单词 | invest |
释义 | in·vest I. 1. a. < was invested by Queen Elizabeth … in a private ceremony — Springfield (Massachusetts) Union > < was invested with the George Medal, Britain's highest award for civilian heroism — Charlottetown (Canada) Guardian > b. < by the Constitution of the United States, the president is invested with certain important political powers — John Marshall > c. < provincial life in Tsarist Russia … invested absolute authority in the head of the family — London Calling > 2. < things are invested with mystery in the degree that their origins and causes are unknown — Edward Clodd > < could invest a common murder case with the atmosphere of an Aeschylean drama — Van Wyck Brooks > specifically < bell-form bowl, invested with a rich turquois blue glaze — Parke-Bernet Galleries Catalog > — see cire perdue 3. a. < brought a light raincoat with which he now invested his ample person — John Buchan > < went to the pains of investing the production richly, for sets and costumes are fabulous — Louise Mace > b. obsolete < cannot find one this girdle to invest — Edmund Spenser > 4. < Charleston was never besieged, not was any serious effort made … to invest it on the land side — O.L.Spaulding > 5. < talent for investing the commonplace with significance — Gerald Bullett > < the realist … invests contemporary events with values that are eventually established as history — Bernard Smith > < the tone of his … voice which he tried to invest with candor and modesty — Bernard De Voto > < swept off his hat with a gesture that invested it with plumes — Edna Ferber > II. transitive verb 1. a. < invested his savings in stocks, bonds, and real estate > b. 2. < invested his savings in a year of study — Norman Foerster > < I am avaricious of time and uneasy if I don't invest it well — O.W.Holmes †1935 > intransitive verb < anyone who wants to know more before investing an write the editor — Monsanto Magazine > — often used with in < decided to invest in a first edition as a birthday gift for her husband > < the burghers … would not invest in factories — William Petersen > |
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