

单词 advance
释义 ad·vance
I. \ədˈvan(t)s, -aa(ə)n-, -ain-, -ȧn- also ad-\ verb
Etymology: Middle English advauncen, alteration (influenced by Latin ad-) of avauncen, from Old French avancier, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin abantiare, from Latin abante before, from before, from ab- + ante before — more at ante-
transitive verb
1. : to move forward along a course or toward a terminus or goal : make to proceed or to progress
 < preparing to advance his pawn >
: forward
 < finding ways to advance the job more rapidly >
 a. : to accelerate the progress or hasten the development of
  < advance the ripening of fruit >
 b. : to help on or aid the success or improvement of : further
  < volunteers soliciting funds to advance the work of the society >
  < used propaganda to advance their cause >
  < advancing his own interests at the expense of his friend's >
2. : to raise in rank or position : promote
 < the rank of lieutenant, to which he was advanced in 1940 >
 < was advanced to the priesthood >
 < advanced him over the heads of his seniors >
: raise in importance
 < in advancing the husband in the office, the corporation is quite likely to advance him socially — W.H.Whyte >
3. obsolete : extol, magnify, laud
 < greatly advancing his gay chivalry — Edmund Spenser >
4. : to supply or provide ahead of time:
 a. law : to furnish by way of an advancement
 b. : to supply (as money or other value) beforehand in expectation of repayment or other future adjustment
  < advance an employee a week's pay as a loan >
  < to farmers willing to raise soybeans, seed is advanced by the company — American Guide Series: Michigan >
5. archaic : to lift up : raise, elevate
 < advanced their eyelids — Shakespeare >
6. : to bring forward in time:
 a. : to make earlier (as an event or date) : hasten
  < first scheduled for November 1, then advanced to October 15 >
 b. : to bring or set forward to a later time : make or place later
  < modern scholarship has advanced the date of composition from the first to the second century A.D. >
 c. : to readjust (the timing of an ignition spark) so that ignition occurs earlier with reference to top dead center in the piston stroke
 a. : to set, push, or thrust forward, ahead, or to or toward the front : cause to go on
  < cautiously advancing one foot >
  < advanced the tunnel 10 feet a day >
  < advance the hands of a clock >
 b. phonetics
  (1) : to move (the tongue) further forward
  (2) : front
8. : to bring forward for notice, consideration, or acceptance : bring to view : offer, propose
 < advance an opinion >
 < explanations were advanced and rejected >
 < those advancing a claim to the vacant throne >
9. : to raise in rate : increase
 < measures to keep landlords from advancing rents unfairly >
 < advancing the price of gasoline twice in one week >
intransitive verb
1. : to move forward : go or come forward : proceed
 < opened the door and advanced into the room >
 < saw in the distance another lantern advancing toward them — Anne D. Sedgwick >
 < the infantry advanced to the attack >
 < the physicist, accustomed to … advancing from certainty — American Scholar >
2. : to increase or make progress
 < a question on which knowledge is advancing >
 < as he advanced in age and stature he advanced in knowledge >
 < their children are advancing toward maturity >
 < sagebrush and juniper are advancing at the expense of grass — G.R.Stewart >
3. : to rise in rank, position, or importance
 < at 30 he had already advanced to colonel >
 < the family has advanced to a position of influence in the community >
 < the self-made man … who advanced through his own unaided efforts — R.B.Morris >
 < have a fair chance to advance >
4. : to rise in rate or price
 < as wages advanced, so did the cost of living >
 < government securities advanced steadily >
5. of a color : to seem to come forward toward the viewer : stand out to the eye
 < deep colors advance >
— contrasted with recede
 forward, further, promote: these four verbs signify in common to help to move ahead. advance, forward, and further are virtually interchangeable. If a distinction exists it is perhaps that advance more than the others lays stress on the movement forward or the effectiveness of the assistance to that end
  < these policies had been considerably advanced during the preceding year — Americana Annual >
  < ever alert to advance the cause of the freedom — W.H.Allison >
  forward is seldom applied to persons and perhaps stresses a little more than advance the activity or moral force intended to achieve the movement forward
  < the high school as a means of forwarding the education of all youth — T.H.Briggs >
  < his military operations were successful, forwarding the Union cause — T.M.Spaulding >
  further may be said, in comparison to advance and forward, to put the least stress upon the movement forward and a great deal on the activity or force
  < furthering no special school of art, the institute seeks to make the museum a compendium of the evolution and history of art as a whole — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
  < to further his selfish ends, he kept Monica from marrying the young man of her choice — Ann F. Wolfe >
  promote, in the sense pertinent here, usually implies nothing about a movement forward; it stresses solely the activity of assisting, encouraging, or fostering advancement, especially openly
  < she decided to promote a crusade to the Holy Land in a specially chartered liner — Carey McWilliams >
  < a sound forest economy promotes the prosperity of agriculture and rural life — A.F.Gustafson >
Synonym: see in addition cite.
II. noun
1. : a moving forward
 < the advance of the infantry >
 < the advance of the polar caps >
 < the frontier advance followed a well-defined pattern — R.A.Billington >
 a. : forward movement on a course of action or development : progress, improvement
  < mistaking material advance for spiritual enrichment — H.J.Laski >
  < the advance of farm techniques >
  < recent advances in social legislation >
 b. : a manifestation of progress or improvement : a step forward or beyond
  < far from being an advance on its predecessor, his new play is a regression >
  < a method which was a definite advance over earlier practices >
3. : a rise or increase (as in price, value, or amount) : addition to the price
 < during the year many workers won wage advances >
 < a year-long advance in stock prices >
4. : a first step toward the attainment of a result : an approach made (as to gain favor, form an acquaintance, adjust a difference) : overture, tender, offer
 < an attitude that discouraged all advances >
 < she would certainly misunderstand the most guarded words, the most careful advances — Joseph Conrad >
5. : a furnishing of something (as money or goods) before a return is received : payment beforehand : the money or goods thus furnished : money or value supplied beforehand
 < offered him an advance to complete the book >
 < may also make cash advances to the packers before shipment is made — E.A.Duddy >
 a. : the translational movement of a body in helical motion (as the forward motion of a screw)
 b. : the interval by which an event in a cycle precedes a reference datum
7. : a story written for a news medium before the actual event
 < a Halloween advance written early in October >
8. : the distance made parallel to the original course of a turning ship from the time of putting the rudder over until the ship is on the new course

- in advance
- in advance of
III. \ədˈv-, (ˈ)ad|v-\ adjective
Etymology: advance (II)
1. : given, made, sent, issued, furnished, or received ahead of time or of need
 < advance payment >
 < an advance copy of a book >
 < advance information >
2. : going before
 < sent out an advance party of soldiers >
3. : forward of major bases of supply
 < an advance depot >
 < advance base >




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