释义 |
squab I. \ˈskwäb also -wȯb\ noun (-s ; see sense 1) Etymology: probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Swedish dialect skvabb, kvabb anything soft and thick, Norwegian dialect skvabb paplike mass; probably akin to Old Saxon quappa eelpout, Old Bulgarian žaba toad 1. or plural squab : a fledgling bird; specifically : a fledgling pigeon that is about four weeks old and weighs about one pound < the menu featured squabs en casserole > 2. : one that resembles a squab; especially : a short fat person 3. a. : couch b. : a removable cushion used especially in a chair or couch seat c. chiefly Britain : the back part of an automobile seat II. adjective 1. : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a squab: a. (1) : dumpy, squat < his squab white figure stopped growing at fat puppyhood — Haldane Macfall > (2) : broad, thick < a squab nose > b. : unfledged 2. obsolete : curt, sharp III. verb (squabbed ; squabbed ; squabbing ; squabs) Etymology: probably from squab (I) transitive verb 1. dialect Britain : crush, squash 2. : to fill with stuffing (as a cushion) intransitive verb dialect Britain : to squat down IV. adverb : plump V. verb Etymology: perhaps from squab (III) : slop, spill |