

单词 stuff
释义 stuff
I. \ˈstəf\ noun
Etymology: Middle English stuff, stuffe, from Middle French estoffe stuff, material, from Old French, from estoffer to equip, stock — more at stuff II
1. : materials, supplies, or equipment used in various human activities: as
 a. obsolete : military baggage : impedimenta
 b. : bullets or shells fired from a gun : projectiles
  < were throwing broadsides at him … and stuff was going past him from both sides and killing — Ira Wolfert >
  < our own stuff was pouring back on them, and the power of the weapons was impressive — Fred Majdalany >
 c. obsolete : the furnishings and chattels of a place or household
 d. : personal property, clothing, possessions
  < my stuff is all unpacked — Joseph Dever >
 e. : money
  < he is out for the stuff, and when he gets it he salts it away — P.G.Wodehouse >
  < is a moneyed writer burdened with even more of the stuff through inheritance — J.S.Sandoe >
2. : material to be manufactured, wrought, or used in construction : raw or partially prepared material: as
 a. : building materials
  < got all the stuff ready for building his house >
 b. : wood for use in carpentry
  < well furred inside with clear half-inch pine stuff — Emily Holt >
 c. : fibrous pulp fully beaten and ready for the paper machine — called also stock; compare half stuff
 d. : a finished textile suitable for clothing; especially : wool or worsted material
 e. : a composition of tallow, fats, and oil used to fill the pores of leather
 f. : a mixture of tallow, tar, and turpentine used as a preservative on wooden ships
3. chiefly Scot & Irish : grain, pulse
 a. : literary or artistic matter, productions, or compositions
  < some contemporary … material, and some stuff on the early history of toleration — H.J.Laski >
  < most writers can't cut their own stuff — Claire Callahan >
  — often used disparagingly
  < seems to be all the same — the old picaresque stuff — Arnold Bennett >
 b. : material written for a newspaper or periodical : copy
  < turns in good stuff from his beat >
 c. : writing, discourse, or ideas of little value : rubbish
  < novels are so full of nonsense and stuff — Jane Austen >
  < there is so much vulgar, trivial stuff on the air — D.W.Brogan >
  < mechanized organs of public opinion … are feeding us the same old stuff — Norman Woelfel >
 a. : an unspecified material substance or aggregate of matter
  < investigating the age of the universe and the creation of the stuff of which it is made — George Gamow >
  < decided that hydrogen was the primordial stuff of the universe — Waldemar Kaempffert >
  < volcanic rock is curious stuff >
 b. : a solid, liquid, or gaseous matter processed or synthesized for various uses: as
  (1) : a medical preparation : potion
  (2) : an alcoholic beverage
   < that stuff's too strong on an empty stomach — C.S.Barry >
  (3) : narcotics
   < mentioned to me that if I needed any weed or stuff to let her know — J.B.Martin >
   < you've been pushing the stuff — Wenzell Brown >
  (4) : commodity, merchandise
   < brings the stuff in by freight car >
   < when the stuff didn't move, advertised the lines widely — Susan Strom >
  (5) : fissionable material
   < plutonium … was the stuff of the early atom bombs — Bertram Mycock >
 a. : the fundamental material of which something is made or consists : essence
  < tendencies that are part of the very stuff of warfare — Tom Wintringham >
  < the stuff of greatness >
  < the stuff of tradition >
  < the stuff of life >
 b. : the basic qualities of a person or character : capacity for accomplishment in an activity or mode of existence
  < exhibits the stuff of manhood >
  < was not the stuff of which the revolutionary is made — Liam O'Flaherty >
  < must not expect to find in ordinary men the stuff of martyrs — Walter Lippmann >
  < she was of sterner stuff now — C.S.Forester >
  < proves that heroes are not made of pretty stuff — Frederic Morton >
 c. : the substance or material forming the basis of a literary work or artistic production
  < their adventures are real and make the stuff of a stirring novel — H.U.Ribalow >
  < contained all the stuff of opera and was dramatically well-pointed — Norman Demuth >
  < slick work, but … he doesn't get down to the real stuff — Arnold Bennett >
 d. : a body of knowledge or subject matter
  < philosophical physics … describes the stuff as a mathematical probability — W.L.Sullivan >
  < the procession of presidents and wars in … history is dull stuff indeed if presented in a vacuum — W.R.Steckel >
  < learning about the heavens from Ptolemy and his Arab commentators — real stuff at last — R.W.Southern >
  < this is primer stuff today to … meteorologists — Carey Longmire >
 a. : a mode or manner of acting or talking : the actions or talk of a person in specific circumstances
  < rough stuff isn't tolerated — Bill Wolf >
  < no funny stuff now — Carl Jonas >
  < disturbing the peace, stuff like that — R.O.Bowen >
  < imagine a player getting away with that stuff today — Ted Williams >
 b. : an activity or branch of knowledge requiring specialized study, practice, or skill
  < struck us as a lad who knew his stuff — who could handle affairs of state or breeze through a … luncheon with equal aplomb — New Republic >
  < with the plane's crew doing its stuff dodging the fireworks — T.B.Bruff >
 c. : an action, attitude, or development eliciting approval or commendation
  < that's the stuff, don't give up >
8. : livestock
 < beds down … on the outside edge of the herd away from the horned stuff — R.F.Adams >
 < box stalls are necessary for … young stuffProducing Farm Livestock >
 a. : the spin or rotation imparted to a thrown, rolled, or hit ball to make it curve or change course
  < no difference how hard you hit the ball or how much stuff you put on it in the way of spin … unless you have accuracy — J.D.Budge >
 b. : the speed or especially the variety of pitches or curves of a baseball pitcher
  < the greatest pitcher of my time … had tremendous stuff — Ted Williams >
  < has a wide assortment of curves, sliders, and slow stuff — Lou Boudreau >
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English stuffen, from Middle French estoffer to equip, stock, from Old French, probably from Middle High German stopfen to stop up, stuff, from Old High German stopfōn — more at stop
transitive verb
1. obsolete
 a. : to supply (a fortification or commander) with stores, arms, or men : garrison
 b. : to endow or equip (a person) with provisions, arms, or money
 c. : to furnish (a house or place) with chattels, equipment, or accessories : stock
  (1) : to fill (a receptacle) to fullness or distention by packing things in : cram
   < had to … stuff the jar — Ida Pruitt >
   — usually used with with
   < bags stuffed with papers — Van Wyck Brooks >
   < things you have to stuff your pockets with — Richard Joseph >
  (2) : to insert a bill or communication in (an envelope) for mailing
   < their fingers stiff from stuffing and addressing envelopes — George Sklar >
   < stuffed and addressed the invitations — Carl Jonas >
 b. : to fill (as one's stomach) to fullness : surfeit
  < got out the coffeepot … and before he could say a number she was stuffing him — Arthur Miller >
  < stuffing ourselves with cake and sandwiches — Alice F. Webb >
  < beef calves … which he stuffs for months with corn silage — John Bird >
  < stuff a cold and starve a fever >
 c. : to prepare (meat or vegetables) for cooking or eating by filling or lining with a seasoned mixture
  < used to stuff veal with bread crumbs and butter and sage … and onion — Margaret A. Barnes >
 d. : to fill (as a cushion or ticking) with a soft material or padding
  < spent the morning stuffing the mattresses >
  < made of leather and stuffed with shoddy and cotton waste — American Guide Series: Connecticut >
 e. : to fill out the skin of (an animal or bird) for mounting
 f. : to crowd (an interior or place) with people
  < hopped aboard … the already stuffed rear of the bus — Eula Long >
  < the church was stuffed full — R.C.Wood >
 g. : to fill (as a hole or opening) by packing in material : stop up : plug
  < stuffed the keyhole to shut out prying eyes — American Guide Series: Connecticut >
  < stuffs woodchuck holes with rocks and dirt >
  < stuffing the wound with cotton >
 h. : to furnish or fill (a house or room) to excess
  < lived in attic rooms stuffed with fantastic objects and furniture — Virginia D. Dawson & Betty D. Wilson >
 a. : to clutter or fill (a person's mind) — usually used with with
  < those whose heads are stuffed with facts — A.J.P.Taylor >
  < has a mind stuffed with ideas, hungry for argument — Virginia Woolf >
  — often used disparagingly
  < stuffs the people with lies that gag an honest man — Kenneth Roberts >
  < stuffed right up to the ears with his own slogans — David Driscoll >
  (1) : to crowd or fill (as a work, book, or discourse) — usually used with with
   < the book is … stuffed with delectable stories — Mark Van Doren >
   — often used disparagingly
   < tracts stuffed with a sodden morality — V.L.Parrington >
   < the appearance of a travelogue stuffed with melodrama — Time >
  (2) : to expand or fill (a book or work) chiefly to enlarge the bulk or content : pad — usually used with out
   < scanty material, stuffed out with appreciation and conjecture — T.S.Eliot >
   < stuffed out their pages with platitudes — Virginia Woolf >
4. : to congest or block (as the nasal passages)
 < sounded stuffed up … had been crying again — J.H.Reese >
 < his throat got stuffed — Liam O'Flaherty >
 a. : to insert or fit snugly or tightly : tuck
  < secret documents stuffed under his shirt — Bernard Kalb >
  — usually used with into
  < got her stuffed into the closet — Robert Murphy >
  < stuff the greenbacks into my wallet — H.A.Overstreet >
 b. : to cause to enter or fill : thrust, press — usually used with in or into
  < stuffed it deep down in his mind — Richard Llewellyn >
  < knowledge … can never be knowledge that is stuffed in — H.A.Overstreet >
  < have stuffed too many of the facts … into my intellectuals — L.P.Smith >
  < any set mold into which the material has to be stuffed — Carlos Lynes >
  < stuffing … any preoccupation with her concerns out of sight — Helen Howe >
6. : to impregnate (leather) for softening and preserving — usually used with with
 < the leather goods are stuffed with a mixture of hot oil and tallow, or fat liquored — New Zealand Journal of Agric. >
7. : to fill (a ballot box) with fraudulent votes
 < another type of corrupt practice is stuffing the ballot boxes — D.D.McKean >
intransitive verb
: to eat gluttonously : gorge
 < had finished stuffing in the dining room — H.A.Chippendale >
Synonyms: see pack
III. transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English stuffen, from Middle French estouffer
obsolete : stifle, suffocate
IV. noun
: dunk shot
V. transitive verb
1. : to throw or drive (a ball or puck) into a goal from very close range
2. — used in the imperative to express contempt
 < if they didn't like it, stuff 'em — Eric Clapton >
— often used in the phrases stuff it and get stuffed
3. : to stop (a ballcarrier) abruptly in a football game




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