释义 |
pix·ie I. noun or pixy \ˈpiksē, -si\ (plural pixies) Etymology: origin unknown 1. a. : fairy; specifically : a cheerful sprite like an elf typically conceived of as playing mischievous tricks on householders or as dancing in the moonlight to the sound of crickets or frogs b. : a playfully mischievous individual : prankster, rascal, rogue 2. : a skullcap or a small hat with a pointed crown worn by women and girls II. adjective or pixy \“\ : playfully mischievous : given to or marked by pranks : puckish, impish, roguish < pixie humor > < a pixie grin > • pixi·ness \-nə̇s\ noun -es III. or pixy variant of pyxie |