释义 |
mon·tana I. \(ˈ)män.|tanə\ adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Montana, state in the northwestern U.S., from Latin montana mountainous regions, from neuter plural of montanus of a mountain, mountainous — more at mountain 1. : of or from the state of Montana < a Montana dude ranch > : of the kind or style prevalent in Montana : montanan 2. : of or relating to the subdivision of the No. American Cretaceous between the Colorado and the Laramie — see geologic time table II. noun 1. -s often capitalized : a sheep bred or raised in Montana 2. a. or montana number one usually capitalized M&N&O : a breed of productive meat-type hogs developed by crossing Hampshires with Danish Landrace — called also Hamprace b. -s often capitalized : an animal of this breed |