

单词 map
释义 map
I. \ˈmap\ noun
Etymology: Medieval Latin mappa, from Latin, napkin, of Semitic origin; akin to Hebrew mĕnaphā fan
  (1) : a drawing or other representation that is usually made on a flat surface and that shows the whole or a part of an area (as of the surface of the earth or some other planet or of the moon) and indicates the nature and relative position and size according to a chosen scale or projection of selected features or details (as countries, cities, bodies of water, mountains, deserts) — compare chart
  (2) : a similar drawing or other representation of the celestial sphere that indicates the nature and relative position and size of stars or planets or other celestial features or phenomena
 b. : something (as a significant outward appearance, a pointed or concise verbal description) that indicates or delineates or reveals by representing or showing with a clarity suggestive of that of a map
  < thus is his cheek the map of days outworn — Shakespeare >
2. slang : face

- put on the map
- wipe off the map
II. transitive verb
(mapped ; mapped ; mapping ; maps)
 a. : to make a map of : show or establish the features or details of with clarity like that of a map
  < map the surface of the moon >
  < sorrow was mapped on her face >
 b. : to make a survey of or travel over for or as if for the purpose of making a map
  < a remote section they haven't even begun to map >
 c. : to assign to every element of (a mathematical set) an element of the same or another set
  < a set is called denumerable if it can be mapped … onto the set of all the natural numbers — A.H.Wallace >
2. : to arrange, delineate, or plan the details of : show or plan in detail
 < mapped a program >
— often used with out
 < mapping out what he hoped to accomplish >
III. noun
1. : the arrangement of genes on a chromosome — called also genetic map
2. : function 6

- all over the map
- on the map
IV. transitive verb
: to locate (a gene) on a chromosome
 < mutants which have been genetically mapped >
intransitive verb
of a gene : to be located
 < a repressor maps near the corresponding structural gene >




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