释义 |
in·ter·pret·er I. \ə̇n.ˈtərprə̇d.ə(r), ÷ -pə̇-, -tə̄p-, -təip-, -ə̇tə-\ noun (-s) Etymology: alteration (influenced by -er) of Middle English interpretour, from interpreten to interpret + -our -or — more at interpret 1. : one that interprets, explains, or expounds < early decipherers and interpreters of hieroglyphic — W.T.Albright > 2. : one that translates; especially : a person who translates orally for parties conversing in different tongues 3. : a machine that prints on punched cards the symbols recorded in them by perforations II. noun : a computer program that translates an instruction into machine language and executes it before going to the next instruction — compare compiler herein |