释义 |
stig·ma \ˈstigmə\ noun (plural stigma·ta \stigˈmä]d.ə, ˈstigmə], stigˈma], stigˈmȧ], ]tə\ ; or stigmas) Etymology: Latin stigmat-, stigma mark, brand, from Greek, mark, tattoo mark, from stizein to tattoo — more at stick 1. a. archaic : a scar left by a hot iron : brand < when a burning iron is put on the face of an evildoer, it leaveth behind it a … stigma — Samuel Rutherford > b. : a mark of shame or discredit : disgrace, stain < the stigma of personal cowardice — William Peden > < the pathos and the stigma of slavery — W.L.Sperry > < avoid the stigma of being called unprogressive — W.H.Camp > c. : an identifying mark or characteristic < the clothing and characteristic stigmata of the profession — R.P.Blackmur > < curmudgeonly inability to praise others which has ever been the stigma by which we may recognize the ungenerous — Eric Partridge > specifically : a symptom of a physical or mental disorder < stigmas of the riboflavin deficiency state include ocular changes — Therapeutic Notes > < stigmata of degeneration, drug addictions, and nervous and mental diseases — H.G.Armstrong > d. : a mark or label indicating deviation from a norm < a further stigma is the tendency for most phrases to end on the tonic — Bruno Nettl > 2. a. stigmata plural : marks resembling the wounds on the crucified body of Christ and believed to be supernaturally impressed upon the bodies of various persons (as St. Francis of Assisi) b. : petechia 3. [New Latin stigmat-, stigma, from Latin] a. (1) : a spiracle of an insect or other arthropod or the opening into one of the lung sacs of an arachnid (2) : pterostigma (3) : an androconium forming a conspicuously colored spot on the forewing of the male of various butterflies b. : a portion of the pistil of a flower usually apical on the style or ovary and often viscid or rough which receives the pollen grains and upon which they germinate — see flower illustration c. : the spot or projection on the surface of an ovary at which a Graafian follicle will rupture d. (1) : the eyespot of a protozoan (2) : a nephridiopore of an annelid (3) : one of the small clefts or perforations in the branchial sac of an ascidian |