

单词 subrogation
释义 sub·ro·ga·tion
\ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈgāshən\ noun
Etymology: Middle English subrogacioun substitution, from Middle French subrogation, from Medieval Latin subrogation-, subrogatio, from Latin subrogatus (past participle) + -ion-, -io -ion
1. : an act of subrogating: as
 a. : the substitution of one for another as a creditor so that the new creditor succeeds to the former's rights in law and equity : a legal operation by which a third person who pays a creditor succeeds to his rights against the debtor as if he were his assignee — compare substitution 1a
 b. : succession by an insurance company after payment of a loss to the insured's rights against the party responsible for the loss (as against a person negligently or willfully causing fire damage to insured property)
2. : the legal relation created by an act of subrogation




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