocation by faulting — compare normal horizontal separation, perpendicular separation
6. : a method or result of dividing: as
 a. : the propagation of plants by parts which are naturally or easily removed from the parent plant (as gladiolus corms, lily bulbels) — compare division 20
 b. : color separation
 c. : a batch of sorted mail




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