释义 |
sig·nal I. \ˈsignəl, -nəl\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French seignal, segnel, signal, from Medieval Latin signale, from Late Latin, neuter of signalis of a sign, from Latin signum sign + -alis -al — more at sign 1. obsolete : emblem, symbol 2. archaic : token, indication < in signal of my love to thee — Shakespeare > 3. a. : an act, event, or watchword that has been agreed upon as the occasion of concerted action < signal fires of rebellion > b. : something that incites to action : an immediate cause or impulse < his remark was the signal for a storm of weeping > 4. a. : a sound or gesture made to give warning or command < signal that warns of an air raid > < waiting for the signal to open fire > b. : an object placed to convey notice or warning: as (1) : a device (as a colored light) for regulating vehicular or pedestrian traffic (2) : a device used to warn trainmen or persons approaching a railroad of danger or to convey orders or information to a train crew 5. : an object (as a flag on a pole) centered over a point so as to be observed from other positions in surveying 6. a. : an identifying tab (as of a thumb index) fastened to a book leaf at its fore edge b. : a small projecting tab that attaches to the edge of a card or folder as an aid in filing or indexing 7. : a play indicating to one's partner in a card game that one holds certain cards or desires a certain play 8. : the beam of light reflected from the face of a crystal rotated into a particular position in a goniometer 9. a. : an object used to transmit or convey information beyond the range of human voice < flying a flag as a distress signal > b. : the intelligence, message, sound, or image conveyed in telegraphy, telephony, radio, radar, or television c. : a detectable physical quantity or impulse (as a voltage, current, magnetic field strength) by which messages or information can be transmitted 10. : a speech sound or form or combination of sounds and forms that communicates a meaning or a difference in meaning — compare morpheme, phoneme II. verb (signaled or signalled ; signaled or signalled ; signaling or signalling ; signals) transitive verb 1. : to notify by a signal : make a signal to < signaled his wife to leave the room > < signaled the fleet to turn back > 2. a. : to communicate (a message) by signals < signal orders to a field unit > b. : announce by signal < the ship signaled her departure with warning blasts on the whistle > c. : to determine or fix (meaning) in a speech utterance < the kind of sentence … is signaled by special contrastive patterns in the arrangement of … parts of speech — C.C.Fries > : constitute a characteristic feature of (a meaningful linguistic form) < plurality is usually signaled by s > 3. : signalize < waiter with tray signals a café — National Geographic > intransitive verb : to make or send a signal < frantically signaling with both arms > III. adjective Etymology: modification of French signalé, past participle of signaler to distinguish, from Old Italian segnalare to signal, distinguish, from segnale signal, from Medieval Latin signale 1. : distinguished from what is ordinary : noticeable, outstanding < signal achievement > < students of signal promise > < signal experience > 2. : significative, distinctive < signal markings > 3. : employed or used in signaling < signal beacon > < signal flags > < signal corps > Synonyms: see noticeable |