

单词 blue
释义 Search result show the entry is found in: iron blue , or italian blue , or japan blue , or japanese blue , or jouvence blue , or kerry blue terrier , or king's blue , or armenian blue , or lambert's blue , or lapis lazuli blue , or lavender blue , or leitch's blue , or leithner's blue , or leyden blue , or lime blue , or little blue heron , or long-tailed blue , or lumiere blue , or luster blue , or lyons blue , or madder blue , or majolica blue , or marine blue , or mazarine blue , or medici blue , or meldola's blue , or methyl cotton blue , or methylene blue , or mexican blue oak , or milori blue , or mineral blue , or mist blue , or misty blue , or mohammedan blue , or molybdenum blue , or moonlight blue , or moonstone blue , or motmot blue , or mountain blue , or myosotis blue , or naphthol blue black , or napoleon blue , or national blue , or national flag blue , or nattier blue , or navy blue , or neuwied blue , or new blue , or new zealand blue cod , or night blue , or nile blue , or niter-blue , or old blue , or old glory blue , or olympian blue , or olympic blue , or opal blue , or orange margined blue , or oriental blue , or orient blue , or azure blue , or azurite blue , or baby blue , or baby blue-eyes , or oxford blue , or oxide blue , or paris blue , or parrot blue , or parula blue , or pastel blue , or patent blue , or peacock blue , or peasant blue , or peking blue , or peligot's blue , or permanent blue , or persian blue , or phthalocyanine blue , or phthalogen brilliant blue IF3G , or pigment blue WNL , or pigmy blue , or plumbago blue , or pompeian blue , or porcelain blue , or poudre blue , or powder blue , or prussian blue , or quaker blue , or queen blue , or queen's blue , or quinoline blue , or river blue , or robin's-egg blue , or roslyn blue , or sailor blue , or salvia blue , or saxe blue , or saxon blue , or scotch blue , or sea blue , or self blue , or shadow blue , or berlin blue , or beryl blue , or sky-blue , or sky blue , or slate blue , or slender blue flag , or smoke blue , or soluble blue , or southern blue gum , or bice blue , or spirit blue , or squill blue , or starch blue , or starlight blue , or steel blue , or stone blue , or storm blue , or sublimed blue lead , or succory blue , or swiss blue , or sydney blue gum , or tall blue lettuce , or tasmanian blue gum , or teal blue , or telegraph blue , or black-and-blue , or thenard's blue , or thymol blue , or tile blue , or titmouse blue , or toluidine blue , or toluylene blue , or black-throated blue warbler , or true blue , or trypan blue , or turkey blue , or turkish blue , or turnbull's blue , or turquoise blue , or tyndall blue , or tyrian blue , or blue in the face , or out of the blue , or blue acara , or blue alert , or blue andalusian , or blue-and-yellow macaw , or blue anemone , or blue angel , or blue ant , or blue asbestos , or blue ash , or blue ashes , or blue baby , or blue-baby operation , or blue bag , or blue ball , or blue basic lead sulfate , or blue bass , or blue bear , or blue beardtongue , or blue beech , or blue bice , or blue billy , or blue bindweed , or blue birch , or blue bird , or blue biskop , or blue-black , or blue black , or blue blazer , or blue blazing star , or blue blindness , or blue blood , or blue boneset , or blue book , or blue brant , or blue bream , or blue-breasted quail , or blue brick , or blue brush , or blue bug , or blue bull , or blue bunch grass , or blue bur , or blue cardinal flower , or blue cat , or blue cheese , or blue chip , or blue-chip , or blue cod , or blue cohosh , or blue-collar , or blue comb , or blue copperas , or blue copper ore , or blue coral , or blue crab , or blue crane , or u.s. army cobalt blue , or u.s. army dark blue , or u.s. army light blue , or blue creeper , or u.s. army sky blue , or u.s. army ultramarine blue , or blue crevally , or blue curls , or blue daisy , or blue dandelion , or blue darner , or blue darter , or blue devil , or blue dicks , or blue discharge , or blue disease , or blue doe , or blue dog , or blue dogwood , or blue duck , or blue duiker , or blue earth , or blue elder , or blue ensign , or blue-eye , or blue-eyed babies , or blue-eyed grass , or blue-eyed mary , or blue-faced booby , or blue false indigo , or blue fescue , or blue field madder , or blue fig , or blue flag , or blue flax , or blue flier , or blue-footed booby , or blue fox , or blue-fronted jay , or blue gall , or blue gas , or blue gentian , or blue ginseng , or blue glede , or blue goose , or blue grama , or blue grape , or blue-gray , or blue-gray gnatcatcher , or blue-green alga , or blue grosbeak , or blue ground , or blue grouse , or blue gularis , or blue gum , or blue hawk , or blue-headed vireo , or blue heat , or blue heeler , or blue hen's chickens , or blue heron , or blue huckleberry , or blue ice , or blue indigo , or blue jasmine , or blue jay , or blue jeans , or blue john , or blue kite , or blue krait , or blue lace flower , or blue land crab , or blue lavender , or blue law , or blue lettuce , or blue light , or blue lily , or blue line , or blue lips , or blue lobelia , or blue lodge , or blue lotus , or blue louse , or blue lucy , or blue lupine , or blue magnolia , or blue mahoe , or blue mallow , or blue marguerite , or blue marlin , or blue mass , or blue melilot , or blue metal , or blue mold , or blue monday , or blue moon , or blue mountain tea , or blue mud , or blue myrtle , or blue nevus , or blue nightshade , or blue norther , or blue note , or blue nurse , or blue oak , or blue ointment , or blue oxalis , or blue palm , or blue palmetto , or blue panic , or blue parrot fish , or blue pea , or blue pelt , or blue pencil , or blue-pencil , or blue perch , or blue peter , or blue phlox , or blue pigeon , or blue pike , or blue pill , or blue pimpernel , or venetian blue , or blue pine , or blue plantain-lily , or blue plate , or blue plum , or blue pointer , or blue pop , or blue poplar , or blue poppy , or blue powder , or blue quail , or blue racer , or blue rail , or blue ribbon , or blue-ribbon , or blue-ribbon jury , or blue rider , or blue rock , or blue rot , or blue runner , or blue sage , or blue-sailors , or blue scabious , or blue sclera , or blue shark , or blue sheep , or verditer blue , or blue shirt , or blue skullcap , or blue-sky law , or blue slate , or blue smelt , or blue spirea , or blue spot , or blue sprat , or blue spruce , or blue stain , or blue star , or blue streak , or blue stuff , or blue succory , or blue sunfish , or blue swedish , or blue swimming crab , or blue-tailed skink , or blue tangle , or blue thistle , or blue tick , or blue tit , or blue toadflax , or blue-tongue , or vestorian blue , or blue-tongued skink , or blue turquoise , or blue tussock , or blue ultramarine ash , or blue verditer , or blue vervain , or blue vetch , or blue vienna , or blue vine , or blue vinny , or blue vitriol , or blue water , or blue water gas , or blue water lily , or blue-wattled crow , or blue wavey , or blue waxweed , or blue whale , or blue wheat grass , or victoria blue , or blue-white , or blue wildebeest , or victoria pure blue B , or blue wild rye , or blue-winged goose , or blue-winged teal , or blue-winged warbler , or blue wood aster , or blue wren , or blue-yellow blindness , or water blue , or wear blue , or wedgwood blue , or wild blue phlox , or williamson's blue , or bolt from the blue , or windsor blue , or wistaria blue , or wool fast blue , or yale blue , or blue box , or blue corn , or blue flu , or blue heaven , or code blue , or borrel's blue , or blue flower , or blue lead , or blue point , or blue-eyed , or blue-roan , or blue-sky , or bremen blue , or bright aqua blue , or bright cerulean blue , or bright copen blue , or bright dutch blue , or bright peacock blue , or bright periwinkle blue , or bright teal blue , or bright turquoise blue , or bromophenol blue , or bromothymol blue , or bronze blue , or brunswick blue , or aerial blue , or blue angelfish , or blue catfish , or blue channel cat , or blue channel catfish , or blue comb disease , or blue crevalle , or blue elderberry , or blue jessamine , or blue lace , or blue lupin , or blue mahogany , or blue mold rot , or blue naevus , or blue nurse shark , or blue rock pigeon , or blue sap stain , or blue sclerotic , or blue verdigris , or blue-blooded , or blue-breasted darter , or blue-mouthed sunfish , or blue-stem wheatgrass , or blue-tailed lizard , or blue-tongued lizard , or burn blue , or forget-me-not blue , or cadet blue , or calamine blue , or cambridge blue , or cameo blue , or campanula blue , or victoria pure blue BO , or capri blue , or carbazole blue R , or celestial blue , or cerulean blue , or ageratum blue , or chalk blue , or chemic blue , or chessylite blue , or chicago blue , or china blue , or chinese blue , or air blue , or air force blue , or cloud blue , or cobalt blue , or colonial blue , or colorado blue spruce , or columbia blue , or commelina blue , or alcian blue 8GX , or copper blue , or alice blue , or coventry blue , or alizanthrene navy blue R , or alizarine blue , or alkali blue , or crystal-palace blue , or cyan blue , or cyanine blue , or dawn blue , or daylight blue , or della robbia blue , or delphine blue B , or delphinium blue , or derby blue , or diva blue , or dresden blue , or duck blue , or dumont's blue , or academy blue , or durazol blue 8G , or dusk blue , or dusty aqua blue , or dusty blue , or dusty copen blue , or dusty periwinkle blue , or dusty turquoise blue , or dutch blue , or dutchware blue , or eggshell blue , or egyptian blue , or empire blue , or endive blue , or amparo blue , or étain blue , or ethereal blue , or eton blue , or evans blue , or firmament blue , or flag blue , or flame blue , or flaxflower blue , or flemish blue , or flossflower blue , or flow-blue , or aniline blue , or french blue , or garter-blue , or gentian blue , or glaucous blue , or gmelin's blue , or anthracene blue , or granite blue , or graphite blue , or great blue cat , or great blue heron , or great blue shark , or guimet's blue , or antwerp blue , or harlem blue , or haze blue , or hazy blue , or helvetia blue , or holland blue , or homage blue , or horizon blue , or hortense blue , or hungarian blue , or hungary blue , or hyacinth blue , or hydrangea blue , or ice-blue , or aqua blue , or imperial blue , or inde blue , or indian blue , or indian blue pine , or indigo blue B , or infernal blue




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