

单词 illustrate
释义 il·lus·trate
I. \ˈiləˌstrāt, ə̇ˈləˌs-; usu -ād.+V\ verb
Etymology: Latin illustratus, past participle of illustrare, from in- in (II) + lustrare to purify, make bright, from lustrum — more at lustrum
transitive verb
1. obsolete
 a. : to enlighten intellectually or culturally or spiritually
 b. : to give physical light to : light up
 a. archaic : to make illustrious : confer honor or distinction on
 b. obsolete
  (1) : to make luminous or bright
  (2) : adorn
 a. : to make clear : remove obscurity from : make intelligible : clarify, elucidate
  < illustrated the new theory by careful references to what was already known >
  (1) : to make clear by giving examples or instances
   < used many examples to illustrate his lecture on what had been accomplished >
  (2) : to make clear by reason of being an example or instance : serve as an example or instance of
   < a national hero who embodies and illustrates the nation's passionate love of freedom >
  (1) : to make clear or more helpful or attractive by furnishing or combining with apt visual features (as photograghs, charts, slides) or other sensory aids (as recordings of music, speech)
   < the author has illustrated the book with some excellent pictures >
   < illustrated the lecture on the history of art with a couple of short films and some color slides >
   < discussed some aspects of jazz and illustrated the talk with tape recordings >
  (2) : to make clear or more helpful or attractive by reason of being an apt visual feature or other sensory aid
   < a wealth of photographs illustrate the book >
 d. : to provide with visual features (as photographs) or other sensory aids (as recordings)
  < the book is very well illustrated >
  < a beautifully illustrated magazine >
4. : to show to advantage : set in a clear light : clearly exhibit : demonstrate
 < the gaiety we too often associate with levity of character is, as the French illustrate it, a necessity of mental health — W.C.Brownell >
 < honoring and illustrating the supreme worth of freedom — Agnes Repplier >
 < a situation that illustrates the need for tolerance >
intransitive verb
: to make something clear by furnishing an example or instance
 < the speaker hesitated and then said he would endeavor to illustrate >
II. adjective
Etymology: Latin illustratus
1. obsolete : resplendent
2. obsolete : illustrious




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