释义 |
an·ti·bi·ot·ic I. \|antēˌbī|äd.ik, -ätik, -ēk, -tə̇-, -_bē-, |aan-, |ain-; -ˌtīˌbī-\ adjective Etymology: probably from New Latin antibioticus, from anti- (I) + Greek biōtikos of life — more at biotic 1. : tending to prevent, inhibit, or destroy life 2. : of or relating to antibiosis 3. : of, with, or relating to an antibiotic • an·ti·bi·ot·i·cal·ly \-ə̇k(ə)lē, -li\ adverb II. noun (-s) : a substance produced by a microorganism (as a bacterium or a fungus) and in dilute solution having the capacity to inhibit the growth of or kill another microorganism (as a disease germ) |