释义 |
grass I. \ˈgras, -aa(ə)-, -ai-, -ȧ-\ noun (-es) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English gras, from Old English græs; akin to Old High German, Old Norse, & Gothic gras grass, Old English grōwan to grow, and perhaps to Latin gramen grass — more at grow 1. a. : green herbage that affords food for grazing animals and that usually consists predominantly of narrow-leaved monocotyledonous plants of the families Gramineae, Cyperaceae, and Juncaceae often intermixed with various dicotyledonous herbs < the moist spring has brought on a good growth of grass > b. now chiefly dialect : a small herb; especially : one used medicinally c. : a plant of the family Gramineae < the bamboos include the largest grasses some of which attain a height of 120 feet > d. : any of various herbaceous plants with narrow linear foliage — used in combination; see blue-eyed grass e. (1) : asparagus (2) slang : a leafy vegetable; especially : lettuce 2. a. : grazing < grass enough to keep a cow > : land set apart or available for grazing b. : land on which grass is grown for hay or pasture : pasture, meadow, lea 3. obsolete : the vegetative condition of a cereal before the ear of grain is developed 4. : a leaf or plant of grass — now used only in plural < hair tangled with grasses and twigs > 5. : ground covered with growing grass < keep off the grass > < dropped his bundles on the grass > 6. now dialect : the season at which grass springs into growth : spring 7. : a state or place of retirement (as from cares, responsibilities, or privileges) < would like to go to grass for a month or so > < has been at grass for several years > 8. : grass sponge 9. : electronic noise on a radarscope that takes the form of vertical lines resembling lawn grass II. verb (-ed/-ing/-es) transitive verb 1. a. : to provide (as cattle) with grass for food : furnish with pasture : graze < pasture to grass 30 head > b. : to feed (livestock) on grass without grain or other concentrates 2. a. : to cover with grass < it is easier but more expensive to grass a lawn with turfs > especially : to seed to grass < decided to grass the north 40 that year > — often used with down < grassed down the newly cleared land with rye grass and white clover > b. : to lay with turfs 3. : to spread (as linen for bleaching) on the grass 4. : to bring or knock to the ground : fell < grassed his opponent with a well-placed blow > especially : to shoot (a game bird) down or land (a fish) on the bank of a stream intransitive verb 1. : to produce grass — often used with up < the new lawns are grassing up well > 2. Britain, of a compositor : to do temporary or casual work : sub III. noun : marijuana |