

单词 start
释义 start
I. \ˈstär]t, -tȧ], usu ]d.+V\ noun
Etymology: Middle English start, stert handle, tail, from Old English steort tail; akin to Middle Dutch stert, start tail, Old High German sterz, Old Norse stertr tail, Old English starian to stare — more at stare
: a curved or projecting part or section: as
 a. : the curved or inclined front and bottom of a waterwheel bucket
 b. : the lever of a gin drawn around by a horse
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English sterten; akin to Middle High German sterzen to move quickly, stand up stiffly, Old Norse sterta to crease, Old English starian to stare — more at stare
intransitive verb
 a. : to move suddenly and violently from a state of stillness or rest : dart, jump, spring
  < everywhere men and women started from their beds at the shots — Marjory S. Douglas >
  < started to his feet angrily — Liam O'Flaherty >
  — often used with up
  < now falls on her bed, and then starts up — Shakespeare >
 b. : to draw back : flinch, recoil
  < she skipped forward to the pit … but she started back in surprise — George Eliot >
 c. : to awaken suddenly
  < started from my sleep with horror — Mary W. Shelley >
  < started from her reverie with a shiver — G.B.Shaw >
 d. : to react (as to something that frightens, surprises, or disgusts) with a sudden brief involuntary movement : become startled
  < stepped stealthily, and started when a twig snapped underfoot — Margaret Deland >
  < she never starts or shows surprise — Rose Macaulay >
  < why do you start and seem to fear things that do sound so fair — Shakespeare >
 a. : to issue, flow, or enter with sudden force : burst
  < blood starting from the wound >
  < tears starting from her eyes >
 b. : to arise, emerge, or break out suddenly
  < in a few short paragraphs, the characters start into life >
  — often used with up
  < new settlements started up all around them >
  < a man who started up from obscurity >
 c. : to come into being, activity, or operation : begin, commence
  < the blood is all ready and waiting with food, if a baby starts — J.A.O'Brien >
  < the fever disappears for a few days, only to start all over again — Justina Hill >
  < as soon as the battle started, he left his command post — H.L.Merillat >
3. : to protrude or seem to protrude : bulge
 < the men of the regiment, with their starting eyes and sweating faces — Stephen Crane >
 a. : to work itself open or free : become loosened : become broken or forced out of place
  < a nail has started >
  < one of the planks has started >
 b. of an arrow : to jump suddenly out of the line of aim when loosed
 c. of book leaves : to extend beyond the regular fore edge because loosened at the backbone
5. archaic : to deviate from one's course or duty : desert, revolt
 a. : to begin a forward movement : take off on a course or progress : set out
  < the train is ready to start >
  < the expedition started north >
  < five cars started but only three finished >
 b. : to range from a specified initial point
  < the rates start at ten dollars >
  < the alphabet starts with A >
  < a succession of expressions, starting with a gentle smile and finishing with a broad grin — Wilfrid Campfield >
 a. : to begin an activity or undertaking
  < as soon as you're ready to play, we'll start >
  < as a novelist, he starts with a double handicap >
  < started in business on a shoestring >
 b. : to begin work
  < when do I start >
  — sometimes used with in
  < will start in after a brief period of training >
  (1) : to be a contestant or entry in a race or field trial
  (2) : to be in the lineup at the beginning of a game (as baseball or football)
   < despite his injury, he will start in center field >
   < a left-hander will probably start for the home team >
   < started at quarterback >
transitive verb
1. : to drive from a place of concealment into the open : cause to move so as to be discovered : flush
 < started a deer on the banks of this stream — American Guide Series: Vermont >
 < start a hare >
2. archaic : to disturb suddenly : startle, alarm
 < every feather starts you — Shakespeare >
3. : to bring up for consideration or discussion : introduce, propound
 < started a subject in which he expected him to shine — Jane Austen >
 a. : to bring into being : initiate, originate
  < started a story that his opponent was a crook >
  < started the modernist movement in art >
  < started the custom many years ago >
 b. : to set up : establish, found
  < start a college >
  < start a newspaper >
 a. : to cause to become loosened or displaced
  < the pounding of the waves started some of the rivets >
 b. : to break out
  < start the anchor >
 c. : to ease off : slacken
  < start a rope >
 a. : discharge, empty
  < start the contents of the barrel into a new cask >
 b. : to begin the use of
  < start a new keg of beer >
  < start a fresh loaf of bread >
 a. : to set going : cause to move, act, or operate
  < was unable to start the car >
  < wound the clock to start it running again >
  < started his son in business >
 b. : to cause (a motor) to begin running on its own ignition — often used with up
  (1) : to enter in a race or contest
   < plans to start the horse in only a few races this year >
  (2) : to put into a game at the beginning
   < started the rookie at third but took him out after three innings >
 d. : to begin the employment of : take on
  < the company started him at the same salary he had been getting on his previous job >
  < the station started him as a news announcer >
 e. : to care for during the early stages of growth and development : initiate the raising or training of
  < started chicks >
  < a well-started coonhound >
8. : to perform the first stages or actions of : enter on
 < started studying music at the age of three >
 < started to load the truck >
 < started what seemed like an impossible job >
Synonyms: see begin

- start something
- to start with
III. noun
Etymology: Middle English stert, from sterten, v.
 a. : a sudden involuntary bodily movement or reaction
  < gave a little start of surprise — R.H.Davis >
  < jerked the reins so hard that her mother came out of her thoughts with a start — Margaret Deland >
 b. : a brief and sudden action or movement : bound
  < nature does nothing by starts and leaps — Roger L'Estrange >
  < does things by fits and starts >
 c. obsolete : a sudden excursion or flight
  < use your legs, take the start, run away — Shakespeare >
 d. : a sudden capricious impulse or outburst : fit, sally
  < starts and aberrations of fancy welling up from springs of suppressed romance — Edith Wharton >
 e. : a sudden burst of sound or speech
  < she did speak in starts distractedly — Shakespeare >
 a. : a beginning of movement, activity, or development : initial impulse, motion, or action
  < made a good start in life >
  < the work is off to a promising start >
  < the horse made a false start and had to be called back >
  < building starts >
  < housing starts >
 b. : a lead or handicap at the beginning of a race or competition : advantage, head start
  < gave them a five minutes' start and then went after them >
  < the early sea trade of the inhabitants of the island world … gave them a start over their neighbors — Edward Clodd >
  (1) : the act or action of setting into motion : the imparting of motion
   < gave the car a start by pushing it >
  (2) : help in beginning or undertaking something (as a career or project)
   < gave him his start in business >
   < gave him a start on the problem >
 d. : a place of beginning : point of departure
  < five cars lined up at the start >
  < selected the old mill as the start of the hike >
3. : an unusual, interesting, or surprising incident or event : a peculiar circumstance
 < of all the queer starts … me, meeting you like this — Richard Dehan >
 a. : something that has come loose : displacement
 b. starts plural : book leaves that have started
5. : the act or an instance of being a competitor in a race or a member of a starting lineup in a game
 < finished no worse than second in his last six starts >
 < pitched an excellent game in his first start >




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