

单词 memory
释义 mem·o·ry
I. \ˈmem(ə)rē, -ri\ noun
Etymology: Middle English memorie, from Middle French memorie, memoire, from Latin memoria, from memor mindful + -ia -y; akin to Old English gemimor well-known, mimorian to remember, Middle Dutch mimeren to muse, brood, Latin mora delay, Old Irish airmert prohibition, Greek mermēra trouble, Sanskrit smarati he remembers; basic meaning: to remember
 a. archaic : a ceremony of commemoration : a service for the dead
 b. obsolete : a historical or biographical record
 c. obsolete : memorial, memento
  (1) : the power or process of reproducing or recalling what has been learned and retained especially through nonconscious associative mechanisms : conscious or unconscious evocation of things past
   < semantic reception is associated with great use of memory — Norbert Wiener >
   < seemed lost in thought or memory — E.A.McCourt >
   < in memory, one images or reproduces his whole state of mind on the remembered occasion — Richard Taylor >
  (2) : this power regarded as vested in an individual : an individual's capacity for reproducing or recalling what has been learned and retained
   < has a good memory for faces >
   < rely on the faulty memory of a cross section of people — S.L.Payne >
   < his memory annoyed him … it did not work willingly any more — Stuart Cloete >
  (3) : the process of reproducing or recalling what has been learned as manifested in some special way or as associated with some bodily process
   < visual memory >
   < muscular memory >
 b. : persistent modification of structure or of behavior resulting from an organism's activity or from its passively acquired experience
  (1) : the totality of what has been learned and retained especially as evidenced by recall and recognition
   < drew on his memory to supply the needed names >
   < even birds and animals have an ancestral memoryHorizon >
  (2) : the function of memory regarded as a compartment or chamber in which images, perceptions, or learning are stored
   < filling their memory with a lumber of words — R.L.Stevenson >
   < the invisible storehouse in nothingness, called memory — Walter Sorell & Denver Lindley >
   < retain in their memory the preceding movements — George Balanchine >
   < a richly stored memory >
  (1) : commemorative remembrance
   < a statue erected in memory of the hero >
   < has been held in memory in Ireland — Maxwell Nurnberg & Morris Rosenblum >
   < a local museum dedicated to the memory of the celebrity — American Guide Series: Maine >
  (2) : a person or thing held in commemorative remembrance
   < his deeds are the country's proudest memories >
 b. : the fact or condition of being remembered
  < memory of such upheavals goes back to remote antiquity >
  < persecutions which were of recent memory — K.S.Latourette >
 a. : a particular act of recalling something learned or experienced : the fact or a condition of recalling : remembrance, recollection, recall
  < woke with … complete memory of where she had been — Pearl Buck >
  < have no memory of that incident >
  < recited the poem from memory >
  (1) : an image, impression, or other mental trace of someone or something known or experienced : the content of something remembered
   < my first memory is one of being held up to a window — George Dangerfield >
   < the memory of his voice as distinct in her mind as it ever had been in her ear — Glenway Wescott >
   < pleasant memories of an Italian summer >
   < the memory of the captain's wife had not left him — Carson McCullers >
   < memories of the Japanese occupation … created a heritage of ill will — R.H.Fifield >
   < have written down their memory … of one such occasion — F.I.Cobb >
   < made the town's isolation a memoryAmerican Guide Series: Texas >
   < the course is a memory and a mark is no longer even a ghost — Norman Nathan >
   < the depression is only a bad memory >
  (2) : the total impression or generalized image of a person preserved in remembrance, history, or tradition : posthumous opinion
   < this ruler left behind him golden memories >
   < a prince of glorious memory >
  (3) : the character, personality, or achievements of a person as preserved in remembrance
   < the man whose memory the Royal Irish Academy honors — Gearoid O'Sullivan >
   < his memory recalled the most wonderful and exciting … adventures — R.H.Davis >
   < hates her memory and all other women — Lucy M. Montgomery >
 c. : the time within which past events can be or are remembered
  < within the memory of living men >
5. : concentration 5
 a. : a component in an electronic computing machine (as a computer) in which information (as data or program instructions) may be inserted and stored and from which it may be extracted when wanted
 b. : a device external to a computer for the insertion, storage, and extraction of information
 a. : a capacity for showing effects recognized as the result of past treatment — used especially of materials
  < the wire begins to turn in the other direction corresponding to the first twisting — the memory of the recent short-term handling has been obliterated by that of the more remote but longer lasting and therefore more impressive one — Bernhard Gross >
 b. : a capacity for returning to a former condition (as after being stretched) — used especially of a material
  < the memory will cause the material to resume the shape it had when you purchased it — Road Magazine >
 remembrance, recollection, reminiscence, mind, souvenir: memory applies both to the faculty of remembering and to what is remembered, sometimes remembered dearly or cherished
  < a very good memory >
  < a memory training course >
  < it was the merest memory now, vague and a little sweet, like the remembrance of some exceptional spring day — John Galsworthy >
  remembrance can be the same as memory but more often refers to the act of remembering and usually to a particular act of remembering especially something pleasant or cherished in memory, or it may apply to the state of being remembered
  < the only moments I've lived my life to the full and that live in remembrance unfaded — W.W.Gibson >
  < the vivid remembrance of an almost identical setting one evening — Henry Miller >
  < the remembrance of things past — Shakespeare >
  < the remembrance of the event always brought a pang of regret >
  recollection is like remembrance but carries a strong suggestion of more voluntary and sometimes effortful recalling to mind, and it may apply to the thing remembered in this way
  < they have a tendency to forget the facts of the present in their fond recollection of the past — S.M.Crothers >
  < you ask me to put down a few recollections of your father — W.E.H.Lecky >
  reminiscence may refer to remembrance of something long past, especially as remembered casually and accidentally; it is closely synonymous with recollection in references to what is remembered
  < would use all the techniques of modern psychology in his analyses of the subconscious; the phenomena of involuntary reminiscence fascinate him — B.M.Woodbridge >
  < the author's own reminiscences of childhood and youth are a good deal less pretentious and more amusing than this model — Times Literary Supplement >
  mind in this sense commonly appears only in a few idiomatic phrases
  < to keep in mind >
  < out of sight, out of mind >
  souvenir may still be used as a synonym of memory
  < then she carefully restored them, her mind full of souvenirs newly awakened — Arnold Bennett >
II. noun
: capacity for storing information
 < 64 megabytes of memory >




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