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bleed·er \ˈblēdə(r)\ noun (-s) 1. : one that draws blood: a. : a person (as a barber-surgeon) who draws blood for medical reasons : bloodletter b. : sticker 2. : one that gives up blood: a. : hemophiliac b. : a large blood vessel divided during surgery c. : a prizefighter who cuts and bleeds easily in the ring d. : a horse or other animal immunized against some pathogen and regularly bled for the production of serums 3. a. : one that bleeds another of money or resources : sponge, parasite b. slang : rogue, rascal — often used as a deprecatory or affectionate term of address < you old bleeder, you > 4. a. : a device or arrangement that permits bleeding (as an escape valve or the device controlling the extraction of steam from a turbine) b. : an electrical resistor connected across a power supply in parallel with the load and of such value that normal variations in load resistance have little effect on the terminal voltage |