释义 |
ter·e·brat·u·la \ˌterəˈbrachələ\ noun Etymology: New Latin, from Latin terebratus + -ula 1. capitalized : a genus of articulate brachiopods with arms borne by a calcareous loop and a short peduncle projecting through the shell that is type of a family Terebratulidae 2. plural terebratulas \-ləz\ or terebratu·lae \-ˌlē\ : a brachiopod of the genus Terebratula : lamp shell • ter·e·brat·u·lar \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷lə(r)\ adjective • ter·e·brat·u·line \-ˌlīn, -_lə̇n\ adjective |