

单词 takeoff
释义 takeoff
I. \ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: take off
1. : something that detracts : drawback
2. : an imitation especially in the way of caricature : the action or an instance of mimicking : burlesque, parody
 < one of his takeoffs is on a young Southern novelist — Hollis Alpert >
 < a takeoff on the conventional college song — Stewart Alsop >
 < musical comedy takeoff on the Westerns — Arthur Knight >
 < competition started as a takeoff on the traditional races — Buick Magazine >
 a. : a rise or leap especially from the ground in making a jump or flight : a start in leaping or hurdling, in making an ascent in an aircraft, or in the launching of a rocket
  < takeoff was done without any of your springboards — Edward Bass >
  < other birds need a long takeoff run — Time >
  < had been test-fired twice … and that in each case it had blown up, or been detonated, soon after takeoff — John Brooks >
 specifically : an action of beginning flight in which an aircraft is accelerated from rest to the condition of normal flight
  < takeoff had been normal >
  < takeoff distance >
  < it was the takeoff and the landing which he loved best — Louis Bromfield >
  < takeoff time >
 b. : an action of starting out or setting out
  < everybody made a scram takeoff for a foxhole — Ira Wolfert >
  < takeoff hour for the armored cars — Joseph Alsop >
  < severity with which you drive your car (sudden stops, quick takeoffs, fast cornering) — Walt Woron >
  < book … has a long, slow takeoff, although the materials are interesting — Edmund Fuller >
  < statesmen are elderly and slow on the takeoff — Upton Sinclair >
 a. : a spot at which one takes off or may take off
  < cars are arriving at the takeoff — Bert Pierce >
  < can be climbed onto and used as a takeoff for a higher leap — A.L.Kroeber >
 specifically : the spot or an object (as a rubber or board) from which a jumper, vaulter, or hurdler rises in leaping
  < sketch of their pit showing two high jump takeoffsAthletic Journal >
  < takeoff board >
 b. : a starting point : point of departure : base of operations
  < the takeoff point of the real revolution of industrialization — H.R.Lieberman >
  < study of filter cigarettes published nearly seven months ago … became the takeoff for a new campaign this week — Advertising Age >
5. : an action of removing something
 < package is positioned horizontally to allow a better takeoff — S.B.Bradley >
 < chemical and physical treatments of rayon, from the takeoff at the spinning machine to the final product — F.C.Hahn >
specifically : the skinning process in leather manufacturing
6. : the action of estimating or measuring an amount of material needed (as in building) : quantity survey
 < plumbing takeoff >
 < takeoff man >
7. : a device, mechanism, or part by means of which something is led or drawn off (as to another place, for another purpose)
 < takeoffs to houses are loops that return to the mains — W.R.Moore >
specifically : a mechanism for transmission through which the power of an engine or vehicle may be taken off to operate some other mechanism
 < two power takeoffs at the front of the motor — Bernard Gladstone >
 < rear takeoff can provide either a belt drive … or a shaft drive — Country Life >
 < takeoff power from his tractor — Ethyl News >
II. noun
: a rapid rise in activity, growth, or popularity
 < made an economic takeoff possible >




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