释义 |
mare I. mare noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German & Old Norse mara incubus, Croatian mora, and probably to Greek marainein to waste away — more at smart obsolete : an evil preternatural being conceived of as causing nightmare II. mare \ˈma(a)]ər, ˈme], ]ə\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English mare, mere, from Old English mere; akin to Old High German merha mare, Old Norse merr mare, Old English mearh horse, Old High German marah, Old Norse marr, Welsh march 1. : a female horse or other equine animal especially when fully mature or of breeding age — compare filly 2. chiefly Scotland : trestle I 1a III. ma·re \ˈmä](ˌ)rā, ](ˌ)rē, ]ri\ noun (plural ma·ria \]rēə\) Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, sea — more at marine : one of several dark areas of considerable extent on the surface of either the moon or Mars |