释义 |
le·gal I. \ˈlēgəl sometimes ˈlig-\ adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin legalis of or relating to law, from leg-, lex law (probably originally meaning a collection) + -alis -al; probably akin to Latin legere to gather, select — more at legend 1. a. : according with the Mosaic law b. : of, relating to, or based on the doctrine of salvation through works rather than by grace 2. : of or relating to law < may request … an advisory opinion on any legal question — U.N. Charter > < the question of control was a legal one which should not have been submitted to the jury — D.N.Edelstein > < legal textbooks > 3. a. : deriving authority from law : founded upon law : de jure < a legal government > < the duly constituted and legal successors of the ancien régime > — compare legitimate, political b. : having a formal status derived from or as if from law often without a basis in actual fact : titular < an artificial legal difference — F.D.Roosevelt > c. : established by law; especially : statutory < the legal test of mental capacity — K.C.Masteller > 4. : conforming to or permitted by law or established rules (as of a game) : according to the principles of law : conforming to the procedures and methods prescribed by law < an enterprise which is not only legal for positivists but positively enjoined by their creed — W.P.Alston > < their action was made regular and legal — J.R.Green > — compare constitutional 5. : recognized or made effective by a court of law as distinguished from a court of equity : existing or valid in law as distinguished from equity — compare equitable 2 6. : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of the profession of law or of one of its members < a bottle … that some legal friend had sent him — J.G.Cozzens > < stood in legal gravity — Hamlin Garland > < surprised to hear it from a legal gentleman — Ellen Wilkinson > 7. a. : created by the constructions of the law < passed her life in a kind of legal childhood — Charles Dickens > < a legal fiction > b. : recognized as such by law < as a legal woman … she could presumably marry — Norman Ober > 8. : arising by operation of law as distinguished from that which arises by agreement or act of the parties < a legal hypothec > — compare conventional 1a Synonyms: see lawful II. noun (-s) 1. : a requirement or right established by law; especially : legal reversion 2. : a paid advertisement in a newspaper consisting of matter required by law or ordinance to be made public 3. or legal investment : a class of securities in which trustees, savings banks, and other investors regulated by law may legally invest |