

单词 shenanigan
释义 she·nan·i·gan
\shə̇ˈnanə̇gən, -anēg-\ noun
Etymology: origin unknown
 a. : an often devious trick used especially to divert attention for an underhand purpose : deception, stratagem, fast one
  < a scamp who had pinched pennies out of the teacups of the poor by various shenanigans — W.A.White >
 b. : any act that is high-spirited, daring, or mischievous : prank, escapade
  < boys up to some shenanigan or other >
 a. : tricky or questionable practices or conduct : humbug, fakery
  < febrile prosperity … founded on shenaniganYale Review >
  < the simplest business transaction today is enveloped in such a mantle of idiotic shenaniganAmerican Mercury >
  < revealed certain indications of shenanigan on the part of these judges — New York Sun >
  — usually used in plural
  < symbol of all the fraud and force and shenanigans and duress — W.A.White >
  < unfair shenanigans by a competitor — M.T.Bloom >
 b. : any high-spirited, daring, or mischievous activity : goings-on, high jinks, monkey business — usually used in plural
  < the shenanigans attending a supercolossal film production — Ilka Chase >
  < as soon as the usual parade shenanigans were over — Saul Bellow >
  < the raiders, after an hour or two of highly diverting shenanigans … during which they drew the wildest kind of inaccurate fire, retired — Walter Karig >




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