释义 |
mor·pheme \ˈmȯrˌfēm, ˈmȯ(ə)ˌ-\ noun (-s) Etymology: French morphème, from morph- + -ème -eme 1. : a feature of language showing the relations between nouns, verbs, adjectives, and concrete adverbs (as an affix, reduplication, preposition, conjunction, auxiliary verb, copulative verb, intonation, accentuation, ablaut variation, or order of words) — now little used by linguists; distinguished from semanteme 2. : a meaningful linguistic unit whether a free form (as pin, child, load, pray) or a bound form (as the -s of pins, the -hood of childhood, the un- and -er of unloader, and the -ed of prayed) that contains no smaller meaningful parts — compare allomorph, morph II • mor·phe·mic \(ˈ)mȯ(r)|fēmik, -mēk\ adjective • mor·phe·mi·cal·ly \-mə̇k(ə)lē, -mēk-, -li\ adverb |