

单词 solid
释义 sol·id
I. \ˈsälə̇d\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English solide, from Middle French, from Latin solidus; akin to Greek holos, entire — more at safe
 a. : having an interior filled with matter : being without an internal cavity
  < the knob is heavy because it is solid >
  < the stalks of some plants are not solid >
  < a solid tire >
  — opposed to hollow
  (1) : set in type without leads or other spacing material between the lines : close
   < a forbidding page full of solid black paragraphs >
  (2) : having no intervening space
   < the solid elements of a compound word >
 c. : not interrupted by any break or opening
  < the outer walls solid and windowless >
  < the law requires a driver to stay on his own side of the solid line >
 a. : having or involving three dimensions : cubic
  < a solid paraboloid >
  < a solid foot contains 1728 solid inches >
 b. : of, relating to, or dealing with solid magnitudes
  < a solid equation >
  — see solid geometry
 a. : marked by density or compactness : of uniformly close and coherent texture or consistency : not disintegrated, loose, or spongy
  < a solid mass of rock >
  < rain fell in solid sheets >
  < the surgeon scraped back to solid healthy bone >
 b. : possessing or characterized by the properties of a solid : being neither gaseous nor liquid
  < the pavement is not yet solid >
  < physics of the solid state >
4. : of good and substantial quality or kind
 < solid comfort >
 a. : having merit or soundness
  < based his decision on solid reasons >
 b. : made firmly and well : sturdy
  < a solid chair >
  < firm solid walls >
  (1) : full sounding and having a strong rhythmic drive
   < solid jazz music >
  (2) : excellent in every respect — used especially of popular music
 d. of immunity : capable of resisting severe challenge
  < intradermal inoculation of the virulent agent in guinea pigs resulted in solid immunity in all trials >
5. : united or consolidated so as to form an integral whole: as
 a. of time : having no break or interruption
  < stand for three solid hours >
 b. : unanimous
  < a solid delegation >
  < the solid vote of a delegation >
  < group opinion is solid >
 c. : united or joined in intimacy : being on good terms — used with with
  < make oneself solid with the chief >
 a. : having or marked by sound judgment or knowledge : thoroughly grounded
  < solid thinkers >
  < solid learning >
 b. : serious-minded, reliable, prudent; often : well-established financially : having unimpaired credit
  < solid New Englanders >
  < the solid men of the community >
 c. : serious in purpose or character : not trivial : not vain or frivolous
  < time for solid reading >
7. : entirely of one substance, formation, kind, or character: as
 a. : entirely of one metal : containing the minimum of alloy necessary to impart hardness
  < solid gold >
 b. : being or consisting of a single uniform color or tone
 c. : having decorative details worked on solid material
  < a solid frame >
Synonyms: see firm
II. adverb
: solidly; often : unanimously
III. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin solidum, from neuter of solidus, adjective
1. : a magnitude that has the three dimensions length, breadth, and thickness : a part of space (as a cube, a sphere) bounded on all sides
 a. : a substance that does not flow perceptibly under moderate stress, has a definite capacity for resisting forces (as compression, tension, strain) which tend to deform it, and under ordinary conditions retains a definite size and shape — compare gas, liquid
 b. : material in solution or suspension that when freed of solvent or suspending medium has the form and qualities of a solid — usually used in plural
  < the solids of the blood >
  < milk solids include salts, protein, and sugar >
  — see solids-not-fat
3. : something (as a substantial mass) that is solid: as
 a. : a compact mass of masonry or comparable fabrication (as a wall or pier) as distinguished from one containing a void or an opening
 b. : coal in place that has not been sheared, undercut, or similarly prepared for blasting
  (1) : a solid color
  (2) : a printing plate having an entirely smooth surface without etching or design of any kind that is used for printing a solid color and especially a tint
  (3) : one of the darkest or heaviest printing areas of a haltone as distinguished from middletone or highlight areas
  (4) : textile or other material of a solid color — usually used in plural
 d. : a compound word whose members are joined together without a hyphen




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