

单词 move
释义 move
I. \ˈmüv\ verb
(moved ; moved ; moving \with speakers who “drop the g” of present participles, often ˈmübəm, often satirized by the spelling “moom pictures”\ ; moves)
Etymology: Middle English meven, moven, from Middle French movoir, mouvoir, from Latin movēre; probably akin to Greek ameusasthai to surpass, amynein to ward off, Sanskrit mīvati he pushes, shoves, Lithuanian mauti to pull (a garment) on or off; basic meaning: to push
intransitive verb
  (1) : to go continuously from one point or place to another
   < the weary band of travelers moved slowly along the road >
  (2) : to go forward : get along : make progress : proceed, advance
   < wanted to keep moving, no matter what the obstacles >
  specifically : march
   < a victorious army moving through the countryside >
  (3) : to become more fully worked out through the addition or accretion of successive details or greater elaboration or some other form of further development
   < the plot of the drama moves swiftly >
   < a novel that hardly seems to move >
  (4) : to go along from one note or group of notes of music to the next in the course of the development or performance of a musical composition
   < a melody that moves smoothly >
   < at this point the tenor part moves upward >
  (1) : to leave one point or place and go on to a new one
   < remained outside the town for about one day and then moved inside and began the campaign >
  (2) : to start away from some point or place : be on one's way : depart
   < it was getting late and I thought it was time to be moving >
  (1) : to become transferred from one position to another in the course of play — used of pieces used in some games (as checkers, chess)
   < in chess the bishop moves diagonally >
  (2) : to transfer a piece used in some games (as checkers, chess) from one position to another
   < his turn to move >
 d. : to settle in a new or different place (as of residence, business) usually abandoning a former one : change one's abode or location
  < did not like small towns and decided to move to the city >
  (1) : to become disposed of or to change hands by being sold or rented
   < had a line of goods that was moving very slowly >
  (2) : to become distributed through being borrowed by readers : find readers
   < some books in public libraries hardly ever seem to move >
  (1) : to change position or posture or otherwise exhibit outward activity : cause or allow the self or a part of the self to change position or posture : stir
   < so frightened that she stood rigid and didn't move >
   < told him not to move or he would shoot >
  (2) : to indicate recognition by some outward act (as inclining the head)
   < thought she moved slightly when we were introduced, but it was impossible to be sure >
  (1) : to produce outwardly noticeable changes in position or in alignment of parts through being subjected to some external force
   < the boat moved slowly from side to side at its mooring as the wind rose >
   < the trees moved gently in the breeze >
  (2) : to become activated into operating or functioning or working in a designed or usual or expected way
   < pushed and pushed but the door wouldn't move >
   < pressed a button and the machine began moving >
 c. : to show marked activity : be very busy : snap into or maintain lively activity : hum
  < for a while there was not much to do, but suddenly things really began to move >
 a. : to have life : exist
  < in him we live, and move, and have our being — Acts 17:28 (Authorized Version) >
 b. : to live one's life in a specified environment : pass one's life or carry on one's activities in everyday acquaintance or familiarity with something indicated
  < now moves in only the best of circles >
 c. : to comport oneself in a specified way : behave in a particular manner
  < must move very carefully so as not to offend her >
4. : to go ahead and do something : take action or begin to take action : act
 < the time has come for us to make up our mind and move >
5. : to make a formal request or proposal or application or appeal — used with for
 < the delegate moved for a reconsideration of the suggestion >
 < the plaintiff moved for a rehearing >
6. of the bowels : to eject fecal matter : evacuate, void
transitive verb
  (1) : to change the place or position of : cause to be shifted or removed from one place or position to another
   < moved the chair to a different part of the room >
  (2) : to dislodge or displace from a fixed position : force loose or out : budge
   < the knife had sunk deeply into the wood and couldn't be moved >
   < was unable to move him from his obstinate convictions >
 b. : to transfer (a piece used in some games, as checkers or chess) from one position to another
 c. : to take off or lift or tip (one's hat, cap) in salutation
  < moved his hat politely when he saw her >
 d. : to cause to be disposed of or cause to change hands through sale or rent — usually used in passive
  < the new cars were moved very quickly >
  (1) : to cause to go or cause to keep on going continuously from one point or place to another
   < moved the flag slowly up and down as a signal >
  (2) : to cause to advance or cause to keep on advancing
   < moving the troops farther into enemy territory >
  (1) : to activate into operating or functioning or working in a designed or usual or expected way : actuate
   < this button moves the whole mechanism >
  (2) : to cause (as an implement) to go or act or be driven or agitated in a direction or manner designed to produce a particular result
   < moved the handle first to the left and then to the right and the door finally opened >
 c. : to put into activity or cause to continue in activity : rouse up from inactivity : cause not to remain at rest
  < the breeze moved the branches of the trees >
  < news that moved them from their torpor >
3. : to cause (the self or a part of the self) to change position or posture or otherwise exhibit outward activity
 < moved his lips but not a sound could be heard >
4. : to prompt or impel or rouse to the doing of something by reason of being a motive or incentive or similar influence : serve as an influence on the mind or will of : persuade
 < the happiness that could be his moved him to acting swiftly >
 < the logic and sanity of the argument moved them to reconsider the plan >
  (1) : to stir the emotions of : affect emotionally : rouse the feelings or passions of
   < was greatly moved by such kindness >
  especially : to cause to experience emotions of tenderness or compassion or sympathy
   < her grief deeply moved them >
  (2) : to affect in such a way as to lead to an indicated manifestation of emotion or passion
   < a story thatmoved them to tears >
   < ingratitude that moved him to anger >
 b. archaic : to bring forth or excite or evoke (an indicated reaction)
  < the exaggerations of both the great parties in the state moved his scorn — T.B.Macaulay >
 a. obsolete : to make an appeal to : earnestly solicit : beg
 b. : to make a formal application to (as a legislative body) — used with for
  < moved the assembled delegates for reconsideration of the bill >
7. : to propose (as a question, resolution) formally in a deliberative assembly for consideration and determination
 < moved that the meeting adjourn >
8. : to cause (the bowels) to eject fecal matter
 actuate, drive, impel: move indicates simply the fact of altering position or place of setting or keeping going or in motion
  < move furniture about the room >
  < the car moves slowly in low gear >
  < a plane moved across the sky >
  < retail prices moved steadily upward — Americana Annual >
  actuate, generally used in connection with machinery or mechanisms, lays stress upon the communication of the power to work or set in action; in application to persons the activation is usually a specified motive
  < as you entered a driveway you could throw out a short electrical impulse which would actuate equipment installed in the garage to open the doors mechanically — Science Year Book >
  < figurines which once performed amusing antics actuated by power from a waterwheel — American Guide Series: Connecticut >
  < actuated by altruistic motives >
  < actuated by jealousy >
  drive often signifies providing or communicating the power to set and keep in action
  < a small turbine engine drives the wheel >
  generally stresses the movement imparted, often suggesting the effect of speed or force
  < the engine drives the crane back and forth across the short elevated track >
  < a propeller-driven plane >
  < a blade driven at a terrific speed by a small engine sliced the material into small strips >
  < drive a rod through a wall >
  impel, usually used in figurative applications, is to drive with a great impetus
  < he was impelled down the stairs by a pair of powerful arms >
  < impelled by a sense of duty — R.M.Lovett >
  < the motives which impelled him to take up and carry forward so difficult and thankless a work — V.L.Parrington >
 move, remove, shift, transfer can mean, in common, to change or cause to change from one place to another. move in itself implies no more than the motion or activity except in the special sense of to move one's habitation
  < move along a street >
  < move a chair back >
  < move into a new house >
  remove usually adds to move the implication of a change from a normal, original, or usual location, station, or occupation; it is preferred to move when the idea of eradicating is stressed
  < remove a box from a shelf >
  < remove a wart from a finger >
  < remove faults by effort of will >
  shift throws emphasis on the change of location or direction, often suggesting unrest or instability
  < shift from job to job >
  < shift from foot to foot >
  < the wind shifted to the east >
  < help a man shift a bureau to one side >
  transfer commonly implies a change from hand to hand, from one mode of conveyance to another, from one depository to another
  < transfer a heavy package from one hand to the other >
  < transfer from the train to the bus >
  < transfer property from a man to his son >
  < transfer one's affection from person to person easily >
II. noun
  (1) : the action of moving a piece (as in checkers, chess)
  (2) : the turn of a player to move a piece (as in checkers, chess)
 b. : advantage in end play in checkers or chess depending on which player must move in a given position — used with the
  < after the exchange White has the move and wins >
  — compare opposition 4b
 a. : a step taken so as to gain some objective : a calculated procedure : maneuver
  < made a clever move that outwitted all his rivals >
  < what's our next move >
  (1) : the action of moving from a motionless position : the action of becoming active after previously being stationary or otherwise inactive
   < the silence was appalling and no one dared to make a move >
  (2) : the action of rising from table
   < sat there politely, waiting for someone else to make the first move >
  (3) : an incipient or initial action of moving especially out of or away from a place
   < was bored with their company, but no one seemed ready to make a move >
 c. : a change of abode or location
  < will make their move to the city next week >
 a. : a nominal period of time during which a certain amount of work can on the average be done or produced and which is sometimes used as a basis for paying a worker in proportion to the work actually done or produced
 b. : the amount of work theoretically capable of being done or produced in the course of such a period of time

- on the move




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