释义 |
blind I. \ˈblīnd\ adjective (usually -er/-est) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German blint blind, Old Norse blindr, Gothic blinds blind, Old English blandan to mix — more at blend 1. a. : lacking the sense of sight by natural defect or by deprivation b. : not having an eye or having an eye that does not see < that horse will shy if you come up on his blind side > c. : deficient in or lacking a physical sense other than sight — usually with a qualifying term < taste-blind > d. : for sightless persons < blind care > < blind home > 2. a. : not having the faculty of discernment : lacking in intellectual light : unable or unwilling to judge rationally < blind to his own defects > b. : unsupported by evidence or plausibility : not substantially based < blind faith > 3. a. : without regard to rational discrimination, guidance, or restriction < if they persist in such a blind choice they must suffer for it > b. of an impersonal force : lacking any directing or controlling consciousness < our fate is in the hands of blind chance > c. : marked by complete insensibility < lying helpless in a blind stupor > especially : drunken to the point of insensibility : dead-drunk 4. : made or done without sight of objects or knowledge of facts comprising the chief or usual means of guidance or judgment < a blind purchase > as a. : performed solely by the aid of data given by instruments within an airplane and without direct sight of landmarks < a blind landing > < blind flying > b. in card games : made without seeing some relevant factor (as one's own hand or the dummy) < a blind lead > c. : made or done from psychological test data without reference to other case material < blind analysis > < blind interpretation > 5. : defective, incomplete, abortive: a. of plants or plant parts (1) : suppressed (2) : lacking a growing point (3) : failing to produce flowers or seeds — used especially of buds and bulbs b. music : having alternate tones in different registers < a blind trill > < a blind octave series > c. : incapable of producing a print — used of a lithographic surface < the plate went blind after 10,000 impressions > 6. a. archaic : lacking in light or brightness : dark < the little blind bedchamber — Samuel Pepys > b. obsolete : unlighted < a blind candle > also : having its light concealed < a blind lantern > c. : dull : lacking in brightness or luster; especially : not polished or brought to a high gloss : finished dull < a mellow blind finish to the paneling > d. : impressed or tooled without gilding, inking, or coloring < blind lettering > < blind scoring > 7. : difficult to discern, make out, or discover : hard to locate or identify : obscure, hidden: as a. archaic : out of the way; also : secret < a blind meeting place > b. archaic, of a track or way : dim and ill-defined; also : not easily followed or traced : involved, intricate < the blind mazes of this tangled wood — John Milton > c. (1) of writing : illegible; especially of mail : lacking a complete or legible address (2) : concerned with the handling of blind mail d. of the sense of a passage : unintelligible or uncertainly determinable e. of material objects : constructed or arranged so as to be hidden from sight : covered < a blind veneer > < blind seams in a shoe > as (1) of a ditch or other water channel : consisting of a cut in the soil filled loosely with stones between which water can trickle or percolate (2) of minerals and lodes and strata : not appearing in an outcrop at the surface < a blind vain > (3) of roads, driveways, and crossings : screened from the view of oncoming drivers or engineers < a blind crossroad > 8. a. : having but one opening or outlet : closed at one end : not permitting passage or flow all the way through < a blind alley > < blind sockets > < the blind gut > b. of a rivet or other fastener : designed to be inserted and made fast from one side c. geology : terminating abruptly where it might be expected to continue < a blind joint in rocks > < a blind valley that ends downstream where drainage disappears underground > 9. : having no opening for light or passage : blank < a blind wall > as a. of a hedge : too thick to see through or pass through b. of a structural member : made without an opening but like a member that normally has an opening < a blind arch > < a blind window over the stairs > 10. railroading : turned edgewise — used of a target or of its position II. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English blinden, from blind, adjective 1. : to make blind: a. : to deprive of the sense of sight < his right eye was blinded when he was a child > b. : to deprive of insight or understanding < prejudice usually blinds judgment > c. : deceive, fool, bedazzle d. : to deprive temporarily or partially of vision : make seeing difficult for or painful to : dazzle < the hot glare blinded her as she stepped into the street > 2. a. : to withhold light from : darken < shrubbery blinding all their windows > b. : hide, conceal c. : to make dim by comparison : outshine, eclipse < torches that blind the candles > d. : to render nonlustrous : dull < a synthetic fabric may need to be blinded in the finishing process > 3. : to fill the interstices of : clog: as a. : to cover (a newly paved road) with a coating of sand and gravel in order that joints may be filled b. : to cover (drain tiles) with earth while the trench is being filled 4. : to stamp (as a book cover) without gilding or coloring — often used with in 5. : to protect with blindages or with blinds III. noun (-s) 1. : something to hinder sight or keep out light: as a. : a screen used to deflect or redirect light or to restrict observation from without: as (1) : window shutter (2) : a roller window shade (3) : venetian blind (4) chiefly Britain : awning (5) : brise-soleil (6) : a shutter for a porthole b. : blinder c. : a cloth covering for the eyes used especially in games 2. : a place or means of concealment : ambush 1; especially : a concealing enclosure from which a person may shoot game or observe wildlife 3. a. : something put forward to screen or cover another object or design : subterfuge, deception < the holding company was a blind for out-of-state interests > < his helpful offer is no more than a blind > b. (1) : a person serving as an agent for another who keeps under cover (2) : one who acts as a decoy or distraction 4. : hand tooling without gilding or coloring < bindings decorated in blind > 5. a. : blindage b. : a strong frame of uprights and crosspieces used to support a blindage 6. card games a. : an obligatory opening bet in some forms of draw poker made by the player at the dealer's left before the cards are dealt and often constituting a raise of the ante b. : the player who makes this bet c. : widow 3 7. railroading a. : blind baggage b. : the platform of a blind baggage immediately behind the tender — usually used in plural 8. slang Britain : a noisy usually drunken party : brawl IV. adverb Etymology: blind (I) : blindly: as a. : to the point of insensibility < blind drunk > b. : without the aid of visual or other indicators that are usually a source of guidance or judgment < learning to fly blind > c. : recklessly, heedlessly < I'd rather go it blind than not get home at all > |