释义 |
sep·ten·tri·on \sepˈten.trēˌän, -ēən\ noun (plural septentrions \-nz\ ; also septentrio·nes \(ˌ)sepˌten.trēˈō(ˌ)nēz\) Usage: often capitalized Etymology: Middle English septemtrioun, from Middle French septentrion, from Latin septentriones, plural, the seven stars near the north pole, the northern regions (singular septentrio), from septem seven + Triones Great Bear, Little Bear, from triones plow oxen, plural of trio plow ox; akin to Latin terere to rub, grind, thresh — more at throw obsolete : the northern regions : north < thou are as opposite to every good … as the South to the Septentrion — Shakespeare > |