释义 |
syn·thet·ic I. \(ˈ)sin|thed.]ik, sənˈth-, -et], ]ēk\ adjective also syn·thet·i·cal \]ə̇kəl, ]ēk-\ Etymology: Greek synthetikos skilled in putting together, component, from synthetos put together, compounded, composed (from syntithenai to put together) + -ikos -ic, -ical — more at synthesis 1. a. : relating to or involving synthesis < limnology is essentially a synthetic science composed of elements … which extend well beyond the limits of biology — P.S.Welch > b. : not analytic < the synthetic aspects of a philosophy > 2. a. : attributing to a subject a predicate that is not contained in the essence of that subject b. : having the truth determined by observation or the facts of experience c. : not resulting in a contradiction upon being negated 3. of a language : characterized by synthesis : inflectional < Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and Turkish are synthetic languages > — contrasted with analytic 4. a. : of, relating to, or being a taxonomic category retained for reasons of convenience but not regarded as constituting a natural unit b. : of, relating to, or being a group deliberately produced by combining genes in a manner unlikely to occur in nature < a synthetic tetraploid variety produced by colchicine > 5. of an organ stop : composed of two or more pipes for each tone < synthetic clarinet > 6. a. : produced by artificial processes either from relatively simple substances or from naturally occurring sometimes complex substances : man-made < synthetic quartz > < synthetic indigo > < natural and synthetic dyes > < synthetic plastics > — compare semisynthetic b. : devised, arranged, or fabricated for special situations to imitate or replace usual realities < synthetic diet > < synthetic mock-up for pilots' ground training > : employing or concerning such devices or fabrications instead of actualities < synthetic flight instruction > c. : patently produced or maintained by special effort and therefore often forced, constrained, distorted, or simulated : not natural or spontaneous : spurious, factitious < no comfort I could have offered that wouldn't have sounded synthetic — Norman Cousins > < producing synthetic books to suit fancied trends — John Farrar > 7. of cubist art : involving the composing of pictorial objects without the restrictions of natural appearances or relations — opposed to analytical; compare cubism Synonyms: see artificial II. noun (-s) : something produced by synthesis rather than natural growth; especially : a yarn or fabric (as nylon) made by chemical synthesis usually of hydrocarbons |