释义 |
mar·ca·site \ˈmärkəˌsīt, | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|zēt\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English marchasite, from Medieval Latin marcasita, from Arabic marqashīthā, from Syriac marqĕshīthā, perhaps from Assyrian markhashītu of or belonging to Markhashi, from Markhashi, region perhaps located in northeast Persia 1. a. : any of several minerals with a metallic luster; especially : crystallized iron pyrites — not used technically b. : a mineral consisting of iron disulfide FeS2 having the same composition as iron pyrites and resembling it in appearance but differing from it by its orthorhombic crystallization and its lower specific gravity (4.85-4.90) — called also white iron pyrites 2. a. : a piece of marcasite (as crystallized iron pyrites) used in making ornaments especially costume jewelry b. : an ornament (as a piece of costume jewelry) made of marcasite • mar·ca·sit·i·cal \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|sid.ə̇kəl\ adjective |